A nurse is a medical worker with a secondary specialized education and belongs to the nursing staff. She is an important physician assistant in any healthcare facility. The duties of a nurse include the implementation of the nursing process and the fulfillment of medical appointments.

Nursing positions
Nurses, depending on the profile of the work performed, are divided:
- The main nurse - has a higher medical education, obtained at the faculty of higher nursing education of medical universities. She supervises the work of junior and nursing staff.
- Senior nurse - is the main assistant to the head of the department in solving administrative and economic issues. Her duties include supervising the work of the middle and junior medical staff of the department.
- A sentry or ward nurse - monitors the condition of patients and takes care of them, and also fulfills the appointment of a ward doctor. Feeding bedridden patients is also the responsibility of the nurse.
- A procedural nurse - as prescribed by a doctor, performs intravenous infusions and injections, draws venous blood for laboratory studies, assists the doctor in performing medical procedures.
- Operating room nurse - prepares underwear, instruments, sutures and dressings for the operation. Responsible for maintaining asepsis and antiseptics in the operating room. Helps surgeons during surgery.
- The nurse is an anesthetist. Helps the anesthesiologist to provide anesthetic aid for various surgical interventions. Carries out accounting and writing off of narcotic and psychotropic drugs.
- The district nurse - during the reception of patients by the doctor, she helps him, performs the treatment procedures prescribed by the district doctor at home. He is directly involved in various preventive measures.
- Diet Nurse (Diet Nurse) - works under the direction of a dietitian physician. She is responsible for the quality and organization of medical nutrition, controls the distribution of food, makes a menu. In addition, she is obliged to monitor the sanitary condition of the canteen for the sick and the catering unit.
- Nurses who work with doctors of narrow specialties (with a neurologist, otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, etc.)
In accordance with the job descriptions, a nurse has the right not only to give orders to nurses, barmaids, and a hostess sister, but also to monitor their implementation.
Responsibilities of the head nurse
The cleanliness and comfort in the department, the style of work of the middle and junior medical staff, and the culture of serving patients largely depend on the work of the senior nurse. Her job responsibilities include:
- Implementation of the rational placement and use of junior and middle medical personnel, scheduling of duties and vacations;
- Providing a clear rhythm of work of the procedural and dressing rooms;
- Control over the observance of labor discipline by the employees under her supervision, the timeliness of the fulfillment of medical appointments;
- Keeping records of the use and consumption of dressings, bacterial preparations, medicines and medical instruments;
- Accounting and storage of potent and narcotic drugs;
- Maintaining medical records;
- Promoting the introduction of the scientific organization of labor;
- Drawing up plans for advanced training of nurses of the department, organizing and monitoring their implementation.
Nurse job description
The duties of a nurse include:
- Implementation of all stages of the nursing process. This includes conducting an initial assessment of the patient's health status, interpreting the findings, drawing up a personal care plan and evaluating the achieved result.
- High-quality and timely implementation of all medical, diagnostic and preventive procedures prescribed by a doctor.
- Assisting a doctor in carrying out minor operations or medical and diagnostic procedures in both a hospital and an outpatient clinic.
- Provision of pre-medical emergency care in case of disasters, accidents and acute illnesses with the subsequent referral of the patient to a medical institution or calling a doctor.
- Self-administration of medications for anaphylactic shock or other life-threatening conditions in case of impossibility of timely arrival of a doctor. Special instructions for nurses detail how to deal with emergency situations.
- Reporting to the head of the department, ward or doctor on duty about all complications in patients arising from medical procedures.
- Reporting to the head, ward or doctor on duty about violations by patients of the internal regulations of a medical institution.
- Ensuring the correct storage, accounting and disposal of medicinal products. Control of medication intake by patients.
- Maintaining medical records approved by higher organizations.
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