Dermatology - Diagnosis And Treatment Of Diseases

Dermatology - Diagnosis And Treatment Of Diseases
Dermatology - Diagnosis And Treatment Of Diseases

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About dermatology

Dermatology - the science of the skin
Dermatology - the science of the skin

The field of clinical medicine, known to us as dermatology, deals with the study of the structure and functions of the skin, hair, nails, mucous membranes. In addition, dermatology is interested in skin diseases, their prevention and treatment, as well as the development of new methods for diagnosing diseases.

The main goal of this section of medicine is to restore the normal state of hair and skin after infections and pathologies suffered by a person. In this regard, both adult and pediatric dermatology are closely related to oncology and venereology. As part of research work, the processes of aging and changes in the skin, adipose tissue, nails and hair are studied. With the direct participation of dermatologists, new drugs and cosmetics are being developed to cope with skin defects without surgery and other serious interventions in the body.

The most common skin conditions are cancer, warts, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, dermatitis and acne. The symptoms of many of these diseases are similar to each other, which makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis. For this reason, pediatric dermatology uses additional research methods in its work, in particular, diascopy, layer-by-layer scraping, various skin tests, histological studies and biochemical analyzes.

Modern dermatology makes it possible to achieve success in the treatment of the most serious diseases, some of which were considered incurable a few years ago. This progress has become possible thanks to the introduction of innovative methods of treatment and diagnosis of skin diseases, as well as the increased role of preventive measures in the timely detection and treatment of various diseases of the skin.

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