
Vaginismus is a pathological condition in women, which is expressed in pain and the impossibility of any vaginal penetration, including intercourse, the introduction of hygiene products and medical examination. During penetration, involuntary contractions and spasms of the pubococcygeal muscle occur.
Causes and symptoms of vaginismus
Vaginismus is accompanied by pain, spasm of the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina, and can also cause inflammation in the genitals and neurological disorders.
The main cause of this pathological condition is neurasthenic disorders, trauma and irritation, which provoked an acute defense mechanism of an unconscious nature. Depression, hysteria, and obsessions are often the cause of vaginismus.
The appearance of spasms in the vagina can provoke careless actions during intercourse, poor erection in a sexual partner and abrupt interruption of intercourse.
The most common symptoms of vaginismus are spasms of the muscles in the vagina, hips, pelvis, and abdominal wall, as well as acute pain with any vaginal contact. The spasm can be acute or sluggish in nature, occurring during intercourse or examination of the vagina, as well as during mental perception of penetration. As a result of the spasm, the entrance to the vagina is blocked, which causes infringement of the partner's penis.
Features of the disease
Currently, in medicine, several degrees of vaginismus are distinguished - mild, moderate and severe. The therapeutic effect depends on how to treat vaginismus at a certain stage. A mild degree of the disease is caused by neurological disorders, phobias and neuroses. At a severe stage of the course of vaginismus, serious psychological and drug therapy is required, since the disease is accompanied by severe pain and severe spasms of a prolonged nature.
Vaginismus is an uncontrollable disease that affects the psychological, behavioral and emotional well-being of women. In girls and young women, a disease that makes intercourse impossible can cause complexes, depression and suicidal tendencies. Therefore, the treatment of vaginismus should be not only medication, but also psychological.
Diagnosis of vaginismus
Diagnosis of vaginismus is carried out with the help of a gynecological examination, medical consultations and diagnostic procedures (ultrasound, blood analysis, collection of smears, etc.). A prerequisite for the diagnosis of the disease is psychological consultation with the identification of patient complaints, problems in the sexual sphere, psychological trauma and phobias, negative sexual experience and physical pathologies.

A gynecological examination reveals the condition of the vagina and the presence of spasm, inflammation in the genitals and disorders in their structure. If necessary, this examination takes place under anesthesia or using mild pain medications.
The causes of vaginismus and how to eliminate it at an easy stage of the course can be determined by a psychotherapist and a neurologist using a special examination.
Vaginismus treatment
The effectiveness of therapy and the likelihood of complete recovery depend on how to treat vaginismus and identify its causes in a timely manner. The most effective is psychotherapeutic treatment with the elimination of the causes of the disease.
The neurologist and the attending physician determine the factors that provoke the occurrence of vaginal muscle spasms and painful sensations. To fully recover, the physical, physiological, emotional and psychological causes of vaginismus must be addressed.
Treatment should be individualized and consist of psychological exercises, including the Waltard complex and relaxation treatments.
If necessary, the doctor prescribes pain relievers, novocaine ointment to reduce the sensitivity and soreness of the genitals. Also, a neurologist may recommend special exercises to relieve tension, regular contrast showers, and breathing practices.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!