Nephrology - Diagnosis And Treatment Of Diseases

Nephrology - Diagnosis And Treatment Of Diseases
Nephrology - Diagnosis And Treatment Of Diseases

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About nephrology

Nephrology - diagnosis and treatment of diseases
Nephrology - diagnosis and treatment of diseases

Literally translated from Greek, the word "nephrology" means "the doctrine of the kidneys." This branch of medicine deals with the study of internal kidney diseases, their etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations. In addition, nephrology develops new methods for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. One of the main subdivisions of kidney science is pediatric nephrology. Her area of interest includes diseases diagnosed in children, including chronic ones.

Currently, nephrologists use modern, high-tech equipment in their work, which allows them to diagnose diseases at an early stage and timely identify the cause of their occurrence. Among the most famous and effective research methods, it is worth noting: X-ray, radiological, genetic, ultrasound and immunohistochemical methods. Also, nephrology makes extensive use of tissue biopsy and electron microscopic studies.

In recent years, kidney diseases have affected an increasing number of people, which is associated with a deterioration in the environmental situation and a decrease in the quality of life. It is especially dangerous that pediatric nephrology is increasingly faced with chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and chronic renal failure, although only recently these diseases were the lot of adults.

It is worth contacting a nephrologist immediately in all cases when you observe symptoms of kidney and genitourinary system damage. Self-medication is dangerous, because very often the signs of serious diseases are non-specific and distort an objective assessment of the patient's condition. Only an experienced doctor can help in such a situation, who will prescribe a complete medical examination of the body.

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