5 Home Remedies To Remove Calluses

5 Home Remedies To Remove Calluses
5 Home Remedies To Remove Calluses

5 home remedies to remove calluses

Corns are dense patches of keratinized epithelium. Most often, they form on the feet, lateral surfaces of the heels and toes under the influence of improperly selected shoes, rubbing or squeezing the skin when walking. In people who are forced to constantly make the same type of movement with a load on the same areas of the hands, calluses appear on the palms.

Effective home remedies for callus removal
Effective home remedies for callus removal

Source: depositphotos.com

Calluses can be serious problems. They are often painful when pressed. Sometimes in the tissues adjacent to them, inflammatory processes provoked by pathogenic microorganisms develop. The corn is capable of periodically picking up, causing considerable suffering.

In order to remove calluses without damaging healthy tissues, the keratinized epithelium must first be softened. There are many pharmaceutical preparations that can cope with this task, but in the early stages it can be solved with the help of the tools that are available in every home.

Garlic and onion

The pungent juice of onions and garlic contains substances with a pronounced softening and antiseptic effect. To get rid of corn, you need to apply a mass consisting of 3-4 cloves of garlic or a piece of onion, crushed to a gruel state, and 1 tablespoon of olive oil on the affected area for several days. The compress is placed before going to bed, and in the morning it is washed off with warm water. The result is visible after 2-3 procedures: the keratinized skin becomes loose and can be easily removed with a pumice stone or a hard brush. After 7-10 days, the corn disappears completely.

Home remedies for callus removal: garlic and onions
Home remedies for callus removal: garlic and onions

Source: depositphotos.com


Fresh corn can be softened with 9% table vinegar. To do this, soak a cotton swab with liquid and stick it to the skin with a plaster for 20-30 minutes. You can repeat the procedure several times at intervals of at least three hours. Under the action of acid, the hardened epithelium is loosened and amenable to mechanical removal.

Home remedies for callus removal: vinegar
Home remedies for callus removal: vinegar

Source: xcook.info

Aspirin with lemon

A mixture of aspirin and lemon juice softens corns well. In this case, a mixture of organic acids (acetylsalicylic, citric, malic, ascorbic, etc.) acts on the hardened areas of the skin. To prepare the product, you need to combine 6 crushed aspirin tablets with 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice and grind thoroughly. The resulting mass must be applied to the corn, wrapped in polyethylene (you can take cling film) and cover with a cloth moistened with hot water. To make keratinized tissues more pliable, it is enough to soak the mixture on the skin for 15 minutes. The procedure can be carried out daily - until the corns disappears completely.

Home remedies for callus removal: lemon aspirin
Home remedies for callus removal: lemon aspirin

Source: depositphotos.com

Tomato pulp

Fresh tomatoes are also rich in organic acids. Corns can be softened with a compress made from these vegetables, minced in a meat grinder or blender. Tomato gruel is applied to the feet, wrapped in cling film and kept for 1 hour. Then the mask is washed off, the skin surface is cleaned of dead epithelium with a brush or pumice stone.

Home remedies for callus removal: tomato pulp
Home remedies for callus removal: tomato pulp

Source: depositphotos.com

Medicinal herbs

Baths with pharmacy chamomile not only help soften calluses, but also relieve tired legs, disinfect the skin, and promote healing of minor injuries. To provide a therapeutic effect, it is enough to hold your feet in a warm infusion made from 1 liter of boiling water and 4 tablespoons of dry plant materials for half an hour. Carrying out the procedure every evening, you can completely get rid of calluses and significantly improve the condition of the skin of the feet. Warm poultices with marigold herb provide a similar effect. They are done daily at bedtime for 1.5-2 weeks.

Fresh juice of celandine or dandelion helps to cope with calluses. They are smeared with hardened areas of the skin before going to bed every day.

You can also soften the skin with aloe juice. It is enough to glue a plant leaf cut along the length of the plant to the corn at night, so that in the morning the coarse tissues can be easily cleaned off with a pumice stone.

Home remedies for callus removal: medicinal herbs
Home remedies for callus removal: medicinal herbs

Source: depositphotos.com

There are two main reasons for the formation of calluses: wearing uncomfortable shoes and too susceptible to pressure and abrasion of the skin of the feet. To reduce the likelihood of the appearance of patches of keratinized epithelium, it is necessary:

  • regularly take care of the skin of the feet, that is, it is imperative to perform daily hygiene procedures that help cleanse and moisturize the surface of the feet (washing and thoroughly drying, followed by treatment with creams or oils), strengthen thin skin with the help of baths with herbs that have a tanning effect (for example, oak bark). In case of excessive sweating of the feet, which also contributes to the formation of corns, you need to use special preparations (lotions, creams or powders). The individual selection of perfumery and cosmetic products, taking into account the condition of the skin of the legs and daily stress, is very important;
  • choose shoes made of breathable materials. Genuine leather has always been considered the best option, and thick cotton or linen fabric for summer shoes. Today, there are also synthetic materials with high levels of air permeability;
  • buy shoes at the end of the day, when your feet are slightly swollen. It often happens that a person's right and left feet have different lengths. In this case, you need to buy shoes that match the size of the larger foot, and wear the smaller boot from the pair with a special insole;
  • wear a new pair gradually, without trying to immediately wear it throughout the whole working day, and if the shoes are a little tight, use special means for stretching;
  • putting on new shoes, stick on the most vulnerable areas of the feet with a protective adhesive plaster.

Competent foot care and the right choice of footwear will help you avoid calluses and keep your feet healthy for years to come.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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