7 fitness myths
For a city dweller, fitness is the most comfortable sport. It is enough to purchase a gym membership to gain access to a variety of exercise equipment and the opportunity to train under the guidance of an experienced consultant. Many people consider fitness to be the best way to maintain physical shape and receive dynamic loads, which people who are mainly engaged in mental work need so much. Nevertheless, the views of the majority of consumers of such services about the specifics of this sport are often not entirely true. Here are just the most famous fitness myths that exist among our compatriots.
Strength loads get rid of fat in problem areas
This is a very common misconception that does a lot of harm. Many women exhaust themselves in gyms, hoping to use strength exercises to get rid of ugly fat "traps" in the hips and buttocks. In fact, power loads are designed to strengthen muscles and create a muscle "corset", but are useless in the fight against subcutaneous fat deposits caused by hormonal disruption, metabolic disorders.

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Abdominal Exercises Help Create a Beautiful Waist
It is impossible to reduce the size of the waist and achieve harmony with the help of special exercises for pumping up the abs. Such exercises contribute to the development of abdominal muscles, but they do not get rid of the extra pounds that have accumulated due to unhealthy lifestyles and poor nutrition. The problem of improving the figure requires an integrated approach, including a reasonable diet and regular (at least three times a week) exercise in the gym according to an individual program.

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Fitness helps to correct breast shape
Exercise helps to strengthen the muscles and achieve a slight breast lift. But loads must be strictly dosed, since any overstrain of the muscles in this part of the body can harm health. A radical correction of the shape of the breast is possible only through surgical intervention.

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By doing fitness, you can lose weight without food restrictions
To show how incorrect this statement is, let's give a simple example: to burn 500 kcal contained in a small cake, you need to actively exercise on an exercise bike or treadmill for four to five hours. Obviously, with regular fitness classes, a strict diet is not necessary (and even harmful), but you still cannot do without restrictions on food.
During training, a lot of energy is expended, as a result, an appetite is played out. In order for nutrients to be absorbed optimally, doctors advise eating no later than an hour and a half after exercise.

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Alternating exercises, you lose weight faster
To warm up before the main classes, special workouts are often carried out, which are called interval workouts. They are designed for short-term loading of all muscle groups and really consist of alternating exercises.
Interval training is very useful for improving the overall tone of the body, but it hardly affects the intensity of weight loss.

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Morning classes are much more effective than evening ones
For most people, this is true, but only on condition that the person, starting to exercise, will be vigorous and well-slept. In addition, an hour and a half before workout, you need to have a full breakfast, and after the gym, take a break before starting work. For a modern city dweller, these conditions are difficult to fulfill, at least on weekdays. It's much easier to train after a hard day. For fitness to be effective, classes must be planned taking into account these circumstances.

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Muscles should ache after exercise
Many people believe that if after training the body does not hurt, then the loads were insufficient. In fact, the opposite is true: muscle pain is felt due to the accumulation of lactic acid or the appearance of microtrauma. In the first case, the exercise regimen needs to be adjusted by lowering their intensity, and in the second - to consult a doctor. If the loads are planned optimally, after completing a set of exercises, a person does not feel anything but a slight pleasant fatigue.

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Fitness is a good sport option for people seeking to avoid the effects of physical inactivity, to achieve general health improvement, increase muscle tone and maintain shape. Such training should be combined with a reasonable diet, rejection of bad habits, adherence to sleep and wakefulness. It is optimal to supplement the wellness complex with swimming and light physical activity in the fresh air (for example, jogging or walking). The selection of exercises that a person performs in the gym should be handled by a professional trainer, taking into account the individual characteristics of his ward and the recommendations of his attending physician.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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