10 Myths About Caesarean Section

10 Myths About Caesarean Section
10 Myths About Caesarean Section

10 myths about caesarean section

Caesarean section is one of the most ancient operations. According to statistics, about 10% of newborns are born with its help. Despite the prevalence of such surgical interventions, they are still surrounded by numerous myths. Let's try to dispel the most famous of the misconceptions.

Caesarean section: pros, cons, common myths
Caesarean section: pros, cons, common myths

Source: depositphotos.com

Caesarean section is preferable to vaginal delivery

This opinion is shared by women who are afraid of the pain of natural childbirth or are afraid of some unpleasant consequences of the birth process.

There are several theories about why labor is painful. Some scientists believe that the process itself has nothing to do with unpleasant sensations. The pain experienced by a woman in labor arises from muscle tension and squeezing of blood vessels caused by fear and overexcitation of the centers located in the subcortical zone of the brain. This view of the problem formed the basis of the psychoprophylactic method of labor pain relief. With its help, it is possible to reduce the anxiety of the expectant mother and to a large extent prevent the appearance of pain. In addition, medical pain relief is used in obstetric practice, which is used by millions of women around the world.

After a natural birth, vaginal muscle strain inevitably appears, and in some women - tears, which can cause a temporary decrease in the quality of sex life. Sometimes weakness of the bladder develops, causing urinary incontinence when coughing, sneezing, or other exertion, and causing severe discomfort. The desire to avoid the named consequences of childbirth is natural, but this should not worry the future woman in labor. Sutured tears heal quickly, stretching the vaginal muscles and weakness of the bladder will resolve on their own over time. In extremely rare cases, well-developed operations are carried out to eliminate problems of this kind.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia

This is not true. About 90% of caesarean sections are done under epidural anesthesia, when anesthetic is injected into the lumbar spinal canal. The woman does not feel pain, but is conscious.

Caesarean section lasts a little over 40 minutes, and the baby is born in the first 3-5 minutes. Reoperation takes more time, since the incision is made along the old scar.

Myopia of a pregnant woman is an indication for surgery

Myopia is not considered an indication for surgery. Caesarean section is used when the expectant mother suffers from severe retinal pathologies or high intraocular pressure. In such a situation, straining can lead to serious problems, including loss of vision. Pregnancy of a woman with these ailments usually proceeds under the supervision of an ophthalmologist, and the question of carrying out a caesarean section is decided with his participation.

Breech presentation of the fetus requires a cesarean section

Cesarean section is not necessary for breech presentation. The doctor decides on the operation if the woman has chronic diseases or certain anatomical features that complicate natural childbirth (for example, a narrow pelvis). The indications for cesarean section are also too large fetal weight (more than 3.6 kg) and the presence of intrauterine pathologies.

Caesarean section is done at the request of the pregnant woman

A very common statement that has nothing to do with reality. It is impossible to undergo surgery just because you wanted to.

Like any surgical procedure, a caesarean section comes with a certain risk. Therefore, the doctor decides to have surgery only for medical reasons, when natural childbirth is associated with a serious danger to the life and health of the mother or baby.

An ugly scar remains after the operation

This statement was true several decades ago, but has lost its relevance. The use of modern techniques and materials allows you to make a small, neat incision at the border of hair growth in the bikini area. The threads with which it is sewn up dissolve without leaving any traces. In addition, the seam itself is usually located in the thickness of the skin, so that after healing, a thin light strip remains on the body, which is easy to hide under a swimsuit.

Surgery adversely affects breastfeeding

Caesarean section does not affect the quantity or quality of breast milk in any way. The drug, which is administered with epidural anesthesia, is quickly excreted from the body of the woman in labor, and its effect on the baby is excluded.

In the absence of complications, the woman is allowed to get up and walk 12-14 hours after the operation, and the next day she can already be in the same room with the child. Breast milk after cesarean section appears at the usual time. It can be increased with lactation-stimulating drinks and herbal teas.

Caesarean section breaks the emotional contact between mother and baby

Nature provides for the passage of the child through the birth canal. This process is very important: it helps to start the mechanisms of pulmonary respiration, digestion, etc. Sudden removal from the womb creates additional stress for the baby. These babies tend to be more restless than their natural born peers. Therefore, in the first year of life, "Caesarians" are under the supervision of a neurologist.

As for emotional contact, its break can only exist in the imagination of a woman. A mother's love for her child, her warmth, support and help do not depend on the way the baby was born.

After the operation, the following natural childbirth is impossible

After a cesarean section, a woman is advised not to become pregnant for 2-3 years. After this time, she can again carry the baby and give birth naturally. Contraindications are the presence of a vertical suture, an improperly healed scar on the uterine wall and complications of pregnancy.

There is a limit on the number of operations performed on one woman: after five cesarean sections, subsequent pregnancies and births carry a high risk for the mother and child, therefore, in such a situation, doctors recommend suturing the fallopian tubes to avoid conception.

The operation is fraught with serious complications

During surgical intervention, a high level of sterility is observed, which is why the likelihood of infection of a woman in labor and a baby is much lower than with natural childbirth. In addition, there is practically no risk of complications such as birth trauma, asphyxia, etc. for a "cesarean". The risk of complications after a cesarean section is usually associated with the presence of chronic diseases in the expectant mother. In this case, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of the doctor leading the pregnancy, be examined in a timely manner and go to the hospital a few days before the expected birth, if necessary.

There are situations in which an unscheduled caesarean section is indicated, that is, the operation is performed after the onset of natural childbirth. Such indications are insufficient dilatation of the cervix, progressive fetal hypoxia, premature placental abruption.

The doctor decides to carry out a planned operation in the following cases:

  • congenital narrow pelvis or changes in the shape of the pelvic bones due to injury;
  • improperly healed scars on the walls of the uterus;
  • placenta previa;
  • the mother has infections that carry the likelihood of infection of the child during the passage of the birth canal (sexually transmitted diseases, genital herpes, etc.);
  • the mother has some chronic ailments (for example, eye diseases or severe diabetes mellitus);
  • oblique or transverse presentation of the fetus;
  • intrauterine malformations;
  • too much fetal weight.

Of course, each case is individual, all the nuances of the state of the future woman in labor are taken into account. A woman who has a planned operation should be under the supervision of doctors, follow their recommendations and, if necessary, undergo training. This will avoid health problems and keep you energized to care for your newborn.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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