Bandage And Caesarean Section

Bandage And Caesarean Section
Bandage And Caesarean Section

Bandage and caesarean section

Usually, in the normal course of pregnancy, after 9 months a healthy baby is born safely in a natural way.

How to wear a bandage after a cesarean section
How to wear a bandage after a cesarean section

But sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that, for some reason, a woman cannot give birth on her own, then you have to remove the baby by surgery.

A caesarean section is performed when the mother or fetus is in danger during natural childbirth. If the operation was successful, then after 7-8 hours the woman can sit down and get up. After being transferred from the intensive care unit, she is allowed to walk. This is where the question arises of how to recover faster after an operative delivery. A bandage will help with this after a cesarean section. It will tighten the muscles and support the abdomen stretched during pregnancy, as well as prevent suture divergence, and in the long term, the formation of a postoperative hernia.

With a planned caesarean section, it is advisable to purchase a bandage in advance and immediately take it with you to the maternity hospital. For an emergency caesarean section, relatives can buy the bandage.

Caesarean: postpartum bandage

During the nine months of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes multiple changes. And when childbirth occurs, the body tries to recover in a short period of time. Naturally, the skin on the abdomen after pregnancy loses some elasticity and stretches. In addition, women often experience back pain. And those who have had an operative delivery experience additional inconvenience due to the postoperative suture.

A caesarean section bandage is used to relieve the condition of a woman who has undergone this operation. But some women refuse to wear a bandage because it is strongly pulled in the belt and it turns out that after such a serious abdominal operation it is inconvenient to put it on. In addition, the bandage is undesirable for women with gastrointestinal problems.

What kind of bandage a cesarean section is needed

After a caesarean section, a bandage model is usually recommended by a doctor, taking into account the woman's anatomy and the method of surgery. But if the attending physician did not give his recommendations, and you are about to have a cesarean section, the bandage can be selected in advance at your discretion.

There are several types of bandages. Mainly postoperative, universal maternity bandages, postpartum bandages and panty bandages.

Universal bandages provide for their use both during pregnancy and after childbirth. By their structure, they imply the change of wide and narrow parts in places, which makes it possible to use them after childbirth.

After a caesarean section, the bandage can be worn as a normal postoperative bandage, which is used after a variety of surgical procedures on the abdominal organs. The postoperative bandage is a belt up to 30 centimeters wide with Velcro to adjust the volume. Usually the belts are made of soft fabric so as not to irritate the area of the wound.

Caesarean section - a bandage will help you recover
Caesarean section - a bandage will help you recover

These bandages prevent the appearance of incisional hernias and help the correct course of the scar formation process.

After a caesarean operation, it is advisable to purchase a postpartum bandage in pharmacies or specialized stores, where the sale of fakes is excluded. You need to select the size of the bandage based on your size before pregnancy. But it is advisable to purchase it 1-2 sizes larger in order to feel comfortable in it.

How to use a bandage

Usually, a postpartum bandage is used after a cesarean for 4-6 weeks, i.e. during the postpartum recovery period. It is advisable to put on a bandage in the morning while lying down. Remember that the postoperative suture needs fresh air. Therefore, remove the bandage for 15-20 minutes every three hours. Remove the bandage completely at night so that the suture heals faster. It is impossible to carry a child without a bandage after a cesarean.

Be responsible for your health in the postoperative period. Then you can avoid many problems and be healthy.

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