Cough massage for children

Cough massage for children is an effective supportive technique used along with medication to improve symptoms of colds and coughs. Correctly performed massage enhances blood circulation in the lungs, promotes mucus discharge, easier coughing, as well as a speedy recovery. Massage is a generally recognized therapeutic technique, the use of any massage for children should be agreed with the pediatrician. How to properly massage a child with a cough? What does collar massage help children? How to properly massage a child to discharge sputum?
Massage for coughing in children: the main types of massage and rules for performing
The child's respiratory system begins to form at 3-4 weeks of embryonic development, at 11-12 weeks, the formation of areas of lung tissue occurs. At 4-6 months of fetal development, the vascular system of the pulmonary apparatus grows rapidly. At the 7th month of development, the tissues of the baby's lungs acquire the features of the porous structure of the canals. The future air spaces are filled with liquid. The first significant changes in the airways occur immediately after the birth of the baby, which requires immediate lung function. The period of intensive growth of the lung lobes lasts from 3 months to 3 years of a child's life. At the age of 3 to 7 years, complete differentiation of the entire pulmonary system occurs. By the time of birth, the child's bronchi are fully formed. However, elastic and muscle fibers are rather poorly developed. Underdevelopment of the respiratory muscles contributes to a weakened cough reflex. That is why even with minor inflammatory processes in babies, stagnation of mucus in the bronchi is formed, the main symptom of which is coughing.
Cough massage for children is one of the recognized effective supportive methods for relieving the symptoms of colds and coughs. Massage promotes:
- Increased blood flow in the bronchi;
- Sputum discharge;
- Easy coughing up and expectoration;
- Improving muscle contractions of the bronchial walls;
- Improving the movements of the bronchial ciliated epithelium.
Timely sputum discharge helps to reduce the risk of developing intoxication of the body, as well as to a quick recovery. Cough massage is prescribed at any age, but the massage technique requires special execution. The main types of massage for coughing in children are:
- Vibration massage involves rhythmic tapping on the child's back, which improves expectoration and sputum discharge. Vibration massage for coughing is prescribed for the smallest patients. You can do it yourself, taking into account the peculiarities of the technique. This massage requires gentle and gentle action. Tapping should be done without touching the spine. To minimize the impact, it is recommended to tap your palm on the baby's back;
- Drainage massage for coughing in children also promotes effective sputum discharge. To perform such a massage, it is necessary to lay the child on his stomach on a roller so that his head is below his legs. This position promotes the discharge of phlegm and easier expectoration. With light massaging movements, it is necessary to work out the intercostal spaces from the bottom up, then pat the same areas with the edge of the palm in the same direction. Then it is necessary to squeeze the diaphragm from the sides at the base. After this, the child must be seated and given the opportunity to clear his throat. If the child does not have a cough reflex, then doctors recommend that you easily press the baby on the root of the tongue (this procedure is performed with a warm teaspoon). Then massage practices are repeated again;
- Cupping massage for coughing in children - massage performed by cups. At the place of contact between the can and the child's back, a vacuum is formed, the effect of which promotes lymph circulation and blood circulation, which increases tissue nutrition. This massage helps to strengthen the immune system, improves respiratory function;
- Acupressure massage for coughing is based on the principle of influencing certain points located on the shoulder blades, neck, back of the head, behind the ears, on the legs and hands. To perform this massage, you need to know the exact location of such points;
- Honey massage for coughing in children is indicated for a protracted course of the disease and chronic cough. Honey contains a large amount of vitamins, micro-, macronutrients and nutrients. Honey helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body.
Basic rules for performing cough massage:
- Lack of high temperature;
- No complications of the underlying disease;
- Massage for coughing in children should be carried out on heated skin (before massage, stroking or warm bath);
- The massage is performed on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals and 1 hour before bedtime.
Neck massage for children: performance technique
Collar zone massage for children should be carried out according to a specific method. The use of any massage technique should be coordinated with a pediatrician, who will tell you how to properly perform such a massage. Neck massage for children includes the following techniques:
- Stroking - light rhythmic stroking with an open palm helps to warm up the skin and muscles, as well as prepare them for further massage actions. When massaging a child, it is necessary to monitor the force of pressure on the massaged area;
- Rubbing involves more intense movement. At this stage, it is necessary to monitor the intensity of redness of the skin of the cervical spine, as well as the child's reaction to actions;
- Kneading is done with your fingertips quite gently. The child, feeling discomfort, will not lie still, therefore it is extremely important to use light movements;
- Vibration - Tapping should be done with extreme caution, avoiding the spine. Many children's massage therapists recommend vibration massage in their palm in order to avoid over-exposure;
- Relaxation - any massage should be completed with a warming and relaxing massage technique.
5 rules for performing a massage for a child for sputum discharge
There are certain rules for performing a massage on a child for sputum discharge:
Massage should be started from 4-6 days of the development of the disease, when the first expectoration appears;
Massage the child to discharge sputum with a wet cough - The massage should be carried out systematically 2 times a day until the symptoms of improvement appear; if the condition worsens, the massage should be stopped and immediately consult a doctor;
- The massage should be carried out on bare skin in order to avoid rubbing the tissues of the delicate skin of the child during the massage movements;
- Massage for coughing in children does not exclude the use of medications;
- Any massage practices must be strictly coordinated with the pediatrician.
Cough massage in children is an excellent aid for easier expectoration and quick recovery. The described massage techniques can be used both during illness and for general strengthening of the baby's body.
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