Amoxiclav - Instructions For Use, Price, Tablets, Suspension

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Amoxiclav - Instructions For Use, Price, Tablets, Suspension
Amoxiclav - Instructions For Use, Price, Tablets, Suspension

Video: Amoxiclav - Instructions For Use, Price, Tablets, Suspension

Video: Amoxiclav - Instructions For Use, Price, Tablets, Suspension
Video: Амоксиклав описание и инструкция - КРУПНЫЙ ПЛАН. 2024, September


Amoxiclav: instructions for use and reviews

  1. 1. Release form and composition
  2. 2. Pharmacological properties
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Contraindications
  5. 5. Method of application and dosage
  6. 6. Side effects
  7. 7. Overdose
  8. 8. Special instructions
  9. 9. Application during pregnancy and lactation
  10. 10. In case of impaired renal function
  11. 11. For violations of liver function
  12. 12. Use in the elderly
  13. 13. Drug interactions
  14. 14. Analogs
  15. 15. Terms and conditions of storage
  16. 16. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
  17. 17. Reviews
  18. 18. Price in pharmacies

Latin name: Amoksiklav

ATX code: J01CR02

Active ingredient: amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (amoxicillin + clavulanic acid)

Manufacturer: Sandoz (Austria)

Description and photo update: 2019-16-08

Prices in pharmacies: from 78 rubles.


Amoxiclav tablets
Amoxiclav tablets

Amoxiclav is a combined antibiotic medication.

Release form and composition

Amoxiclav is produced in the form:

  • Coated tablets containing 250 mg, 500 mg or 875 mg of amoxicillin, 125 mg of clavulanic acid and excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide, crospovidone, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, talc, MCC. In blisters and dark glass bottles;
  • Powder for preparing a suspension for oral administration containing 5 ml of a ready-made suspension of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in a ratio of 125 mg / 31.25 mg, 250 mg / 62.5 mg, 400 mg / 57 mg and auxiliary substances: citric acid, sodium citrate, MCC and sodium carmellose, xanthan gum, colloidal silicon dioxide, wild cherry flavor and lemon flavor, sodium saccharinate, mannitol. In dark glass bottles;
  • Powder for the preparation of a solution for injection containing amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in 1 bottle in a ratio of 500 mg / 100 mg, 1000 mg / 200 mg.

Pharmacological properties


Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin that acts on many gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. It inhibits the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan, a component that is part of the structure of the bacterial cell wall. A decrease in the production of peptidoglycan causes a decrease in the strength of the cell walls, which further leads to the lysis and death of cells of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, amoxicillin is sensitive to the action of beta-lactamases that destroy it, therefore its spectrum of antibacterial activity does not include microorganisms that synthesize this enzyme.

Clavulanic acid is a beta-lactamase inhibitor, the structure of which is similar to that of penicillin. It has the ability to inactivate numerous beta-lactamases which are produced by microorganisms with proven resistance to cephalosporins and penicillins. The relative efficacy of clavulanic acid against plasmid beta-lactamases, which most often causes bacterial resistance to antibiotics, has been proven. However, the substance does not act on type I chromosomal beta-lactamases, which are not inhibited by clavulanic acid.

The presence of clavulanic acid in Amoxiclav prevents the destruction of amoxicillin by special enzymes - beta-lactamases - and expands the spectrum of antibacterial activity of amoxicillin.

Clinical studies in vitro prove the high sensitivity of the following microorganisms to the action of Amoxiclav:

  • gram-negative anaerobes: varieties of the genus Prevotella, Bacteroides fragilis, other subspecies of the genus Bacteroides, varieties of the genus Porphyromonas, varieties of the genus Capnocytophaga, varieties of the genus Fusobacterium, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Eikenella corrodens;
  • gram-positive anaerobes: varieties of the genus Peptostreptococcus, Peptostreptococcus magnus, Peptostreptococcus micros, Peptococcus niger, varieties of the genus Clostridium;
  • gram-negative aerobes: Vibrio cholerae, Bordetella pertussis, Pasteurella multocida, Haemophilus influenza, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Helicobacter pylori;
  • gram-positive aerobes: coagulase-negative staphylococci (showing susceptibility to methicillin), Staphylococcus saprophyticus (strains susceptible to methicillin), Staphylococcus aureus (strains sensitive to methicillin), Bacillus anticohracogenis Streptococcus and other Stapococcus bacilli, Nocardia asteroids, Listeria monocytogenes;
  • others: Treponema pallidum, Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae, Borrelia burgdorferi.

The following microorganisms are characterized by acquired resistance to the active components of Amoxiclav:

  • gram-positive aerobes: streptococci of the Viridans group, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecium, bacteria of the genus Corynebacterium;
  • gram-negative aerobes: bacteria of the genus Shigella, Escherichia coli, bacteria of the genus Salmonella, bacteria of the genus Klebsiella, Klebsiella pneumoniae (clinical studies confirm the effectiveness of the active ingredients of Amoxiclav in relation to this microorganism, also its strains do not synthesize beta-lactamases), Klebsiella oxytoca bacteria, bacteria, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis.

Natural resistance to the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid is demonstrated by the following microorganisms:

  • gram-negative aerobes: bacteria of the genus Acinetobacter, Yersinia enterocolitica, Citrobacter freundii, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, bacteria of the genus Enterobacter, bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, Hafnia alvei, bacteria of the genus Serratia, Legionella pneumophila, bacteria of the genus Providencia, Morganella morganella
  • others: bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma, Chlamydophila psittaci, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, bacteria of the genus Chlamydia, Coxiella burnetii.

The sensitivity of bacteria to monotherapy with amoxicillin most often means similar sensitivity to the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.


The main pharmacokinetic parameters of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid are largely similar. Both substances demonstrate a good ability to dissolve in aqueous solutions with a physiological pH value, and after oral administration of Amoxiclav they are rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The degree of absorption of clavulanic acid and amoxicillin is considered optimal if the drug is taken at the beginning of a meal.

After oral administration, the bioavailability of the active components of Amoxiclav reaches 70%.

When prescribing the drug in various doses, the pharmacokinetic parameters of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid are as follows:

  • at a dosage of 875 mg / 125 mg 2 times a day for amoxicillin: the maximum plasma concentration is 11.64 ± 2.78 μg / ml, the time to reach it is 1.5 hours (range is from 1 to 2.5 hours), the area under the curve "concentration - time" (AUC) - 53.52 ± 12.31 μg × h / ml, half-life - 1.19 ± 0.21 hours; for clavulanic acid: the maximum concentration in blood plasma is 2.18 ± 0.99 μg / ml, the time to reach it is 1.25 hours (the range is 1 to 2 hours), the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) - 10.16 ± 3.04 μg × h / ml, half-life - 0.96 ± 0.12 hours;
  • at a dosage of 500 mg / 125 mg 2 times a day for amoxicillin: the maximum plasma concentration is 7.19 ± 2.26 μg / ml, the time to reach it is 1.5 hours (range is from 1 to 2.5 hours), area under the curve "concentration - time" (AUC) - 53.5 ± 8.87 μg × h / ml, half-life - 1.15 ± 0.2 hours; for clavulanic acid: the maximum concentration in blood plasma is 2.4 ± 0.83 μg / ml, the time to reach it is 1.5 hours (range is from 1 to 2 hours), the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) - 15.72 ± 3.86 μg × h / ml, half-life - 0.98 ± 0.12 hours;
  • at a dosage of 250 mg / 125 mg 3 times a day for amoxicillin: the maximum concentration in blood plasma is 3.3 ± 1.12 μg / ml, the time to reach it is 1.5 hours (range is from 1 to 2 hours), the area under concentration-time curve (AUC) - 26.7 ± 4.56 μg × h / ml, half-life - 1.36 ± 0.56 hours; for clavulanic acid: the maximum concentration in blood plasma is 1.5 ± 0.7 μg / ml, the time to reach it is 1.2 hours (range is from 1 to 2 hours), the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) - 12.6 ± 3.25 μg × h / ml, half-life - 1.01 ± 0.11 hours.

All of the above values are derived from clinical studies with healthy volunteers.

Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid are characterized by a high volume of distribution in various tissues, organ systems and body fluids (including muscle, bone and adipose tissue, abdominal organs, lungs, interstitial, peritoneal, synovial and pleural fluids, sputum, bile, purulent discharge, urine and skin).

The active components are moderately bound to plasma proteins: amoxicillin in the amount of 18% and clavulanic acid in the amount of 25% of the dose taken. The volume of distribution is approximately 0.2 L / kg for clavulanic acid and 0.3–0.4 L / kg for amoxicillin. Both substances do not cross the blood-brain barrier in the absence of inflammation of the meninges. Amoxicillin, like many penicillins, passes into breast milk, which also contains trace concentrations of clavulanic acid. The active components of Amoxiclav penetrate the placental barrier.

Approximately 10-25% of the initial dose of amoxicillin is excreted in the urine in the form of penicilloic acid, which has no pharmacological activity. Clavulanic acid is extensively metabolized in the body, forming 1-amino-4-hydroxy-butan-2-one and 2,5-dihydro-4- (2-hydroxyethyl) -5-oxo-1H-pyrrole-3-carboxylic acid, which excreted through the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and also with exhaled air (passing into the form of carbon dioxide).

Amoxicillin is excreted primarily by renal filtration, while excretion of clavulanic acid is carried out by both renal and extrarenal mechanisms. After a single oral dose of 1 tablet of 500 mg / 125 mg or 250 mg / 125 mg, about 40–65% of clavulanic acid and 60–70% of amoxicillin are excreted unchanged in the urine during the first 6 hours.

On average, the half-life of the active components of Amoxiclav is approximately 1 hour, and the average total clearance is approximately 25 l / h in healthy patients. Most of the clavulanic acid is excreted from the body during the first 2 hours after ingestion.

In patients with renal dysfunction, the total clearance of clavulanic acid and amoxicillin decreases in proportion to the decrease in renal function. The decrease in clearance is more pronounced in the case of amoxicillin compared with clavulanic acid, since most of the dose of amoxicillin is excreted through the kidneys. In case of renal insufficiency, the dose of Amoxiclav should be selected taking into account the undesirability of cumulation of amoxicillin against the background of a stable concentration of clavulanic acid corresponding to the norms. In patients with severe renal failure, the half-life of amoxicillin increases to 7.5 hours, and of clavulanic acid to 4.5 hours.

For patients with liver dysfunctions, Amoxiclav is prescribed with caution; continuous monitoring of liver function is also recommended. Both amoxicillin and clavulanic acid are removed by hemodialysis, and in minor concentrations by peritoneal dialysis.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Amoxiclav is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug. The drug is indicated for gynecological, odontogenic infections, as well as infections:

  • ENT organs and upper respiratory tract, including acute and chronic sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngeal abscess, pharyngitis;
  • Connective and bone tissue;
  • Lower respiratory tract, including chronic bronchitis, acute bronchitis with bacterial superinfection, pneumonia;
  • Urinary tract;
  • Skin and soft tissues, including animal and human bites;
  • Biliary tract.

The use of Amoxiclav in the form of injections is shown:

  • With infections of the abdominal cavity;
  • With sexually transmitted infections - gonorrhea, chancre;
  • To prevent the development of infections after surgery.


Amoxiclav is not prescribed for cholestatic jaundice and hepatitis associated with the intake of penicillin antibiotics. In addition, the remedy is contraindicated for:

  • Sensitivity to penicillin drugs, clavulanic acid, amoxicillin, and other components of Amoxiclav;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • Lymphocytic leukemia.

Amoxiclav is prescribed with caution when:

  • History of pseudomembranous colitis;
  • Liver failure;
  • Severe renal dysfunction.

The possibility of using Amoxiclav in pregnant and breastfeeding women should be discussed with the doctor individually.

Instructions for use of Amoxiclav: method and dosage

Tablets and solution for preparation of suspension for oral administration

The regimen of the drug and the duration of therapy is determined depending on the severity of the infection, age, kidney function of the patient and body weight. In tablets and suspensions, Amoxiclav is recommended to be taken with meals, which will reduce the risk of side effects from the digestive system.

The average course of treatment is 5-14 days. Longer treatment is possible only after a second medical examination.

The recommended dosage regimen of Amoxiclav tablets for children under 12 years old is 40 mg / kg per day, which is divided into 3 doses. For children weighing more than 40 kg, adult dosages of the medication are shown. For children under 6 years of age, it is preferable to use Amoxiclav suspension.

There are two possible schemes for taking Amoxiclav for adults with mild and moderate infection:

  • Every 8 hours 1 tablet 250 + 125 mg;
  • Every 12 hours 1 tablet 500 + 125 mg.

Against the background of a severe course of infection and with respiratory tract infections, 1 tablet of 500 + 125 mg should be taken every 8 hours or 1 tablet of 875 + 125 mg every 12 hours.

In case of odontogenic infections, taking 1 tablet of Amoxiclav 250 + 125 mg every 8 hours or 1 tablet of 500 + 125 mg every 12 hours is indicated for 5 days.

For newborns and children under 3 months, Amoxiclav is prescribed as a suspension at the rate of 30 mg / kg per day (for amoxicillin). The medicine is taken every 12 hours. To comply with the dosage, use the dosing pipette supplied with the package.

The daily dosage of Amoxiclav for children over 3 months is:

  • With mild and moderate severity of the course of the disease - from 20 mg / kg per day;
  • In severe infections and in the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections, otitis media, sinusitis - up to 40 mg / kg (for amoxicillin) per day.

It should be borne in mind that when calculating dosages, one should rely not on the age of the child, but on his body weight and the severity of the course of the disease.


Amoxiclav in the form of a solution for injection is administered exclusively intravenously.

For children under 3 months, the dose is calculated based on the following information:

  • body weight less than 4 kg: Amoxiclav is administered at a dosage of 30 mg / kg (taking into account the conversion for the entire drug) every 12 hours;
  • body weight over 4 kg: Amoxiclav is administered at a dosage of 30 mg / kg (taking into account the conversion for the entire drug) every 8 hours.

For children who have not reached 3 months of age, the injection solution should be administered only slowly by infusion over 30-40 minutes.

For children whose body weight does not exceed 40 kg, the dose is selected taking into account the body weight.

For children aged 3 months to 12 years, the drug is administered at a dosage of 30 mg / kg of body weight (in terms of the entire drug) every 8 hours, and in the case of a severe course of an infectious disease - every 6 hours.

In children diagnosed with renal dysfunction, dose adjustment may be required based on the maximum recommended dose of amoxicillin. If in such patients creatinine clearance exceeds 30 ml / min, a dose change is unnecessary. In other cases, in children whose body weight does not exceed 40 kg, it is recommended to use Amoxiclav in the following dosages:

  • CC 10-30 ml / min: 25 mg / 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight every 12 hours;
  • CC less than 10 ml / min: 25 mg / 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight every 24 hours;
  • hemodialysis: 25 mg / 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight every 24 hours in combination with an additional dose of 12.5 mg / 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight at the end of the dialysis session (associated with a decrease in the concentrations of clavulanic acid and amoxicillin in serum).

Each 30 mg of the drug contains 25 mg of amoxicillin and 5 mg of clavulanic acid.

Adults and children over 12 years of age or weighing more than 40 kg Amoxiclav is administered at a dosage of 1200 mg of the drug (1000 mg + 200 mg) every 8 hours, and in the case of an acute course of an infectious disease - every 6 hours.

Amoxiclav is also prescribed for surgical interventions in a prophylactic dose, which is usually 1200 mg with induction of anesthesia in cases where the operation lasts less than 2 hours. With more prolonged surgical interventions, the patient receives the drug at a dose of 1200 mg up to 4 times within 1 day.

In patients suffering from renal insufficiency, the dose and / or the time interval between injections of Amoxiclav should be adjusted depending on the degree of impairment of renal function in accordance with the following instructions:

  • QC more than 30 ml / min: there is no need for dose adjustment;
  • CC 10-30 ml / min: the first dose is 1200 mg (1000 mg + 200 mg), after which the drug is administered intravenously at a dose of 600 mg (500 mg + 100 mg) every 12 hours;
  • CC less than 10 ml / min: the first dose is 1200 mg (1000 mg + 200 mg), after which the drug is administered intravenously at a dose of 600 mg (500 mg + 100 mg) every 24 hours;
  • anuria: the interval between injections of the drug should be increased to 48 hours or more.

Since during the hemodialysis procedure, up to 85% of the administered dose of Amoxiclav is removed, at the end of each session, the usual dose of solution for injection should be administered. With peritoneal dialysis, there is no need for dose adjustment.

The duration of the course of treatment is from 5 to 14 days (its exact duration can only be determined by the attending physician). With a decrease in the severity of symptoms, a transition to oral forms of Amoxiclav is recommended as a continuation of therapy.

When preparing a solution for injection, the contents of a vial in an amount of 600 mg (500 mg + 100 mg) are dissolved in 10 ml of water for injection, and in an amount of 1200 mg (1000 mg + 200 mg) - in 20 ml of water for injection (this volume is not recommended exceed). The drug is administered intravenously slowly (over 3-4 minutes), and the introduction should be carried out within 20 minutes after preparation of the solution.

Amoxiclav solution can also be used for intravenous infusion. In this case, the prepared solutions containing 1200 mg (1000 mg + 200 mg) or 600 mg (500 mg + 100 mg) of the drug are further diluted in 100 ml or 50 ml of the infusion solution, respectively. The duration of the infusion is 30-40 minutes.

The use of the following fluids in the recommended volumes allows you to maintain the required concentrations of amoxicillin in the infusion solutions. Their periods of stability vary and are:

  • for water for injection: 4 hours at 25 ° C and 8 hours at 5 ° C;
  • for sodium chloride and calcium chloride solutions for intravenous infusion: 3 hours at 25 ° C;
  • for Ringer's lactate solution for intravenous infusion: 3 hours at 25 ° C;
  • for 0.9% sodium chloride solution for intravenous infusion: 4 hours at 25 ° C and 8 hours at 5 ° C.

Amoxiclav solution should not be mixed with sodium bicarbonate, dextran or dextrose solutions. Only clear solutions should be administered. The prepared solution must not be frozen.

Side effects

The use of Amoxiclav can lead to the development of side effects:

  • Hematopoietic system: anemia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia;
  • Digestive system: diarrhea, flatulence, gastritis, nausea, dyspepsia, glossitis, stomatitis, anorexia, enterocolitis, vomiting;
  • Nervous system: anxiety, inappropriate behavior, overexcitement, seizures, confusion, insomnia, hyperactivity, dizziness, headache;
  • Skin: urticaria, edema, rash; less often - exfoliative dermatitis, epidermal toxic necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme;
  • Urinary system: interstitial nephritis, hematuria.

It is also possible to develop superinfection (including candidiasis).

In most cases, the side effects associated with the use of Amoxiclav are mild and transient.


There are no reports that an overdose of Amoxiclav provokes serious life-threatening side effects or death.

Most often, an overdose is manifested by symptoms such as disorders of water and electrolyte balance and disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain). Sometimes taking amoxicillin can lead to the development of crystalluria, and later - renal failure. Seizures are possible in patients with renal dysfunction or those receiving high doses of the drug.

In case of an overdose of Amoxiclav, the patient should be under the supervision of a specialist, who, if necessary, prescribes symptomatic therapy. If Amoxiclav was taken less than 4 hours ago, it is recommended to perform a gastric lavage and take activated charcoal to reduce absorption. The active components of the drug are well removed from the body through hemodialysis.

special instructions

Taking Amoxiclav with meals reduces the likelihood of developing side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

During the course of therapy, it is necessary to monitor the functions of the liver, hematopoiesis and kidneys.

Against the background of severe renal dysfunction, the doctor should adjust the dosage regimen or increase the interval between taking the medication.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

If, during treatment with the drug, the patient is diagnosed with adverse reactions from the central nervous system (for example, convulsions or dizziness), it is recommended to refrain from driving vehicles and performing work that requires increased concentration of attention and immediate psychomotor reactions.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

In the course of experiments on animals, the harm of taking Amoxiclav during pregnancy and the effect of the drug on the embryonic development of the fetus have not been confirmed. In a single study in women with premature rupture of the membranes, it was found that prophylactic use of a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid may increase the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Amoxiclav is recommended only if the potential benefits of treatment for the mother significantly outweigh the possible risks to the health of the fetus and child. Clavulanic acid and amoxicillin in small concentrations are determined in breast milk. In infants who are breastfed, diarrhea, sensitization, candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity may develop, therefore, if treatment with the drug is necessary, it is advisable to stop breastfeeding.

With impaired renal function

Patients with moderate renal failure (CC varies from 10 to 30 ml / min) are recommended to take Amoxiclav 1 tablet (dose 500 mg / 125 mg or 250 mg / 125 mg, depending on the severity of the disease) every 12 hours, and with severe renal failure (CC is less than 10 ml / min) - 1 tablet (dose 500 mg / 125 mg or 250 mg / 125 mg, depending on the severity of the disease) every 24 hours.

The first dose of solution for intravenous administration with CC 10–30 ml / min is 1000 mg / 200 mg, then - 500 mg / 100 mg every 12 hours. With CC less than 10 ml / min, the first dose of the solution for intravenous administration is 1000 mg / 200 mg, then 500 mg / 100 mg every 24 hours.

With anuria, the interval between doses of Amoxiclav is increased to 48 hours or more.

For violations of liver function

Patients with impaired liver function are advised to take Amoxiclav with caution. During therapy, it is necessary to regularly monitor liver function.

Use in the elderly

Elderly patients do not need to adjust the dosage regimen.

Drug interactions

Taking ascorbic acid together with Amoxiclav enhances the absorption of its active ingredients, and taking aminoglycosides, antacids, laxatives, glucosamine - reduces their absorption. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), diuretics, phenylbutazone, allopurinol and other drugs that block tubular secretion (probenecid) increases the level of amoxicillin in the body (excretion of clavulanic acid is carried out mainly through glomerular filtration). The combination of Amoxiclav and probenecid can lead to an increase and persistence in the blood of the concentration of amoxicillin, but not clavulanic acid, therefore, the simultaneous administration of drugs is prohibited.

The combination of amoxicillin, clavulanic acid and methotrexate enhances the toxic properties of methotrexate. The use of the drug in conjunction with allopurinol can provoke the development of skin allergic reactions. It is not recommended to prescribe Amoxiclav in conjunction with disulfiram.

The combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid reduces the effectiveness of drugs, the metabolism of which leads to the formation of para-aminobenzoic acid, and when taken with ethinylestradiol, the risk of developing "breakthrough" bleeding increases.

In the literature, there are isolated reports of an increase in the international normalized ratio (INR) in patients while taking amoxicillin and warfarin or acenocoumarol. If it is necessary to combine Amoxiclav with anticoagulants, it is recommended to regularly monitor the INR or prothrombin time when discontinuing or starting treatment with the drug, since the dose of anticoagulants taken orally may need to be adjusted.

The joint administration of amoxicillin / clavulanic acid with rifampicin can lead to a mutual weakening of the antibacterial effect. Amoxiclav is not recommended to be used even once in combination with bacteriostatic antibiotics (tetracyclines, macrolides) and sulfonamides due to a possible decrease in the effectiveness of amoxicillin / clavulanic acid.

Taking the drug leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. In patients who took mycophenolate mofetil, after starting treatment with Amoxiclav, a decrease in the content of the active metabolite in the body - mycophenolic acid - is observed before taking the next dose of the drug by about 50%. Variations in its concentration may not accurately reflect general changes in exposure to a given metabolite.


Analogues of Amoxiclav are:

  • According to the active substance - Bactoklav, Klamosar, Arlet, Panklav, Medoklav, Liklav, Augmentin, Rapiklav, Fibell, Ekoklav, Amovikomb, Amoxivan;
  • By the mechanism of action - Libaccil, Oxamp, Santaz, Ampiox, Tazocin, Timentin, Sulacillin, Ampisid.

Terms and conditions of storage

The shelf life of tablets and solution is 2 years. Store in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the finished suspension is 7 days. The finished suspension is stored at 2-8 ° C.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed by prescription.

Reviews about Amoxiclav

In most cases, doctors and patients leave positive reviews about Amoxiclav. They prove the effectiveness of this antibacterial drug in the treatment of respiratory diseases, and not only adults, but also children can undergo a course of therapy. There are reports of good results of treatment with Amoxiclav for infectious diseases of the genital tract, otitis media, sinusitis. For adult patients, the drug is usually prescribed at a dose of 875 mg / 125 mg, and with the correct selection of the dosage, the unpleasant symptoms of the disease are eliminated quite quickly. However, patients report that after a course of antibiotic treatment, it is worth taking drugs that are responsible for normalizing the intestinal microflora.

Parents also speak positively about the Amoxiclav suspension, which children like due to its pleasant taste and ease of use.

Price for Amoxiclav in pharmacies

The approximate price for Amoxiclav in the form of tablets with a dosage of 875 mg / 125 mg is 401-436 rubles (the package contains 14 pcs.), With a dosage of 500 mg / 125 mg - 330-399 rubles (the package contains 15 pcs.), A dosage of 250 mg / 125 mg - 170‒241 rubles (the package contains 15 pcs.). Powder for preparation of a suspension for oral administration with a dosage of 400 mg / 57 mg can be purchased for approximately 158-273 rubles, for a dosage of 250 mg / 62.5 mg for 212-299 rubles, for a dosage of 125 mg / 31.25 mg for 99-123 rubles … Powder for preparing a solution for injections with a dosage of 1000 mg / 200 mg will cost about 675-862 rubles, with a dosage of 500 mg / 100 mg - 465-490 rubles (each package contains 5 bottles).

Amoxiclav: prices in online pharmacies

Drug name



Amoxiclav 400 mg + 57 mg / 5 ml powder for preparation of suspension for oral administration 17.5 g 1 pc.

RUB 78


Amoxiclav 125 mg + 31.25 mg / 5 ml powder for suspension for oral administration 25 g (100 ml) 1 pc.

RUB 97


Amoxiclav powder for prig suspension for internal approx. 125mg + 31.25mg / 5ml 20 doses 25g (with pipette dosage)

120 RUB


Amoxiclav powder for suspension for internal approx. 400mg + 57mg / 5ml 17.5g

183 r


Amoxiclav 400 mg + 57 mg / 5 ml powder for preparation of oral suspension 35 g 1 pc.

188 r


Amoxiclav powder for prig suspension for internal approx. 400mg + 57mg / 5ml 35g

210 RUB


Amoxiclav 250 mg + 62.5 mg / 5 ml powder for suspension for oral administration 25 g (100 ml) 1 pc.

222 r


Amoxiclav powder for prig suspension for internal approx. 250mg + 62.5mg / 5ml 20 doses 25g

251 RUB


Amoxiclav Kviktab 250 mg + 62.5 mg dispersible tablets 20 pcs.

257 r


Amoxiclav Kviktab 500 mg + 125 mg dispersible tablets 14 pcs.

276 r


Reviews Amoxiclav Kviktab

276 r


Amoxiclav Kviktab tablets dispersion 500mg + 125mg 14 pcs.

284 r


Amoxiclav Kviktab 875 mg + 125 mg dispersible tablets 14 pcs.

302 RUB


Amoxiclav 500 mg + 125 mg film-coated tablets 15 pcs.

323 r


Amoxiclav Kviktab tablets dispersion 250mg + 62.5mg 20 pcs.

330 RUB


Amoxiclav tablets p.p. 500mg + 125mg 15 pcs.

334 r


Amoxiclav 875 mg + 125 mg film-coated tablets 14 pcs.

349 r


Amoxiclav Kviktab tablets dispersion 875mg + 125mg 14 pcs.

375 RUB


Amoxiclav tablets p.p. 875mg + 125mg 14 pcs.

375 RUB


Amoxiclav (for injection) 1000 mg + 200 mg powder for solution for intravenous administration 5 pcs.

850 RUB


See all offers from pharmacies
Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
