Sardine is a small marine fish of the herring family, which reaches a length of about 20 cm, has a greenish back and a silvery belly. In the sun's rays, the scales of the fish are cast in several colors of the rainbow.
The nutritional value |
Serving Sardine 100 g |
Amount per serving |
Calories 166 Calories from Fat 90 |
% Daily value * |
Total Fat 10g 15% |
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% |
Sodium 140 mg 6% |
Potassium 385 mg 11% |
Total Carbohydrates 0 g 0% |
Dietary fiber 0 g 0% |
Proteins 19 g 38% |
Vitamin A 4% |
Vitamin B6 35% |
Vitamin B12 183% |
Vitamin C 2% |
Niacin 20% |
Iron 14% |
Calcium 8% |
Magnesium 10% |
Phosphorus 28% |
Zinc 5% |
* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal |
The ratio of BJU in the product

Source: How to burn 166 kcal?
Walking | 42 minutes |
Jogging | 18 minutes |
Swimming | 14 minutes |
A bike | 24 minutes |
Aerobics | 33 minutes |
Household chores | 55 minutes |
Sardines live in the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, they are caught with special trawls, nets and purse-type seines. Sardine is fished in Morocco, Portugal and Spain, while in Russia this fish is caught in the Far East. Ivasi sardines are caught from the waters of the Pacific Ocean at 230 thousand tons per year.
Currently, the catch of sardines has been reduced, due to the decrease in the number of this fish, caused by climatic conditions.
Beneficial features
Sardines are well absorbed by the human body and are a source of a large number of nutrients, including iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium and zinc.
The benefits of sardines are 2-3 times greater than that of herring and white fish. The most useful are the fats of this fish, which are necessary for the body and do not cause disruptions in the work of the human digestive system.
The composition of sardine contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are designed to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, reduce the likelihood of blood clots in blood vessels, promote blood flow and strengthen immunity.
When consuming Far Eastern sardine, which contains beneficial fatty acids, the symptoms of psoriasis are reduced, the functioning of the brain improves and visual acuity increases.
Sardine contains a whole complex of vitamins (A, B12, B6, D) and fish oil, which lowers cholesterol.
Boiled sardines are great because fish contains coenzyme Q10, which is a highly effective antioxidant for strengthening the immune system.
Several international medical studies have shown that eating Far Eastern sardines reduces the likelihood of asthma attacks, and the fatty acids in its composition have anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects.
The benefits of sardines for the skeletal system have been proven, since with regular consumption of this fish, the risk of arthritis and atherosclerosis is reduced. Since the fish contains nicotinic acid, the state of the nervous system improves and the symptoms of mental disorders may decrease.
Sardine meat, due to the large amount of calcium and vitamin B12, improves the condition of the joints. 100 g of sardine contains the daily norm of vitamins B3 and B6, fatty acids, zinc and phosphorus.
Calorie content of sardines
Three types of fish are called sardines - sardinella, sardine and sardinops. The calorie content of oceanic sardine is about 170 units, while it contains more than 20 units. squirrel and 9 units. fat. Atlantic sardine contains 250 calories.
The calorie content of sardines in various forms is:
- boiled 178 calories;
- 230 calories in butter;
- fresh 169 calories;
- in tomato sauce 160 calories.
Eating sardines
Fresh sardines are used to prepare broths and roasts with vegetables, and this fish is fried and smoked. Boiled sardines have a grayish tint and dryish, while fried fish is more tender, juicy and has a sour taste. Far Eastern sardine broth turns out to be rich and tasty.
Before cooking any fish dish, the scales are removed from it and the insides are removed. Before frying, the fish must be seasoned with salt, pepper and flour, and then fried on both sides in olive oil.
Canned sardines can be used to make salads and snacks, sandwiches and sandwiches. Fresh fish can be grilled or deep-fried with a little oil. Delicious fish cakes are made from sardines, but the bones must be removed from the fish and the fillets must be ground in a meat grinder.
Large sardines from France from the coast of Brittany are sent to canneries, where they are marinated in a special brine and dipped in olive oil, and then placed in tin boxes, which are heated in a boiler. Also in France, salted sardines are sold in cans. The fish is salted for 2 months, and then its conservation begins.
Sardines are often supplied to the Russian market frozen or canned. In the Far East, ships catch huge consignments of sardines, which are then imported into European countries.

Smoked sardines are popular in the USA and Ukraine, and in Austria and Germany sardines are called sprat cooked with a special hot sauce. In order to smoke this fish, it is first salted in special vats for 10 days, and then the salt is removed and washed. The fish is placed in a smoke machine for several days.
Italians and French make pasta from sardines and add it to pizza, while in Tunisia, stuffed sardines are used in the national dish of couscous.
Contraindications to use
Sardines should not be consumed in case of individual intolerance and allergy to fish products. Also, this fish is contraindicated for gout and various types of salt deposits in the bones.
People with hypertension should be aware that this fish raises blood pressure.
Sardines are fatty fish and high-calorie foods that should not be included in the diet.
Patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are advised to eat sardines in tomato sauce or stewed without adding oil.
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