Ryazhenka - Composition And Calorie Content, Benefits, Harm, Preparation

Ryazhenka - Composition And Calorie Content, Benefits, Harm, Preparation
Ryazhenka - Composition And Calorie Content, Benefits, Harm, Preparation


Ryazhenka - fermented milk product
Ryazhenka - fermented milk product

Ryazhenka is a fermented milk drink obtained from baked cow's milk as a result of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. As a result of prolonged languor, the concentration of useful components in milk increases, since all the liquid is evaporated from it. Long-term heat treatment removes all pathogenic bacteria from the product.

Fermented baked milk has a uniform cream color. The fresh drink has a homogeneous consistency, without lumps. Katyk (a national Tatar dish), matsoni (a Georgian drink), matsun (an Armenian drink), and leben (a fermented milk drink in Egypt) can be considered analogs of this useful product.

Fermented baked milk recipe

The recipe for making fermented baked milk was invented in Ukraine. Fermented baked milk can be considered a type of natural yogurt (without the use of any flavoring additives). Previously, this natural product was cooked in a well-heated oven. To prepare fermented baked milk, milk was mixed with sour cream and put into the oven. The milk was not brought to a boil, but kept at the temperature at which it released moisture and became fatter and thicker.

Currently, this product is prepared at home using acidophilus bacillus and kefir fungi.

Composition and calorie content of fermented baked milk

The composition of this fermented milk product is identical to the set of components that make up baked milk. But at the same time fermented baked milk is absorbed much better than baked milk.

The benefits of fermented baked milk for the human body are explained by its composition. This drink contains a significant amount of substances important for human health. Thus, one hundred grams of the drink contains 89 g of ash, 8 mg of cholesterol, 4.2 mg of mono- and disaccharides, 1.5 g of saturated fatty acids and 0.9 g of organic acids. Each hundred grams of the product contains 0.8 mg of vitamin PP, 0.3 mg of vitamin C, 0.13 mg of vitamin B2, 0.02 mg of vitamin B1, 22 μg of vitamin A, 0.01 mg of beta-carotene. The drink contains 124 mg of calcium, 146 mg of potassium, 92 mg of phosphorus, 50 mg of sodium and 29 mg of sulfur.

The calorie content of fermented baked milk directly depends on the fat content of the milk from which it is made. So, a hundred grams of fermented baked milk made from homemade whole milk will contain from 75 to 100 calories.

Fermented baked milk of various fat content is produced on an industrial scale (from dietary one, 1% fermented baked milk, to a more nutritious 6% product). If the package contains 2% fat, then one hundred grams of the product contains 54 calories, and with 4% fat - 76 calories. But for any calorie content, fermented baked milk has truly unique properties. It is extremely beneficial for the human body.

The benefits of fermented baked milk

Ryazhenka perfectly quenches thirst and hunger. A glass of this aromatic fermented milk drink contains 20% of the daily value of phosphorus and 25% of the body's daily need for calcium. And the milk fat contained in fermented baked milk improves the absorption of calcium. When consumed regularly, the drink helps to strengthen bones and teeth. Therefore, fermented baked milk can be of great benefit not only to an adult, but also to a child's body. A huge amount of lactic acid bacteria has a very beneficial effect on the digestion process. As a result of the vital activity of bacteria in fermented baked milk, biologically active substances useful for the human body accumulate - free amino acids, antibiotic substances, enzymes.

It is useful to use this fermented milk product for atherosclerosis, diseases of internal organs, biliary tract.

Fermented baked milk recipe
Fermented baked milk recipe

The drink is often used as a cosmetic product. On the basis of fermented baked milk, masks for body and hair, scrubs, and nourishing baths are prepared. A mask of fermented baked milk with lemon juice tones, and with oatmeal - relieves irritation.

Ryazhenka harm

Possible harm to fermented baked milk is not excluded with gastritis with high acidity and stomach ulcers.

Fermented baked milk can cause considerable harm if you are allergic to milk protein.

The use of fermented baked milk in cooking

In cooking, this delicious drink is used as an essential component for making pies, pancakes, and pancakes. Fermented baked milk goes well with most fruits and berries.

This product cannot be combined with eggs, poultry, fish, meat and other protein sources.

Natural fermented baked milk can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days.

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