Respiratory gymnastics for bronchitis for children and adults
The content of the article:
- Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova
- Breathing exercises by the Buteyko method
- Respiratory gymnastics in the treatment of bronchitis
- Video
Respiratory gymnastics for bronchitis in children and adults helps to remove sputum, get rid of cough, and normalize breathing. Breathing exercises slow down atrophic processes in the bronchial mucosa, restore its structure, increase the effectiveness of drug treatment, and promote a speedy recovery. Their correct and regular implementation prevents the development of pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, pleurisy and other complications. In addition, breathing exercises help to eliminate or reduce headaches, chronic fatigue, neurosis, depression.

Respiratory gymnastics is an effective addition to the main treatment of bronchitis
Remedial gymnastics for bronchitis is convenient to carry out at home, it does not require any special equipment, exercises can be performed almost at any time - in the morning in bed or before going to bed, on a walk, during rest.
The set of exercises is selected by the attending physician. Classes should be started under the supervision of a physiotherapy specialist (LFK), after working out the technique, they can be continued on their own.
Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova
Respiratory gymnastics according to Strelnikova's method is one of the most effective for bronchitis. The gymnastic complex is designed in such a way as to involve the muscles of the abdomen, arms, legs, which increases its effectiveness.
Exercise rules:
- all movements must be performed while inhaling;
- inhalation should be short-lived, while you should not inhale a lot of air, inhalation should be natural;
- exhalation should be natural, exhale silently through the mouth, you should not hold your breath or stimulate exhalation;
- breaths through the mouth and through the nose should be alternated.
Exercise for stopping a coughing attack: during the attack, take a deep breath and immediately exhale the air, then hold your breath for a while. Repeat 3-5 times.
Exercise for bronchial obstruction: water is poured into a suitable container (bowl, saucepan, etc.), a cocktail tube is lowered into it. The patient takes a deep breath and exhales through the tube into the water. The exercise is recommended to be carried out for 5-15 minutes several times a day.
Also, with obstructive bronchitis, an exercise is recommended that improves the discharge of accumulated mucus: in the morning, without getting out of bed, turn on your back, after removing the pillow and blanket, take a deep breath, exhale sharply, drawing in your stomach as much as possible, and cough. Repeat several times.
It is recommended to practice inhaling and exhaling by inflating balloons.
Gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method should be performed 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. A set of exercises takes from 8 minutes to 10-15. Exercise is recommended to be done outdoors or at least by providing fresh air to the room. If during their execution the patient has shortness of breath and / or dizziness, a short break should be taken, after which the gymnastics should be continued.
Depending on the patient's condition, the number of repetitions and the total duration of gymnastics can be adjusted. The complex is contraindicated in spinal injuries, traumatic brain injuries, osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine.
Breathing exercises by the Buteyko method
Gymnastics according to the Buteyko method can be used in both acute and chronic bronchitis. Initially, the complex was developed for the treatment of bronchial asthma, but it turned out that it is effective in many diseases of the lungs, including demonstrating high efficiency in bronchitis. Holding your breath allows you not only to fight coughing attacks, but also helps with respiratory failure, heart rhythm disturbances. Such gymnastics makes it possible to stop coughing attacks without medication, allows you to quickly achieve remission and maintain it for a long time.
The method is suitable for adults and children, but it can only be used after consultation and under the supervision of a doctor who selects the necessary exercises and determines their duration. Before the beginning of Buteyko training, you should carry out a deep breathing test.
Gymnastics according to Buteyko is done on an empty stomach, while breathing should be done through the nose. The recommended duration is at least 3 hours a day.
The most popular exercises for bronchitis:
- alternate inhalation, exhalation and hold the breath for 5 s;
- breathe alternately with the left and right nostrils (the second nostril is clamped at the same time);
- take a deep breath (duration 7.5 s), while drawing in the stomach, exhale as much as possible, relaxing the abdominal muscles (also 7.5 s) and hold your breath for 5 s.
The exercises are usually repeated 10 times.
Patients who perform gymnastics according to the Buteyko method may experience a temporary exacerbation of the disease (increased sputum separation, increased body temperature), which is considered a favorable sign.
During exercise, you should not allow a strong shortage of air.
Respiratory gymnastics in the treatment of bronchitis
Respiratory gymnastics in the acute form of the disease helps to reduce the inflammatory process, normalize blood and lymph circulation in the vessels of the respiratory system, increase immunity, prevent chronic bronchitis and the development of complications.
In the case of anti-infectious therapy in the acute form of bronchitis, gymnastics is usually prescribed on the 2-3rd day from the start of treatment, when the body temperature decreases and the patient's condition stabilizes. If bed rest is recommended to the patient, static breathing exercises are carried out at this time, then they switch to dynamic ones. Exercises can be complemented by massage, physiotherapy exercises.
Respiratory gymnastics for chronic bronchitis is prescribed to strengthen the respiratory muscles, remove accumulated mucus, improve lung ventilation, reduce shortness of breath, which leads to an improvement in the general condition of the patient.

Whenever possible, breathing exercises are best done outdoors.
Chronic obstructive bronchitis is a common condition. Complete or partial obstruction of the bronchi can also occur in the acute form of the disease. In this case, the patient complains of expiratory dyspnea (difficulty in exhaling), which leads to overstrain of the respiratory muscles. Respiratory exercises in obstructive bronchitis helps to expand the lumen of the bronchi, clear them of mucus and restore the affected mucous membrane.
With allergic bronchitis, exercise helps to strengthen the body's defenses, chest and back muscles, and prevent the development of shortness of breath.
In the case of bronchitis complicated by pneumonia, with a satisfactory general condition of the patient and a body temperature not exceeding subfebrile values, breathing exercises can be prescribed from the first days of treatment.
Breathing exercises for bronchitis are recommended for children from 3 years old, pregnant women, as well as for elderly patients without age restrictions. With bronchitis in children, gymnastics is carried out in the form of a game.
Respiratory gymnastics is not prescribed in the presence of blood impurity in sputum, with respiratory failure of the III degree, abscess pneumonia, status asthmaticus, lung atelectasis and some acute conditions. Contraindication to it is also arterial hypertension with a tendency to bleeding, malignant neoplasms.
When performed correctly, breathing exercises are a very effective method that effectively complements the main treatment, and sometimes acts as the main therapy. It allows you to speed up recovery, reduce the drug load on the body and has practically no side effects. Rare complications are associated with improper exercise performance, incompetence of the instructing person or lack of such instruction, ignoring the doctor's recommendations.
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Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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