Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova for weight loss
A vocal teacher and professional singer, author of breathing exercises for weight loss, Strelnikova Alexandra Nikolaevna, based her complex on the exercises developed by her mother in the 40s of the twentieth century. The original goal of Strelnikova's breathing exercises complex was to restore a lost voice and treat a protracted illness with frequent attacks of suffocation. Her technique was patented in September 1973 as "A Method for the Treatment of Diseases Associated with Voice Loss." And in 1976 this system of breathing exercises was first published in the pages of the journal "Inventor and Rationalizer".

Medical studies have confirmed that the regular performance of breathing exercises according to Strelnikova helps to improve health in asthma, chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, etc. Another, unexpected for the author of the method, effect of breathing exercises was a gradual normalization weight and volume of the patient's body and decreased appetite. As soon as these changes were confirmed during observations, doctors began to recommend Strelnikova's breathing exercises for weight loss.
In Strelnikova's respiratory gymnastics complex, exercises are designed to significantly increase the oxygen supplied during inhalation, which helps to accelerate metabolism and burn fat cells.
Strelnikova demonstrated the beneficial effect of breathing exercises by her own example, regularly performing exercises and not following a diet, she felt great until the last days of her life, was slim and energetic. Alexandra Nikolaevna died as a result of an accident at the age of 77.
Strelnikova, breathing exercises for weight loss, basic rules
To achieve the greatest efficiency from performing the Strelnikova complex of breathing exercises for weight loss, it is necessary to follow a number of the following simple rules:
- The maximum emphasis on inhalation is sharp, noisy, short, similar to a shot or a clap;
- The exhalation should be natural and as imperceptible as possible, do not hold the breath on the exhale, but you do not need to make efforts to exhale;
- All exercises should be performed in the rhythm of the marching step, movements are performed while inhaling;
- The main set of exercises consists of 4 approaches, 8 breaths each. It is possible to increase the number of approaches, but gradually, be sure to observe the frequency of breaths to 8, and approaches to 4.
Strelnikova, breathing exercises for weight loss, basic exercises
Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova for weight loss consists of a basic set of effective, but simple exercises, the performance of which is within the power of people of any level of physical fitness, and more complex exercises, which can be started only after a long preparation.
A set of basic breathing exercises is recommended, which will allow you to achieve remarkable results, provided they are performed regularly and correctly:
- "Ladoshki". Starting position (IP) - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at the elbows, palms turned forward. On inhalation - clench the palms with force into fists, imitating grasping movements, the shoulders are motionless;
- "Epaulets". IP - feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows at waist level, clenched into fists. On inhalation - push with hands down, straighten palms, shoulders motionless;
- "Cat". IP - standing straight, legs are already shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. On inhalation - turn to the side in a half-squat, clench your hands into fists, on exhalation - in PI, perform in the other direction. Do not take your feet off the floor, turn your head at the same time as your body, squat down springy and easily;
- "Pump". IP - legs are narrower than shoulder width, slight forward bend, hands slightly above the knees. On inhalation - tilt down, rounding the back, on exhalation - to straighten up, inclinations are light, smooth;
- "Hug your shoulders." IP - legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows at shoulder level are spread apart. On inhalation - hug yourself by the shoulders, hands do not cross one over the other, on exhalation - PI, perform naturally, without tension;
- The Big Pendulum combines the two previous exercises. IP - feet shoulder-width apart, the first breath - a slight forward bend with a rounded back, clench your hands into fists, exhale - straighten, the second breath - hug yourself by the shoulders, exhale - lower your arms. All movements are smooth, without sharp bends and bends.
All exercises of the complex are performed according to a strict scheme - 8 breaths, a break of 3-5 seconds, the next approach, only 4 approaches. This is a distinctive feature of Strelnikova's breathing exercises - exercises are performed necessarily simultaneously with inhalation and exhalation, which have a certain effect on movements.
Breathing exercises, helpful tips
Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova will be more effective if you follow simple useful tips:
- Exercise in the fresh air during the warm season, when the air temperature drops below + 3 ° C, classes should be transferred to a well-ventilated room;
- It is recommended to do exercises in the morning before breakfast and in the evening, some time after dinner and a couple of hours before bedtime;
- It is imperative to combine breathing exercises and sports, preference should be given to cardio loads - running, walking and cycling (stationary bike);
- After regularly performing the basic complex for a month, the number of breaths can be increased from 8 to 16, and after another couple of months - up to 32. In the intervals between the series, you should rest, but no more than 5 seconds.
It has been experimentally proven that the regular implementation of Strelnikova's complex of breathing exercises for weight loss helps to cure many diseases. The main principle of the breathing exercises technique is more active use of abdominal breathing with chest suppression. During abdominal breathing, the diaphragm becomes more tense, as a result of which its muscles are strengthened and blood flow in the organs increases. This contributes to their better cleansing of toxins and toxins and improves overall health. Moreover, abdominal breathing contributes to an increase in lung volume - after a few months of regular breathing exercises, the vital volume of the lungs increases by 0.3 liters.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova for weight loss helps to activate the following processes:
- The feeling of hunger is dulled;
- Digestion improves;
- An increased breakdown of fat cells occurs;
- There is a surge of strength and vivacity;
- Immunity is strengthened;
- The nervous system calms down.
You can start doing gymnastics at any age, there are no contraindications for such exercises. In the case of significant excess weight or severe chronic diseases, the exercises can be performed while lying or sitting. But in any case, if you have health problems, before you start doing breathing exercises according to Strelnikova, you need to consult with your doctor. A greater effect can be achieved by combining breathing exercises with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
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