How to give an enema to yourself
Enema is a medical cleansing procedure consisting in the introduction of water or a solution of medicinal preparations, herbal decoctions, oils into the rectum using special instruments.

An enema is used to prepare the intestines for studies of various kinds (for example, endoscopic examination of the rectum), before childbirth, with fecal obstructions and stool retention, poisoning and intoxication. In home practice, an enema is used as a cleansing procedure for defecation disorders, in order to reduce weight, in the process of general cleansing of the body. How to give an enema to yourself? How is an enema performed with an Esmarch mug? How many times to do an enema for various disorders of bowel function?
How to give an enema to yourself: the rules for setting an enema
Enema is one of the fastest and most effective bowel cleansing methods. Enema cleansing was practiced more than a thousand years ago, used as one of the main methods of treatment for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In the Middle Ages, enemas were used to reduce weight and give the female body a graceful shape. Modern medicine uses an enema only as a cleansing procedure, as well as as an auxiliary method of treating intestinal dysfunction and diagnosing gastrointestinal disorders.
In home practice, an enema is used as a quick remedy for effective bowel cleansing. How to do an enema for yourself?
Self-administration of an enema is a very complex process that requires careful preparation and some skill. Before you make an enema to yourself, you need to know what tool is needed for this cleansing procedure, how much liquid is allowed for the enema, what enema needs to be done to achieve this or that effect.
At home, enemas are most often carried out in order to quickly cleanse the intestines with constipation or with a prolonged absence of defecation. In such cases, oil microclysters can be used. The oil gently envelops the intestinal wall and feces, promoting their movement to the anus. How to make an enema to yourself using oil solutions?
For setting oily microclysters, it is necessary to prepare an oily solution. As a rule, vegetable (olive, sunflower) or pharmaceutical oils are used for oil enemas. Before making an enema to yourself, the oil solution is heated to body temperature (36-37C). The warm oil solution has a relaxing effect, relieves cramps and promotes bowel movements. It is worth considering before making an enema to yourself that an oil enema has a delayed effect. So, the volume of the injected solution is from 15 to 100 ml, and its effect in the rectum reaches 5-12 hours.
When carrying out a conventional cleansing enema with normal bowel movements, use purified water at room temperature, or lightly warm. The volume of the injected liquid is from 1 to 2 liters. The duration of such an enema is from 15 minutes to half an hour.
Before you make an enema yourself, you need to choose the right posture in which it will be most convenient to control the introduction of fluid. So, for microclysters, it is better to use a syringe (pear), while for a complete cleansing of the intestines, it is better to do an enema with a mug of Esmarch.
How to do an enema yourself? To set an enema, you must:
- Sterile instrument;
- Prepare a sufficient amount of water or solution for administration into the rectum;
- Vaseline or baby cream to lubricate the tip when injected into the rectum.
The procedure for setting an enema is as follows:
- Choose a position that is most convenient for bowel cleansing (knee-elbow, lying on its side, squatting). The enema position should promote maximum relaxation of the abdominal wall;
- Before carrying out an enema with a mug of Esmarch, it is necessary to check whether the tip is damaged, in order to avoid microtraumas of the rectum and anus;
- The tip is lubricated with cream or petroleum jelly for easier insertion into the rectum. The tip is inserted to a depth of 10 cm. During the enema, there should be no discomfort, while everyone should independently determine the depth of the instrument;
- Using the Esmarch mug, after inserting the tip, open the tap on the tube;
- When conducting an enema with a syringe, it is necessary to squeeze the syringe so that the solution is evenly injected into the rectum;
- After all the solution is injected, it is necessary to massage the abdomen to move the solution into the intestines. If immediately after the introduction of the solution there is a sharp urge to defecate, then in this case it is recommended to lie down so that the pelvis is above the level of the head. The recommended waiting period is up to 15 minutes, after which you can use the toilet;
- It is important to monitor your condition and stop fluid administration if you feel discomfort.
How to make an enema with a pear and a mug of Esmarch
How to give an enema correctly? Before you make an enema yourself, you need to choose the right instrument. How to correctly administer an enema with an Esmarch mug? For self-administration of an enema with an Esmarch mug, it is necessary to fix the container with the solution 1 m above the point of introduction of the tip. Carrying out an enema, you must carefully monitor your condition. If you feel discomfort, it is necessary to stop the introduction of fluid and allow it to be distributed in the rectum, it may be necessary to weaken the pressure.
How to properly administer an enema using a pear? The pear is used to inject small volumes of solution (up to 0.5 l); if it is necessary to introduce large volumes of water, an Esmarch mug is used. Before introduction, the tip of the syringe must be treated with petroleum jelly. When introducing the solution into the rectum, you also need to monitor your condition and stop the introduction if you feel discomfort. Before giving a pear enema, you must also prepare a sufficient amount of solution for administration. The period of action of such an enema is up to 1 hour.

How many times to do an enema
The number of repetitions of the enema is determined by the purpose for which this cleansing procedure is used. If medicinal enemas are performed, then how many times to do the enema is determined by the doctor. When carrying out bowel cleansing (during a diet, fasting, for prophylactic purposes), it is not recommended to put enemas more than 1 time per week. More frequent cleaning procedures can lead to intestinal dysbiosis. Enema for constipation is carried out until a sufficient laxative effect is achieved. Before making an enema to yourself, you should consult with your doctor about how many times to do the enema, in order to avoid disturbance of the intestinal microflora, injury, burns, aggravation of the condition.
Self-administration of enemas is contraindicated in:
- Bleeding from the rectum;
- Inflammatory bowel processes;
- Bleeding hemorrhoids;
- Anal fissures.
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