Slimming Clothes - Types, Mechanism Of Action, Contraindications

Slimming Clothes - Types, Mechanism Of Action, Contraindications
Slimming Clothes - Types, Mechanism Of Action, Contraindications

Clothes for slimming

How to choose a quality weight loss suit
How to choose a quality weight loss suit

The problem of excess weight is well known to many of our contemporaries. A sedentary lifestyle, inappropriate nutrition contribute to the fact that extra pounds are gradually and imperceptibly gained, which are sometimes quite difficult to get rid of. Everything is used: low-calorie diets and fasting days, sports, herbal medicine, etc. In recent years, even special clothing for weight loss has appeared. How effective and safe is it for health? Let's talk about this in more detail.

How does slimming clothing work?

Nowadays, various weight loss clothing items are available in pharmacies and many stores. These are belts, shorts, breeches and even, strange as it may seem to you, special insoles that (if you believe the advertisements) can help you easily say goodbye to the hated extra pounds. But the greatest demand is for “Sauna” suits for weight loss, which are a jacket and trousers made of 100% vinyl. It is important to choose the right size for your slimming suit. It should fit the body tightly enough, but at the same time not squeeze it, disrupting the venous blood flow.

The Sauna slimming suit has excellent heat-insulating properties. it prevents the transfer of heat generated by muscle work and metabolism from the human body. As a result, in order to avoid overheating, the body begins to sweat heavily. Loss of moisture leads, in turn, to an increase in the process of lipolysis - the breakdown of adipose tissue, and a person loses weight. The exact same effect can be observed when visiting a sauna. It is only when a suit is used to reduce weight that heat is generated by our own body.

All other types of clothing for weight loss act in a similar way. It is undoubtedly very hot in them, but the result is achieved quite quickly.

Suit effectiveness for weight loss

Not every person is able to perform sports exercises for a long time and regularly. Many people stop going to the gym because they do not see the result of their workouts. Slimming clothes can become an additional incentive for them to continue playing sports, because when using it, the results become noticeable by 15 days. Fat deposits on the thighs (“ears”) gradually disappear, the waist appears, the arms acquire beautiful outlines, and the legs become noticeably slimmer. Thus, the Sauna slimming suit plays an important role in the psychological mood of a person, supports the determination to get rid of extra pounds in him, instills confidence that the planned goal will be achieved in a fairly short time.

At the same time, on the Internet, one can often read negative reviews about the use of the “Sauna” suit for weight loss. They are left by people who were confident in the "miraculous" property of this device, who believe that to lose weight it is enough just to put it on and spend a couple of hours a day in it. In fact, slimming clothing acts only as a catalyst for the accelerated destruction of adipose tissue. But in order for the volumes to begin to "dissolve", in addition to using a suit for weight loss, it is necessary to adhere to a low-calorie diet, exercise regularly, and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

Contraindications for wearing slimming clothing

As we have already found out, such clothes actually help to quickly and effectively say goodbye to excess weight. But when using it, it is very important to carefully follow the rules of hygiene. After each workout, the suit should be wiped on the outside with a piece of clean cotton cloth, then turned inside out and dried well. It is advisable to wear thin cotton underwear that can absorb sweat well under clothes for weight loss. Violation of hygiene rules can lead to diaper rash, acne and even abscesses.

The use of slimming suits is categorically contraindicated for any skin disease.

The mechanism of action of the sauna suit for weight loss
The mechanism of action of the sauna suit for weight loss

You should not wear weight loss clothing all the time. It not only squeezes problem areas, but also disrupts lymph flow in them, prevents the skin from breathing. All this violates the physiology and structure of the skin.

In addition, trousers from a slimming suit compress the genitals quite hard, disrupting blood circulation in them. Moreover, in women, not only the external, but also the internal genital organs are affected. This contributes to the development of stagnant phenomena in them, the exacerbation of chronic gynecological diseases.

Long-term wearing of clothes for weight loss is no less harmful for men. An increase in the local temperature in the testicular area disrupts the processes of spermatogenesis, as a result of which a large percentage of immotile or sedentary sperm appear in the sperm.

Also, it is not advisable to wear clothes for weight loss for certain diseases of internal organs and pregnancy. Therefore, before buying it, it is best to consult with your doctor first.

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