Slimming breeches

Modern slimming clothing is indistinguishable from a regular tracksuit. The assortment today is so large that you can easily select an item specifically for the desired problem area.
But the most common are still slimming breeches, as toned buttocks and slender thighs will never go out of style!
Is it possible to lose weight just by wearing anti-cellulite slimming breeches? According to many nutritionists, physiologists and endocrinologists, you can't. The body uses stored fat only if the calorie intake is less than the expenditure. Therefore, also according to many reviews, weight loss breeches will not give significant results if they are not combined with any other weight loss measures.
It is especially good to combine the wearing of such breeches with physical activity. After all, the more you use means for losing weight, the more effective the fight against excess weight will be.
Slimming breeches action
Very often, even fitness classes and proper nutrition do not help to completely get rid of excess weight, since the problem may be in excess fluid, from which fat cells "swell". Due to excess water, adipocytes (fat cells) cannot “lose weight”. It is in such cases that anti-cellulite slimming breeches are needed. According to the manufacturers, breeches have three types of effects on the body for effective weight loss:
- Sauna effect. Anti-cellulite breeches are made of a material that does not allow heat to pass through. Because of this, problem areas of the body overheat and begin to sweat actively. Thanks to these processes, lymphatic drainage and blood circulation are enhanced. To enhance these actions, you can apply a special anti-cellulite agent to the skin with massage movements. Thanks to heating in breeches, the product will penetrate deeper into the skin and work faster;
- Micromassage. The impact is caused by the load-distributing capacity of the breech fibers. Some slimming breeches have a bumpy inner surface that enhances the massage effect;
- Compression effect. The breeches support the muscles and help them work longer without fatigue. Thanks to good muscle support, the stress on joints, ligaments and bones is reduced, and the risk of injury is reduced. It is known that professional athletes very often resort to clothing with compression properties to avoid the risk of varicose veins and after various injuries and operations. But for such an effect, just squeezing is not enough. The fibers of slimming breeches must be intertwined in a special way so that the squeezing effect gradually diminishes from bottom to top. If they squeeze equally along the entire length, varicose veins will only progress.
How to wear slimming breeches
When wearing breeches, you must adhere to the following rules:
Slimming breeches - reviews and tips for use Wear breeches no more than 2-3 hours a day. Being in them for a longer time is harmful to the skin and unhygienic, since the skin must breathe. Slimming breeches are often made of neoprene, and in order to absorb sweat, you must wear clean cotton underwear under them;
- The breeches should not be in direct contact with the genitals;
- If, while wearing breeches, you are simultaneously exercising and sweating a lot, do less intense types of fitness (walking, stretching, yoga or callanetics);
- At the end of classes, be sure to take a shower and ventilate the breeches, turning them inside out;
- There is no point in just sitting in anti-cellulite breeches. If you are not going to move in them, then at least apply a warming anti-cellulite cream under them;
- The breeches should not squeeze you too much, as it is very harmful for all organs of the small pelvis, especially for the genitourinary system! From this, inflammation and congestion will necessarily worsen;
- Never wear breeches with a sauna effect if you have any neoplasms, as this can increase the growth of cancerous tissue;
- Before you start wearing weight loss breeches, consult your doctor to rule out all possible health risks.
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