Weakened Immunity In A Child: How To Help

Weakened Immunity In A Child: How To Help
Weakened Immunity In A Child: How To Help

Weakened immunity in a child: how to help

Immunity is divided into congenital and acquired. With the first, the baby is born, the second accumulates throughout life as a result of past diseases, vaccinations, the introduction of various serums and antibodies.

Let's find out what can cause the weakening of this natural shield of the body:

  • Trauma during passage through the birth canal.
  • Heavy pregnancy.
  • Poor heredity and predisposition to infectious diseases.
  • Refusal of breast milk before 6 months.
  • Unbalanced complementary foods.
  • Failure of the digestive tract.
  • Drug overdose.
  • Poor ecology, increased background radiation.
  • Recurring ENT diseases.
  • Improper diet, foods high in nitrates.
  • Stress and constant nervous tension.
  • Rare walks in the fresh air.
  • Overwork, constant fatigue due to excessive loads.
Causes of weakened immunity in children
Causes of weakened immunity in children

General principles of increasing immunity

If we talk about newborn children, the following factors are the key to strong immunity:

  • breast-feeding;
  • absence of severe hereditary diseases;
  • balanced diet of the mother.

It is from the mother that the baby receives everything he needs. With breast milk the necessary vitamins, nutrients, enzymes, immunoglobulins enter the child's body.

To stimulate the body's defenses, you need to walk with your baby in the fresh air every day. You can always walk, the main thing is to dress the child for the weather. If the frost is too big, you can limit yourself to a short "walk" on the balcony. For older children, daily walks are also very important.

Another guarantee of strong immunity is a complete and balanced diet, sufficient fluid intake (better than plain water). Pharmacy vitamins are best taken as prescribed by a doctor, but it is useful to prepare vitamin remedies from "traditional" medicine on your own - rosehip decoction, fruit drinks, jelly.

You can begin to gradually temper the child's body, but it is important to follow certain principles so as not to harm:

  • the child must be absolutely healthy;
  • hardening procedures are selected taking into account the age, physical condition, character, desire of the child;
  • the child must be tempered gradually, increasing the intensity and duration;
  • the result is achieved only with regular performance of procedures;
  • the hardening process should not cause negative feelings and emotions.

Medicines - help the body

Medicines will help strengthen the baby's immunity. A doctor should prescribe them, it is important to choose a safe, proven remedy.

One of the effective and safe drugs that can strengthen the immune system is the Timogen spray, which was developed by Russian scientists more than 25 years ago and is produced in St. Petersburg. The active substance of Thymogen is alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan. It is identical to a naturally occurring compound isolated from thymus (thymus) extract. It is the organ in which the maturation, differentiation and immunological "training" of T cells of the immune system take place. That is, in fact, one of the main "tuners" of our immunity. Thymogen contributes to the normal functioning of the organs of the immune system and other structures, in which the development and maturation of immunocompetent cells (thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, diffuse lymphoid tissue, skin, etc.) also occurs.

Thymogen - an agent that increases immunity in children
Thymogen - an agent that increases immunity in children

The drug is intended for children from 1 year old. The convenient form in the form of a nasal spray makes it easy, quick and painless to give medicine to even the smallest. Thymogen is non-toxic and does not cause allergies. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

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