Dumbbell Slimming Exercises

Dumbbell Slimming Exercises
Dumbbell Slimming Exercises

Dumbbell Slimming Exercises

Weight loss is impossible without physical activity, and exercises with dumbbells help to increase their effectiveness.

Dumbbell Slimming Exercises

Dumbbell exercises strengthen the calf, gluteus, and abs and thighs
Dumbbell exercises strengthen the calf, gluteus, and abs and thighs

Like any other load, exercises with dumbbells should be performed at least two hours after eating. Before you start performing a set of exercises with dumbbells, you should do a warm-up. Suitable, for example, running in place with a high rise of the knees, swinging legs and arms, preparing joints for loads, as well as tilting the body in all four directions alternately. Each of the exercises is sufficient for three minutes.

Dumbbell exercises at home

For the muscles of the buttocks and inner thighs, such an exercise with dumbbells for women as a squat is effective. Starting position - legs shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells are lowered along the body. The weight of each dumbbell is one and a half or two kilograms. Deep squats should be performed with a straight back, squatting on inhalation and straightening on exhalation. In the initial stages, two sets of ten repetitions are performed, gradually increasing the load to three sets of twenty repetitions, after which the mass of dumbbells can be increased.

The next dumbbell exercise is lying horizontally. Lie on the floor, straighten your arms with dumbbells over your head, and then, spreading them apart, lower them down. This exercise can also be performed while lying on a bench, while it is necessary to ensure that the arms do not fall below the plane of the body and do not make sudden movements. Hand bruises train the pectoralis major muscle, visually improving the shape of the chest.

Another effective dumbbell exercise will eliminate fat deposits from the sides and abdomen. Legs shoulder width apart, arms with dumbbells along the torso. Make a tilt of the body to the right - while the hand slides along the thigh - and fix yourself in an inclined position for a few seconds, gradually increasing this time to a minute. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.

The following dumbbell exercise is designed to strengthen the calf muscles. Stand to the back of the chair, holding on to it with your left hand, dumbbells in your right hand. Stand on your toes with your right foot, and then return to a normal position. Repeat as many times as possible, since training the calf muscle requires the maximum number of repetitions. Do the same with your left leg, holding dumbbells in your left hand and leaning on a chair with your right hand.

The next exercise with dumbbells for weight loss of the gluteal muscles and muscles of the thigh is walking. As an auxiliary equipment, a gymnastic bench is suitable (ideal, since the knee will be higher than the hip joint during execution), a step board, or just a stack of magazines. First, the steps are performed with the right leg, holding dumbbells in the right hand, then the arm and leg are changed.

Pullover - exercise with dumbbells at home is performed lying on the floor in order to train the latissimus dorsi muscle. Hands, connected in a lock and straightened above the head in a horizontal plane, hold a dumbbell. They are moved vertically in front of you, and then returned to their original position.

At home, dumbbell exercises are an effective and free way to lose weight
At home, dumbbell exercises are an effective and free way to lose weight

The next exercise with dumbbells - the press - can be performed both standing and sitting. Most effectively it helps to strengthen the anterior deltoid muscle. The arms bent at the elbows hold the dumbbells, with them they straighten up and return to their original position, and the plane of the dumbbells can be changed - parallel to the body and perpendicular. While training the same muscle, you can also perform such an exercise with dumbbells as swinging your arms forward alternately.

Also, standing or sitting, they perform and bend the arms with dumbbells. In the initial position, the arms with dumbbells are lowered along the body, while inhaling, one arm bends at the elbow, lifting the dumbbell vertically upward, while exhaling, it drops to its original position. The same movement is repeated with the other hand.

For training the front delta, an exercise with dumbbells such as a broach is also intended. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down in front of you, the dumbbells are parallel to the body. On inhalation, both arms are raised so that the shoulders are in a horizontal position, on exhalation, they are returned to their original position.

Another dumbbell exercise for women is bent over rows. In the process of its implementation, the latissimus dorsi muscle is trained. From a standing position, tilt the body parallel to the floor, hands with dumbbells lowered down. Hands are pressed to the body - the shoulders are parallel to the back; then returned to its original position.

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