Can a virgin get pregnant?

Virgins are called girls who have not had sexual contact with vaginal penetration of the penis. In virgins, the entrance to the vagina is covered with a special fold of the mucous membrane - the hymen.
Can a virgin get pregnant?
Many people believe that the hymen can prevent sperm from accidentally entering during petting. However, the risk of an unwanted pregnancy always exists, even if vaginal penetration into the vagina has not occurred. There are several holes in the hymen. Menstrual blood flows out of these holes. Sperm can enter the vagina through these openings through mutual fondling or petting. Further, the process of possible fertilization will depend only on the vitality and activity of the partner's sperm. If, during sexual intercourse, a partner ejaculates near the vagina, then several active spermatozoa may well penetrate inside.
It should not be forgotten that the hymen is extremely elastic. In some cases, it can stretch to the size of the penis. The extensibility of the hymen depends on the degree of arousal of the girl. In addition, intercourse can occur without rupture of the hymen, if the opening in it is large enough. Sometimes a woman is admitted to the maternity ward with her hymen intact. Then the doctor cuts the hymen so that it does not interfere with childbirth.

Ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy
An unwanted pregnancy can occur in any woman of puberty with a regular monthly cycle. To exclude the possibility of unwanted pregnancy and the risk of contracting an infection before the first sexual contact, it is necessary to take care of contraceptive methods.
The most affordable and easy-to-use contraceptive is considered to be a condom. Moreover, it is absolutely harmless to a young organism.
The answer of doctors to the question of whether a virgin can become pregnant is most often positive. To prevent unwanted pregnancy from occurring at the first sexual contact, they advise using suppositories and spermicides without hormonal components. These drugs deprive sperm of motor activity.
Oral contraceptives based on hormonal substances have many contraindications and can harm a young body.
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