How to get pregnant after an abortion
Abortion is usually understood as an abortion.

The indications for such a procedure may be a woman's unwillingness to give birth to a child, and social indications, and medical problems. Often in the future, a woman wants to become a mother. Therefore, for many, the question arises of how to get pregnant after an abortion. Infertility can be a consequence of artificial interruption, but in most women, reproductive function after an abortion is restored, and the birth of a healthy baby is quite possible.
How to get pregnant after an abortion without harm to health
Abortion is a serious interference with the female reproductive system. Artificial termination of pregnancy harms the entire body and especially the genitals. Sometimes a woman decides to have a baby as soon as possible after an abortion. This choice is a consequence of many psychological and social reasons and is a personal matter for every woman. But how to get pregnant after an abortion without harm to your health? Physicians provide patients with detailed instructions on this matter. The timing of the next pregnancy is an important factor. If a woman becomes pregnant a month after an abortion, then her body is exposed to enormous stress, and the birth of a healthy child is in question. It is believed that after any abortion, at least 3-6 months should elapse before the next conception. It is for this reason that doctors prescribe reliable combined oral contraceptives for most women after pregnancy termination.
Termination of pregnancy with pills least of all interferes with the natural processes of the female body. Practically getting pregnant immediately after an abortion of this type is not very difficult. However, it must be remembered that the egg enters the development cycle three months before ovulation. Pregnancy and the use of antigestogens for interruption can adversely affect the egg cell during this period, which can also affect the health of the unborn baby. How to get pregnant after an abortion with pills without harm to the health of the mother and child? It is necessary to protect yourself for at least 3 months after interruption and only then stop contraceptives.
How to get pregnant after a first trimester abortion
Most abortions are performed relatively early, that is, before 12 weeks. During this period, it is possible to carry out a mini-abortion, drug interruption or curettage. How to get pregnant after a first trimester abortion? Hormonal problems, pelvic inflammation, and mechanical trauma can lead to infertility with these procedures. The smallest number of problems in the reproductive system is caused by abortion with pills. But even the classic interruption with scraping is not a sentence. Infertility does not occur very often. There are many stories in which a patient became pregnant immediately after an abortion. And although such situations are highly undesirable, they demonstrate huge reserves of women's health.
The next pregnancy after an abortion must be planned. The examination should precede conception. As a minimum, a woman should visit a gynecologist, do an ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages, and be tested for hidden infections. How to get pregnant after an abortion if there are no health problems? In the event that no serious pathology is identified, the woman is prescribed folic acid preparations and, in some cases, potassium iodide, then a regular unprotected sex life is recommended.
How to get pregnant after an abortion complicated by inflammation? The infectious process in the small pelvis after artificial termination of pregnancy occurs quite often. This situation is most often caused by violations of the regime on the part of a woman. Inflammation is caused by poor personal hygiene, refusal of prescribed medications, and early resumption of sexual activity. The inflammation is complicated by the adhesive process, which makes the fallopian tubes impassable for the egg. In this case, pregnancy does not occur or is ectopic. For the treatment of infertility, in this case, an operative restoration of the patency of the tubes or in vitro fertilization is performed.
How to get pregnant after an abortion with hormonal imbalance? The manifestation of such problems is a violation of the menstrual cycle. A woman does not have cyclical changes in the endometrium and the egg does not mature. Treatment is carried out by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Special drugs provoke ovulation. Further, the entire first trimester is hormonal support for pregnancy with gestagens.
How to get pregnant after a late abortion
Late abortion is most often associated with deep problems in the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Such intervention often causes long-term hormonal disturbances and infertility. How to get pregnant after a late abortion? Initially, a woman takes contraceptive pills for at least six months. Next, you need a thorough examination by doctors of different specialties. Doctors give an opinion about the possibility of the next pregnancy. Sometimes a woman has a medical condition that will make her next pregnancy dangerous. These problems include heart failure, severe diabetes mellitus, and some others. In this case, conception should be ruled out. The birth of a child is possible only with the help of a surrogate mother.
How to get pregnant after an abortion if it is caused by fetal genetic problems?

Most often, chromosomal abnormalities are random. An examination by a geneticist will show whether it is worth counting on the birth of a healthy baby in the future. Part of hereditary problems is solved by modern medicine. In vitro fertilization allows you to determine the genetic makeup of a fertilized egg even before transfer to the uterus, which completely eliminates most of the anomalies in the unborn child.
Pregnancy immediately after an abortion
Many women face the problem of unplanned pregnancy very often. Such fertility is not so much a reflection of excellent reproductive health as an irresponsible attitude towards planning your life. After a classic abortion, abstinence is recommended for 30 days, after a mini-abortion and taking pills to interrupt without sex, it is worth doing at least 2-3 weeks. In addition, the patient is prescribed oral contraceptives for 3-6 months. If a woman became pregnant a month after the abortion, then, most likely, she neglected all medical recommendations.
Getting pregnant right after an abortion means actually putting yourself in a desperate situation. Repeated artificial interruption is extremely dangerous to general and reproductive health. But keeping pregnancy comes with potential risks.
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