What Vitamins To Take To Get Pregnant?

What Vitamins To Take To Get Pregnant?
What Vitamins To Take To Get Pregnant?

What vitamins to take to get pregnant?

What vitamins are needed to get pregnant? Vitamins are a special group of chemicals that stimulate chemical and biological processes in the body. Vitamins support the functions of many organs, including the reproductive system, by regulating the hormonal background of the body, stimulating the maturation of eggs and the production of sperm, maintaining their vitality, as well as the ability of the egg to further divide and develop into an embryo.

Do i need to take vitamins to get pregnant?
Do i need to take vitamins to get pregnant?

Vitamins for getting pregnant: truth or myth?

Vitamins are important chemical compounds, most of which are not synthesized in the body. The main source of vitamins for the body is food. Vitamins are not stored by the body, which necessitates their constant intake into the body. Vitamins regulate most of the chemical and biological processes in the body. Is it true that vitamins exist to help you get pregnant?

According to research, about 80% of people are in a constant state of hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency in the body), perceiving deficiency symptoms as a natural consequence of the modern rhythm of life:

  • Deterioration in general health;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Decreased vitality;
  • Mental disorders (depression, aggression, irritability, sleep disturbance);
  • Deterioration of the condition of teeth, hair, skin, nails (which is also associated with the environment).

Currently, about 20% of couples trying to conceive a child are infertile (conception does not occur within a year with regular intercourse). With unclear reasons for this condition, they speak of infertility of unknown origin (a man and a woman are completely healthy).

In such cases, a man and a woman are strongly advised to change their lifestyle, as well as review the diet and introduce vitamins into it in order to become pregnant. It is difficult to argue that certain vitamins promote fertility. Conception is a complex process, depending on the health of both sexual partners, therefore vitamins, in order to get pregnant, must be taken by both the woman and the man. What vitamins to drink to get pregnant?

There is a misconception that the main vitamins for getting pregnant are folic acid and vitamin E. Undoubtedly, these elements are fundamental to the health of women and the regulation of the reproductive function of the female body.

  • Folic acid - Vitamin B9 is a water-soluble vitamin that promotes the growth and development of the immune and nervous systems. Folic acid supports the formation and development of new cells, which is especially important for the development of a new organism. Therefore, it is considered a necessary vitamin to get pregnant. Correct DNA replication also occurs with the participation of folic acid; a deficiency of this element can lead to the development of pathologies. Also, folic acid is essential for proper brain development and for the normal process of hematopoiesis. However, vitamin B9 is more important for a healthy pregnancy and full development of the fetus, and not for the onset of pregnancy;
  • Vitamin E - tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps to normalize reproductive function, has an antioxidant effect, and takes part in the processes of tissue metabolism. Vitamin E normalizes the cycle, ovarian function, maintains the level of progesterone, the corpus luteum hormone responsible for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy.

This is not a complete list of vitamins that the body needs to get pregnant during the planning and preparation stages for conception.

What vitamins are needed to get pregnant?

When planning pregnancy, many women have a question, what vitamins are needed to get pregnant? Among all the vitamins for getting pregnant, they also highlight:

  • Vitamin A, which promotes the development of follicles, their ovulation. Normalizes the quality and composition of cervical mucus;
  • A complex of B vitamins (including folic acid), which correct hormonal balance, the length of the luteal phase (from ovulation to the onset of menstruation), take part in the process of egg maturation, ovulation, stimulate the growth of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus, which creates optimal conditions for implantation fertilized egg);
  • Vitamin C helps to normalize the hormonal background, the length of the luteal phase, reduces the risk of developing chromosomal abnormalities in a child, prevents the destruction of vitamin E, promotes the absorption of iron, has an antioxidant effect, promotes the growth of endometrium, ovulation;
  • Vitamin D normalizes reproductive function, helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, hormonal levels.

Trace minerals are no less important elements in the process of conception than vitamins for getting pregnant. Among the trace elements necessary for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy, the following are especially distinguished:

  • Iron - stimulates ovulation, maintains the viability of eggs, as well as their further development into the embryo;
  • Zinc - regulates the balance of the main sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone), supports the ability of cells to divide.

In order to determine what vitamins are needed to get pregnant, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and be tested. In most cases, such an examination is prescribed by gynecologists when couples planning pregnancy apply.

Vitamins to help get pregnant - fiction or reality
Vitamins to help get pregnant - fiction or reality

Vitamins that help to get pregnant: what should a man drink?

Vitamins that help get pregnant need to be taken not only by women. 35% of infertile couples cannot have children due to the reduced reproductive function of men. The most common conditions are:

  • Oligozoospermia - insufficient number of viable spermatozoa;
  • Asthenozoospermia - insufficient number of motile sperm;
  • Teratozoospermia is a high rate of sperm with morphological abnormalities.

What vitamins should a man take in order for a couple to get pregnant?

  • Vitamin A - regulates the production of sex hormones, accelerates the process of sperm recovery;
  • Vitamin B - regulates the process of spermatogenesis, testosterone synthesis, increases the motor activity of sperm;
  • Vitamin C - improves blood supply to tissues, neutralizes the effect of harmful elements on sperm;
  • Vitamin E - increases the fertilizing potential of sperm.

Also, in addition to vitamins, in order for a couple to become pregnant, a man needs to introduce the following trace elements into the diet:

  • Zinc - increases the viability of sperm, their activity, improves spermatogenesis;
  • Selenium - regulates reproductive function, its deficiency leads to male infertility;
  • Magnesium - increases the activity of sperm, their fertilizing potential.

How and what vitamins to drink to get pregnant? Nowadays, you can buy balanced vitamin complexes in pharmacies to get pregnant. When deciding which vitamins a man and woman need to take in order to get pregnant for a couple, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since an excess of some vitamins is just as harmful as their deficiency.

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