Can Pregnant Women Have Their Teeth Treated?

Can Pregnant Women Have Their Teeth Treated?
Can Pregnant Women Have Their Teeth Treated?

Can pregnant women have their teeth treated?

Can pregnant women have their teeth treated?
Can pregnant women have their teeth treated?

Hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, calcium deficiency in the tissues affect the woman's immune system, reducing the number of "beneficial" bacteria in the oral cavity, as well as "borrowing" calcium from the mother's tissues. In this regard, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis and other unpleasant diseases during pregnancy, which can be cured by a good dental clinic, tend to develop twice as fast as during the normal, “non-pregnant” state of a woman. If you live in Nizhny Novgorod, contact Therefore, the answer to the question "can pregnant women treat their teeth" is unambiguous - it is possible. Moreover, it is not only possible, but also extremely necessary.

The second trimester of pregnancy, which lasts from 14-20 weeks, when the main organs of the child are already laid down, and it is difficult to negatively affect their development in the future is considered the most harmless period for putting in order the teeth. It was then that the condition of the expectant mother stabilizes - the toxicosis that tormented her during the first trimester passes, and the woman finally begins to enjoy her position. In addition, at this stage of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage or premature birth manifests itself least of all.

When should you see a dentist?

It is advisable when you are already planning a pregnancy. But if a woman is already in an "interesting" position, then it is worth worrying about visiting a dentist if the teeth have become more sensitive, tartar has appeared, gums bleed, pain is felt or carious tooth decay is visually observed. However, even with a neglected condition of the teeth, when, for example, the removal of a nerve under local anesthesia is required, the question "can pregnant women have their teeth treated?" should answer positively. The level of development of modern medicine does not stand still, and the minimum doses of painkillers today are not able to have a detrimental effect on the health of an infant. But when you visit a doctor, it still does not interfere with insuring yourself and warning a specialist about your pregnancy.

When is a visit to the dentist during pregnancy dangerous?

Pregnant women can have their teeth treated
Pregnant women can have their teeth treated

You should not carry out dental treatment using general anesthesia - despite the fact that it is simple and "not so scary", the temporary state of forgetfulness of the mother often cannot but affect the life of the fetus. Therefore, as the saying goes, "God protects" - modern local anesthetics (for example, ultracaine) are able to cope with their task of partial anesthesia "excellent" and thus not affect the development of the unborn child.

Can pregnant women have their teeth treated? Treat, but notify the dentist of your position to select the appropriate treatment method.

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