What Foods Are Healthy To Eat In The Spring?

What Foods Are Healthy To Eat In The Spring?
What Foods Are Healthy To Eat In The Spring?

What foods are healthy to eat in the spring?

What foods are healthy to eat in the spring?
What foods are healthy to eat in the spring?

In the spring, our body experiences a lack of nutrients. But there are products that will help you quickly restore the vitamin balance and make you vigorous, beautiful and healthy.


In spring, our body suffers most from a lack of vitamin C. The main sources of this vitamin are fresh vegetables and fruits. However, in early spring, after long storage, they do not contain many useful substances. Therefore, during this period, cabbage becomes the champion in the content of ascorbic acid. Of course, over the winter, cabbage loses about 30% of vitamin C, however, only 100 grams of fresh cabbage provides the body's daily need for ascorbic acid. If you do not have a cellar where fresh cabbage is stored, do not be discouraged, because sauerkraut contains ascorbic acid no less than fresh one.


Lemon is equally beneficial for the body, especially in early spring. After all, this beautiful yellow fruit retains vitamin C throughout the long winter. And also the pulp of the lemon contains "pectins". These are substances that remove toxins and toxins from the body, protecting it from cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Lemon peel should not be neglected - it contains bioflavonoids that keep the capillaries in good shape. Therefore, lemon peel perfectly prevents the appearance of spider veins on the face.

Green salad

In addition to vitamin C, green salad contains B vitamins. In addition, green salad boasts the highest vitamin E content among vegetables. As you know, vitamin E is an antioxidant that prolongs the youthfulness of the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, makes blood vessels strong, and makes hair thick. In addition to all this, the green salad contains magnesium and calcium, which are so necessary for the normal growth of hair and nails, as well as phosphorus and iodine, which will allow you to maintain a clear mind, even if you are well over 60 years old.


It is not for nothing that sorrel is called “the king of spring”. This herb grows in the garden quite early, much earlier than dill and parsley, and becomes one of the body's main helpers in the fight against the spring lack of vitamins. Sorrel contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins. The high content of B vitamins helps sorrel lovers not to suffer from bad mood, stress and insomnia. And vitamin A helps to maintain good eyesight and prolong skin youth. In addition, sorrel contains iron, which improves complexion and blood composition, potassium, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle, fluoride, which is necessary for teeth, and magnesium, which improves the functioning of the nervous system.

However, sorrel also has a small drawback - oxalic acid, which promotes the deposition of salts in the body and can cause kidney disease. Therefore, people with kidney disease should not get too carried away with sorrel.


There are as many vitamins in canned green peas as in fresh ones. So be sure to include it in your diet, especially in early spring. Peas will help you always stay alert and full of energy, as they contain many antioxidants that slow down the aging of the body.

If you decide to lose weight after a long winter, then you simply cannot do without peas. This vegetable, due to its high content of vegetable protein, is able to quickly saturate, and it contains very few calories. By its composition, the vegetable protein contained in peas is close to that of meat, it contains essential amino acids that contribute to the formation of new cells in the body. Therefore, peas are especially relevant during a diet or fasting period.


Radishes contain a lot of vitamin C and B vitamins, in the absence of which we would quickly turn into bald neurotics. In addition, radishes are rich in iron and potassium, which are essential for our blood vessels and heart.

Radishes are one of the healthiest foods to eat in spring
Radishes are one of the healthiest foods to eat in spring

Radishes also contain phytoncides - substances that are natural antibiotics that help avoid spring colds, inflammatory diseases and strengthen the immune system.

By the way, radish tops contain as many vitamins and minerals as root crops, so do not rush to throw it away. You can make green cabbage soup from the tops, add it to okroshka or salads, or simply stew instead of cabbage.


Tomatoes are rich in a unique substance called "lycopene" that protects our bodies from negative environmental influences. This is very important in the spring, when the air pollution is especially high. Thus, eating tomatoes helps prevent cancer. In addition, lycopene is excellent at fighting wrinkles. It protects the skin from harmful sun radiation, which is known to provoke the appearance of wrinkles, and thus prevents early aging.

It is worth noting the fact that if many vegetables in the process of cooking reduce the amount of nutrients, then with tomatoes the situation is quite the opposite. So, after a few minutes of frying or boiling, the lycopene content in tomatoes increases by one third.


Kefir supplies our body with much-needed phosphorus and calcium, with a deficiency of which we would be left without teeth and constantly break our bones. In addition, phosphorus and calcium are involved in the construction of brain cells, improve the functioning of the nervous system and normalize metabolism.

Undoubtedly, such valuable substances are contained in many other products, but the whole point is that the body assimilates them exclusively in a soluble form and in the presence of organic acids. Organic acids are found in black currants, citrus fruits and strawberries. But, unfortunately, both phosphorus and calcium are practically absent in them.

But kefir contains both. That is why its composition is the most balanced.

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