How To Get Rid Of Hiccups

How To Get Rid Of Hiccups
How To Get Rid Of Hiccups

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How to get rid of hiccups

How to get rid of hiccups
How to get rid of hiccups

"Hiccup-hiccups, go to Fedot, from Fedot to Yakov, from Yakov to everyone" - who does not know this effective method of getting rid of hiccups from childhood? Seriously, though, hiccups are a rather harmless phenomenon, but still widespread and annoying, and therefore the question of how to get rid of hiccups is quite relevant. The leading role in the formation of hiccups belongs to the vagus nerve, and its irritation during hypothermia, stomach overflow, as well as for other, not always clear reasons. It has been established that the baby begins to hiccup while still in the womb. Hiccups often occur in children, possibly due to the greater excitability of the children's nervous system. In adults, hiccups are also not uncommon, although some people are prone to it more than others. And although cases have been described when the hiccups did not go away for years, nevertheless, as a rule, this is a matter of ten minutes.

However, these five to ten minutes are very annoying as the hiccups are distracting. A person can neither eat, nor speak, nor concentrate on his activities, and all his thoughts are focused on one thing: how to get rid of hiccups. Usually, in this case, traditional medicine helps, since the attack of hiccups does not last long, and does not bear any special health consequences. There are the following methods to get rid of hiccups:

  • Drink a cup of water slowly, in small sips. In order to drink at a certain rhythm, the throat can be counted. To enhance the effect, you can drink the water leaning down;
  • Drink or eat a teaspoon of something that tastes strong. For example, lemon juice, or sugar, or cocoa powder with bitterness, something at your discretion. Sometimes you can find advice to drink vinegar for this purpose, but we strongly advise against doing this, since you can cause a serious burn of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and esophagus. It is especially dangerous to use this method for hiccups in children. In this case, it is better to use other methods, for example, drinking water in small sips;
  • Press down on the root of the tongue with your finger as if trying to induce vomiting. Here, the accuracy and precision of movements is important, so as not to actually induce vomiting. The reflex spasm that occurs during this action can suppress the "hiccups" spasms, according to the principle "a wedge is knocked out by a wedge";
  • Press on the stomach in the epigastric region, the place that is popularly called "under the spoon." It is necessary to press slowly and hard enough, but at the same time carefully so as not to damage the breast bone;
  • Stick out your tongue as far as possible, even pull it off with your hand;
  • Try to distract yourself and forget about the hiccups. Of course, this advice is not entirely related to how to get rid of hiccups, but in fact it is quite effective. Once the muscles relax, the tension goes away and the spasms of the diaphragm are likely to go away.

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