Left Leg Grows Numb: Causes And Treatment Of The Disease

Table of contents:

Left Leg Grows Numb: Causes And Treatment Of The Disease
Left Leg Grows Numb: Causes And Treatment Of The Disease

Video: Left Leg Grows Numb: Causes And Treatment Of The Disease

Video: Left Leg Grows Numb: Causes And Treatment Of The Disease
Video: How to Tell What is Causing Numbness In Your Leg And Or Feet-Common Causes 2025, January

Why is the left leg numb and what to do

The content of the article:

  1. Left leg grows numb: reasons
  2. Treatment

    1. Treatment of numbness with osteochondrosis
    2. Treatment of numbness with radiculitis
    3. Treatment of numbness in intervertebral hernias
    4. Treatment of numbness in atherosclerosis
    5. Treatment of numbness with varicose veins of the lower extremities
    6. Treatment for numbness in rheumatoid arthritis
    7. Treatment for numbness in type I diabetes
    8. Treatment for oncological diseases
  3. Video

Loss of sensitivity of the foot, sensation of pain and tingling are signs of metabolic disorders in the tissues of the limb. The left leg is often numb due to diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, but it may also not have any pathology under it, but be the result of a long uncomfortable posture. The need for treatment is determined according to the underlying disease.

The left leg, like the right leg, may become numb due to physiological reasons, as well as due to an existing disease
The left leg, like the right leg, may become numb due to physiological reasons, as well as due to an existing disease

The left leg, like the right leg, may become numb due to physiological reasons, as well as due to an existing disease

Left leg grows numb: reasons

The exact cause of the numbness of the left leg is difficult to establish, even taking into account modern diagnostic schemes. There are a number of diseases that directly or indirectly affect the processes of innervation and blood circulation of the lower extremities.

List of main reasons:

Cause Explanation
Neurological disorders The symptom may be associated with damage to the nerve tissue of the limb itself (tunnel syndrome), but it can also occur in other parts of the nervous system (sciatica).
Intervertebral hernia and other diseases of the spine Numbness occurs in both the left leg and the right.
Pathology of the cardiovascular system

The second most frequent group of diseases that indirectly lead to a violation of sensitivity in the lower extremities. They are associated with impaired blood flow (blockage of blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques or blood clots) and the development of ischemia (lack of nutrients and oxygen in the tissues). A person does not immediately read to feel the numbness of the foot of the left leg or right, but only with the progression of diseases (thrombosis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, atherosclerosis).

Oncological diseases Benign or malignant formations often have an indirect effect on the normal nutrition of tissues (squeeze, block the blood flow, invade the vessels).
Stroke There is a cerebral hemorrhage and damage to the departments responsible for processing motor and sensory impulses. There is a partial or complete disruption in the work of the hands (especially fine motor skills), walking, orientation in space. The severity of symptoms will depend on the severity of the bleeding.
Polyneuropathies accompanying type I diabetes mellitus. The syndrome is associated with impaired transport of glucose into tissues (malnutrition). Manifestations more often occur on the sole, lower leg, and affect the knee. The reason is in the peculiarities of blood circulation in the lower extremities.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, fractures) Fractures in some cases can lead to squeezing or cutting of nerve fibers.
Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis More often it affects large joints (knee, shoulder, hip).

Indirect factors accompanying the progression and occurrence of numbness:

  • obesity of II – III degree;
  • improperly selected shoes;
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • pregnancy.

Prolonged pressure syndrome includes a symptom such as numbness, but in this case, the sensation is short-term.


The specific treatment option will depend on the nature of the underlying disease. Possible specialists for consultation:

  • neurologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • vascular surgeon;
  • general surgeon;
  • oncologist;
  • endocrinologist.

Numbness can have different localization: foot, calf, thigh, buttock. The flexibility of the symptom does not allow one to immediately determine what caused it and prescribe an advising therapy. Therefore, the diagnosis may take some time. At this time, a general treatment regimen is prescribed (including non-drug therapy):

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • massage.

Each separate group of diseases has its own approaches to treatment, and the probable outcome (favorable, conditionally favorable, unfavorable) depends on them. The following are treatment options for the most common causes of left leg numbness.

Treatment of numbness with osteochondrosis

The scheme includes several methods:

Drug therapy is the classic treatment for this disease:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) - relieve inflammation and restore metabolic processes in tissues;
  • chondroprotectors (Chonroitin sulfate) - prevent further joint destruction;
  • bisphosphonates - normalize the nutrition of bone and surrounding tissue.

Physiotherapy - effective local action using physical methods:

  • electrophoresis - exposure to electric current (usually done once every 4 days);
  • phonopharesis with a drug - the simultaneous action of mechanical irritation and medications (gels, ointments);
  • magnetotherapy - a strong magnetic field ensures the normalization of metabolic processes by stabilizing cell membranes.

Exercise therapy. The set of exercises provides increased blood flow and the return of muscle tone (eliminates ischemia). This means that it has a general strengthening function, which is why it is used in the treatment regimen.

Surgical intervention. An extreme option, which can be shown in cases where the limb is completely taken away (total loss of sensitivity). Intervention options:

  • arthroscopy;
  • puncture;
  • osteotomy;
  • endoprosthetics.

After a full course of treatment, patients stop complaining of numbness.

Treatment of numbness with radiculitis

Pinching of the nerve roots by deformed bone tissue or the development of inflammatory reactions that squeeze the nerve tissue leads to the development of radiculitis. The symptom can be manifested as a pulling sensation below (toes, feet), and a feeling of numbness of the entire limb. Complex treatment, first of all - bed rest in the acute phase.

Drug therapy includes:

  • analgesics (narcotic or non-narcotic) - relieve pain syndrome;
  • muscle relaxants (Metacarbomal and Cyclobenzaprine) - relieve muscle spasm and relieve pressure on the peripheral nerve plexuses;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - relieve swelling and restore tissue nutrition.

Physiotherapy - removes sensory and movement disorders. Allowed for use:

  • ultrasound - high frequencies trigger regeneration processes in the nerve fiber;
  • dynamic current - irritating effect and increased local blood flow;
  • acupuncture - the mechanical action of needles on the projection zones of the nerve plexuses on the skin.

Exercise therapy and massage.

This pathology causes many difficulties in treatment, and often any therapy brings only relief, but not complete recovery.

Treatment of numbness in intervertebral hernias

Intervertebral hernias often have a symmetrical lesion (numbness of the left and right limbs). In rare cases, there is an asymmetric deformity of the vertebrae with infringement of the nerve fiber on only one side. Treatment regimen:

Exercise therapy and massage.

Physiotherapy. Used before other types of treatment, since it provides up to 30% of positive results:

  • acupuncture;
  • electrogalvanization (special baths);
  • cryotherapy - local effect of low temperatures;
  • spinal cord stimulation (SCS).

Semi-surgical and surgical methods

  • epidural catheterization according to Rat - injection of a drug through a catheter into the spinal canal (into the damaged area), which relieves swelling and restores nerve conduction;
  • percutaneous laser decompression - a microlaser is inserted through a puncture needle into the spine and helps to reduce hernia, and therefore pressure on the nerves (eliminates numbness and pain in the extremities);
  • thermoregulation - the action of a thermoprobe and interruption of the flow of incorrect nerve impulses to the brain;
  • microdiscectomy is an open operation with complete elimination of a damaged disc and a further long course of recovery.

Even with the successful elimination of the hernia, there is no guarantee of complete recovery (the recurrence rate after surgery is 20–30%).

Treatment of numbness in atherosclerosis

Another common cause of numbness is decreased blood flow to the limbs. Atherosclerotic plaques clog blood vessels and lack oxygen and nutrients. Treatment regimen:

Diet. Reducing the level of foods containing cholesterol (fatty, fried).

Exercise therapy. Physical activity is used as the dominant factor in the restoration of muscle structure.

In drug therapy they use:

  • statins - to control blood cholesterol levels;
  • thrombolytics - to break down blood clots that form due to a decrease in blood flow.

Surgical techniques. The last resort (if the blockage is more than 80%):

  • angioplasty - a puncture is made on the lower leg from the inner or outer side and a special probe goes along the vessel, gradually expanding its lumen;
  • stent placement - the same incision as in the previous technique, but a metal stent is placed in place of the plaque, which eliminates the blockage of the vessel;
  • bypass surgery - an operation to create a new vascular bed, bypassing the blocked area (completely eliminates numbness, but is accompanied by a high risk of blood clots).

Removing plaque and restoring blood flow will almost immediately relieve the feeling of numbness and pain in the limb.

Treatment of numbness with varicose veins of the lower extremities

Varicose veins are associated with a violation of the valve mechanisms in the vessels (veins) of the lower extremities. Thus, the outflow of venous blood is disturbed, since the valves do not close and the blood partially returns under the influence of gravity. The feeling of numbness in the left leg occurs due to venous stasis.

Treatment in the early stages is conservative, in the later stages - surgical.

Wearing compression stockings is an effective method of treating varicose veins of the lower extremities
Wearing compression stockings is an effective method of treating varicose veins of the lower extremities

Wearing compression stockings is an effective method of treating varicose veins of the lower extremities

Compression stockings - wearing them prevents blood from returning back to the limbs.

Medication therapy

  • phleboprotectors - protection of deformed veins from further destruction;
  • thrombolytics.

Surgical methods. After a course of recovery, the sensitivity returns almost in full. Examples:

  • phlebectomy - complete elimination of the affected area (highly traumatic surgery);
  • sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive operation associated with "sealing" the affected vessel from the inside with a special laser.

Upon confirmation of the diagnosis and course of treatment, a favorable outcome and elimination of numbness in 80% of patients.

Treatment for numbness in rheumatoid arthritis

This disease is more often accompanied by pain and sensory disturbances (numbness, tingling, twisting) in large joints. Treatment regimen:

Drug treatment is the basis that allows you to relieve the main symptoms:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • pain relievers;
  • cytostatics - suppress the immune system, which forms an overly aggressive reaction.

Physiotherapy is an indispensable component (relieves pain, swelling and loss of sensitivity). The methods are the same as for osteochondrosis.

Exercise therapy.

The prognosis is relatively favorable. Taking medications and consultations at least once a year keep the disease in remission.

Treatment for numbness in type I diabetes

Diabetes mellitus leads to malnutrition of all tissues. With this pathology, the amount of glucose in the blood is large, but it is not possible to deliver it to the cells due to a lack of insulin, as a result of which tissue ischemia occurs ("hunger during abundance"). The approach to treatment is complex.

Diet. It is necessary to limit the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, especially rapidly digestible ones.

Medication therapy. Insulin therapy is lifelong and can include two types of drugs:

  • long-acting insulin (long-term, 8-10 hours, as a rule);
  • short-acting insulin (practically every meal, since the duration is 2-4 hours).

Therapy requires constant monitoring of blood sugar levels. If the recommendations are not followed or treatment is refused, frequent and sharp jumps in blood glucose occur. Gradually, this leads to tissue destruction, especially in places with difficult blood circulation (lower limbs).

Treatment for oncological diseases

With the exclusion of all other pathologies, the doctor assumes that persistent numbness is a sign of compression of the nervous tissue by a tumor. The localization of the process can be either directly in the area of the left leg, or higher (abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space, paravertebral space, spinal canal). When diagnostic confirmation of its presence, one of three options is used:

  • surgical excision;
  • chemotherapy;
  • radiation therapy.

In some cases, a combination of different exposure options is required. After removal of the tumor, the violation of sensitivity disappears.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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