Slimming film wrap
Slimming film wrapping is a quick way to lose weight in unforeseen situations when you need to look slim and beautiful here and now.

How to wrap
Losing weight occurs because the body primarily loses fluid. In the conditions of the greenhouse effect, the sweat glands begin to emit water especially actively together with toxins, part of the excess weight goes away with them.
Slimming film wrapping at home can be carried out with the most ordinary cling film. Most often, a part of the body is wrapped with a film, the volume of which must be reduced. It can be hips, waist, belly, arms. The body should be wrapped two or three times, while not tightening the turns of the film too tight, because the blood should circulate unhindered, and the chest should move in full. If it is necessary to reduce the volume of the body, almost complete body wrapping is practiced not only in one place.
Wraps will be more effective if they are carried out using anti-cellulite creams, oil, honey and coffee body scrubs. One of these products is applied to the skin in the problem area in a circular motion and rubbed thoroughly. A cling film is wound on it in a spiral from top to bottom. From above, the body should be covered with clothes or a towel and stay in this form for about 60 minutes, then remove the film and wash off the product in the bathroom or shower.
After wrapping with cling film for weight loss, you can dress in your usual home clothes and do your daily activities or light physical activity. The ambient temperature should be warm, but not hot, in which case the wraps are better tolerated. A slight discomfort during the procedure is an acceptable phenomenon, but with severe symptoms in the form of seizures, dizziness and headache, you must nevertheless remove the film, drink cool water and go to a cooler room.
According to reviews, slimming film wrapping helps to reduce excess weight for a short time. To enhance the effect of losing weight, for a while, you should give up salty foods and alcohol. After returning to normal fluid loading, the original weight is quickly restored.
A set of exercises for wrapping with a film for weight loss
Increased physical activity is a sine qua non for success in slimming film wrapping. But it is best to do special exercises that increase sweating - that is, make wrapping with film for weight loss more effective.

These are types of load such as:
- Walking in place for 3 minutes, followed by a short rest of no more than 30 seconds;
- Jumping in place (legs together and apart 50 times), followed by rest for no more than 30 seconds;
- Alternate flexion and extension of the arms with a load of dumbbells (2 kg) with a rest of 30 seconds.
This complex should be repeated 3-4 times, taking a break of 30 seconds after each type of exercise.
Not all types of exercise can be done when wrapped with cling film. Jogging or vigorous exercise in the gym is contraindicated. This kind of stress can cause a rise in temperature and a deterioration in well-being due to severe dehydration. With dehydration due to physical overload, the water-salt balance between the intra- and extracellular fluid is disturbed, it can go into the cells along the gradient of ion concentration, which leads to their edema. In the case of cerebral edema, the consequences can be very dire.
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