Tibetan Exercises: A Universal System Of Rejuvenation And Healing

Tibetan Exercises: A Universal System Of Rejuvenation And Healing
Tibetan Exercises: A Universal System Of Rejuvenation And Healing

Tibetan exercises

The five Tibetan exercises, or, as they are also called, the five Tibetan pearls or five Tibetans, are five regularly performed simple exercises created by Tibetan lamas.

Tibetan exercises - technique
Tibetan exercises - technique

This exercise system was created over 2500 years ago; for the first time in the West they were described in 1939 by Peter Kelder in his book "The Eye of Rebirth".

The Five Tibetan exercises are very similar to yoga asanas, but they are performed at a faster pace than static yoga postures.

Regular performance of Tibetan exercises allows a person to rejuvenate, normalize weight, improve vision and hearing, get rid of chronic pain, increase their efficiency and endurance, and also charge them with a positive mood and energy for the whole day.

Tibetan exercises are best done in the morning on an empty stomach, in a well-ventilated area. It is advisable to use a yoga mat, towel or pad for more comfort during each exercise of the Tibetan monks.

Each exercise must be performed 21 times, but for those who are at the very beginning of the practice, it will be quite difficult to carry out such a number of approaches, so you need to start by doing each exercise of the Tibetan monks three times. This number of repetitions of the Tibetan exercises must be performed daily throughout the week. Exactly one week later, it is necessary to increase the number of exercises by two repetitions and perform them 5 times daily; after another week, 2 repetitions are added and so on, until the number of repetitions reaches 21 times in the 9th week of classes. Thus, at the beginning of each new week, the number of repetitions of the exercises increases by 2 repetitions, and when the maximum number is completed, it is necessary to reduce the number of repetitions by 2 every week until the minimum number of repetitions is reached. After that, the Tibetan exercises are again carried out to increase.

Five Tibetan Exercises: Benefits

Performing Tibetan exercises, according to reviews, you can achieve incredible results: completely recover from existing diseases and bring your body weight back to normal. The effectiveness and efficiency of this set of exercises has been tested and proven by the experience of thousands of followers around the world. In addition to external changes, Tibetan feedback exercises also contribute to the purification of a person's energy channels, reverse the aging process, and tune in to harmonious interaction with nature and the surrounding world.

Tibetan exercises according to reviews helped seventy-year-olds to look 40-50 years old, many of them had gray hair regaining its natural color and serious illnesses receded. All that is required to achieve such remarkable results is the daily exercise of the five Tibetans correctly. There should be no gaps, otherwise the whole practice will be useless and the results will not be achieved. Tibetan monks have argued that it is only allowed to skip the Tibetan exercises once for a very long period of time, but it is best to avoid that too.

Exercises of Tibetan Monks: Practice

So, having studied all the necessary materials about the five Tibetan exercises, you can proceed directly to practice. So, waking up in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, you need to stand up straight and perform a small warm-up for the body (twist your neck, arms and legs), proceed to the first Tibetan exercise, the essence of which is as follows:

Starting position - standing upright, legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands apart shoulder-width apart, palms down, fingers joined. In this position, it is necessary to scroll three times clockwise around its own axis, the head should follow the body, and not look at one point. It is very important to breathe correctly when doing this Tibetan exercise. In one turn, both inhalation and exhalation should be carried out, that is, having risen to the starting position, you need to take a deep breath, and after scrolling half a circle, exhale all the air. Returning to the starting point, take a deep breath again, and so on

After completing the first exercise of the Tibetan pearl, you need to stop, put your hands on your belt and inhale and exhale deeply three times - this is a short respite after each exercise.

The second of the five Tibetan exercises is done as follows:

Starting position - lying with your back on the floor, arms extended along the body, palms down, the body is relaxed. Then a deep breath is taken, the head rises smoothly and presses the chin against the chest, after which perfectly straight legs rise up. Then, at the same time, a long exhalation is made, and the legs slowly lower down, and the head lies on the floor

The second of the five Tibetan exercises is followed by relaxation, for which you need to get up from a prone position, roll over on your side and tuck your knees to your chest, after which the person sits on the buttocks and rises.

The third of the five Tibetan pearls exercises is done as follows:

Starting position - kneeling and on the toes of the toes (front of the foot), legs are apart shoulder width apart, palms are on the back of the thighs. In this position, you need to take a deep breath, then exhale and slowly lower your head forward and briefly press your chest against the chin, then inhale and take your head back, resting your hands on your hips, then exhale - the head drops forward again

After completing the fourth of the five Tibetan pearls exercises, a short relaxation is again performed, and the person proceeds to the fourth Tibetan, the essence of which is as follows:

  • Starting position - sitting on the floor, legs are straight and extended forward, back is straight, feet are shoulder width apart, hands are near the hips and rest on the floor, fingers are directed forward.

    Effective exercises of Tibetan monks
    Effective exercises of Tibetan monks

    A slow exhalation is made, in which the head drops down and presses the chin against the chest. Then a deep breath follows, during which the head is pulled back, and at the same time the pelvis rises up, thus, forming a pose resembling a bridge, after exhalation is made, the pelvis falls to the floor, the body is again in its original position, the head falls down, and the exercise is repeated two more times.

Having risen to his feet, a short break is again performed, and the person proceeds to the fifth exercise, which completes among the Tibetan pearls, the essence of which is as follows:

Starting position - lying with your stomach on the floor, palms rest on the floor and are located shoulder-width apart with fingers forward in the chest area, fingers are connected, the upper body is bent, as in the "cobra" asana, legs are shoulder-width apart and rest against the floor with the upper part feet, knees and pelvis do not touch the floor. On inhalation, the head tilts back, the body tenses and bends, on exhalation, the pelvis rises up, arms and legs are straightened, the body forms a "triangle" shape, the head drops and presses the chin to the chest

After completing the last of the exercises, five Tibetans, after taking a break, for 10 minutes should lie on the floor with closed eyes and completely relax.

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