How to feed a baby at 10 months
A kid at 10 months already knows and knows a lot. Proper and balanced nutrition will help ensure its full development, both mentally and physically. Good parents who take care of their baby often ask the question of how to feed their baby at 10 months. As a result of the fact that the child's menu is becoming more and more diverse, the main thing is to understand what can be allowed and what should be kept under a strict ban in order to protect the fragile digestive and nervous system of your child.
How to feed a 10 month old baby: juices and fruit purees

Every day, preparing food for her baby, mother increasingly begins to think about what to feed a 10 month old baby in order to further enrich his taste preferences. In the event that from 6 months you adhered to the strict recommendations of specialists and correctly introduced complementary foods, starting with small portions and bringing them to the maximum allowable rate, continue in the same spirit, but be sure to monitor the reaction of the crumbs to all innovations.
10 months is the age when a child can be given a taste of fruit purees or juices. If the baby suffers from manifestations of allergies or does not like any of the products already known to him, pay special attention to this and additionally consult a pediatrician. Scientists nowadays differ on the timing of the introduction of these products. Previously, it was believed that a child can be given an apple or carrot juice from 3-4 months. Today, doctors believe that there is no need for such an addition to breast milk at such an early age. Only during the period when the child begins to actively crawl and makes the first attempts to walk, he spends a large amount of strength and vital energy, which can be replenished by fruits and juices.
If you want to figure out what to feed your baby at 10 months old, analyze what he is already eating at this stage. It is not for nothing that by this age the baby knows the taste of porridge, vegetable and meat purees, because they are very useful and rich in vitamins. As for fruit purees and juices, they often cause allergies, flatulence, abdominal pain, indigestion and are not the most useful food. They can rightfully be considered a delicious dessert or an addition to the main course, which will be more nutritious and valuable for the growing body. Therefore, it is necessary to acquaint the baby with juices and fruit purees from about 10 months. However, this rule is acceptable for children who were previously breastfed.
Artificial children, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, can try juices and fruit purees from 4-5 months. It is believed that at this point in time, the gastrointestinal tract of such children is already ready for new food.
Choosing from the whole variety of fruits and thinking about what to feed a baby at 10 months, most often parents opt for apple juice (from yellow and green varieties), since it never causes allergies and is well tolerated by a small body.
Give apple juice in the morning. Its initial dosage should not exceed a few drops. Only if the child liked it, the stomach does not hurt, and there are no rashes on the body, the next day the volume of juice can be brought to 1 teaspoon. Over time, the daily amount of juice will be 100 ml, which must be given in several stages. When purchasing ready-made juices in jars, pay attention to the fact that they do not contain sugar. Store an opened jar in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours, and slightly warm it before use.
You can also get delicious apple juice at home. To do this, take a green apple, wash it well, peel and grate on a plastic grater. Wrap the resulting mass in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice, which must be diluted with water at a rate of 1: 1. After getting used to such a delicious drink, give your child plum, apricot, carrot, beet juice. As for grape juice, it should be given to the crumbs only after 12 months, because it causes severe gas formation and pain in the stomach.
Having accustomed your baby to juices, you will not have problems with what to feed your 10 month old baby. Now you can give him fruit purees. You should also start with a few spoons, bringing their volume to 100 g.
Let's take a closer look at how to feed a baby at 10 months and what his daily menu might look like now.
- 6:00 - 200 ml of formula or breast milk;
- 10:00 - half a yolk, 150 g of porridge, 40 g of applesauce and 20 ml of apple juice;
- 14:00 - 30 ml of vegetable broth and 150 g of vegetable puree, 40 g of meat puree, 70 ml of apple juice;
- 18:00 - 150 ml of kefir or fermented milk mixture + 30 g of cottage cheese, 50 g of fruit puree;
- 22:00 - 200 ml of formula or breast milk.
When giving fruit purees, you need to be aware that blueberry, pear, cherry and pomegranate purees, as well as juices from them, can cause constipation. At the same time, apricot, prune and beet juices have a laxative effect.
Meat dishes
Particular attention should be paid to meat dishes, without which no baby's diet can do. You need to feed a 10 month old baby only with high-quality lean meat. These can be meatballs, meatballs, or turkey, beef or chicken soufflés. You can buy such products in a store, but at the same time they should not contain harmful additives and dyes. To protect the baby's body from harmful components, it is recommended to cook meat dishes at home.
Making meatballs for your child is easy. To do this, you should first wash the meat well, clean it of veins and excess fat, grind it in a meat grinder, add a piece of bread to it and pass the resulting minced meat through the meat grinder again. Add yolk, milk, salt and butter to the mixture. Form the meatballs and cook for no more than 15 minutes in boiling water.
To make a soufflé from meat, you need to cleanse the meat from fat and twist it twice in a meat grinder, add yolk, milk or mixture to it, a little flour and whipped protein. Put the resulting mass in greased molds and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.
How to feed a 10 month old baby and avoid developing allergies

Thinking about what to feed your baby at 10 months, remember if he has had any previous allergic reactions to certain foods. If at least there were any rashes, wait with the introduction of fish, chicken meat for up to a year. Such babies need to be offered turkey, rabbit, beef meat.
After 12 months, you can also give strawberries, seafood, cow's milk, oranges, nuts, eggs, tangerines, carrots, mushrooms, chocolate, and other highly allergenic foods. Some children do not tolerate bananas and chicken meat well. Know this and be attentive to your baby, giving him this or that delicacy.
As for the liquid, its maximum consumption by a 10 month old child should not exceed 200 ml. It can be pure water, dried fruit compote or rosehip decoction (put dry fruits in boiling water and cook for no more than 10 minutes, then pour the liquid with berries into a thermos and leave them for 3-4 hours). A spoonful of fructose will help make the resulting drink more delicious.
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