What is lipofilling?

Every person who looks after his appearance knows for sure: fat is evil, and there should be as little fat in the body as possible. Of course, this is far from the case. There should not only be excess fat, but getting rid of fat completely is completely unwise, and the consequences of this can be very sad.
In this article, we'll take a closer look at the external aspect of body fat. Did you know that the disadvantage of appearance is often not an excess of fat as such, but an excess of fat in some places, and a lack of it in others? It is on the redistribution of fat that the lipofilling method is based.
The word "lipofilling" is translated as "fat filling". This is a method that allows you to correct some defects in appearance by filling problem areas with fat taken from other parts of the body. Everyone knows about liposuction, a method in which excess fat is sucked out of the body. Lipofilling includes a liposuction stage. At first, from one area, as a rule, this area is the stomach, pumped out excess fat, then, resorting to injections, it is injected where this fat is needed. It is needed in the mammary glands, nasolabial folds, cheeks, sometimes buttocks and some other places.
What are the advantages of lipofilling over other techniques for correcting appearance, for example, over implantation of silicone endoprostheses? First of all, the fact that the fat of the person himself is used, that is, a 100% biocompatible material. It does not cause inflammation, allergic reactions, rejection reactions, and is not encapsulated like endoprostheses. This means that a dense connective tissue capsule does not grow around it, as happens when installing any, even the most expensive and high-quality implants. The fat gradually grows into blood vessels and takes root in a new place. The worst thing that can happen is that the fat will simply dissolve. This, of course, will reduce the lipofilling procedure to nothing, and it may have to be repeated, but it will not have any undesirable consequences for health.

Lipofilling is performed under both general anesthesia and local anesthesia. The choice of the method of pain relief usually depends on the scope of the intervention. The procedure is tolerated well, usually at the site of intervention in the first days there is redness and swelling, slight pain, but after a few days everything goes away. The final results of lipofilling will be visible when the edema subsides completely, not earlier than a week after the procedure. The duration of the result is individual, and depends on many factors, in particular, on fluctuations in weight. In some cases, the result can be lifelong, although more often the injected fat dissolves after a few years. If necessary, lipofilling can be repeated, as it is quite safe.
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