Human Exposure To Ultrasound

Human Exposure To Ultrasound
Human Exposure To Ultrasound

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Human exposure to ultrasound

Features of the impact of ultrasound on humans
Features of the impact of ultrasound on humans

Ultrasound is called sound vibrations that exceed the upper limit of the range of sound frequencies perceived by a person. Such fluctuations can have a significant effect, which is currently widely used in various fields of human activity - from building to scaring away rats. Like all other physical phenomena, ultrasound itself is neither harmful nor beneficial. Exposure to ultrasound is a powerful tool that, depending on the application, can be beneficial or harmful to health.

Ultrasound can be not only of different directivity, but also of different frequency and power. The frequency and power can be adjusted, due to which the effect of ultrasound can be used to cut granite, and can be used in the diagnosis of pregnant women. Surprisingly, in both cases, one physical phenomenon is used.

How does ultrasound impact on health? Also in different ways. If a person is in the affected area for a long time, then the health consequences can be sad. This is due to the fact that the human body is heterogeneous, and ultrasound, passing through various environments of the body, causes their various vibrations, which are disharmonious. If they occur for a long time, or even once, but have significant force, then they have a destructive effect on the cells of the body. Therefore, protective equipment has been developed for those people whose activities are associated with being in the zone of ultrasound exposure.

However, "tamed" ultrasound, adjusted so as not to cause disruptive changes, serves medical purposes. The effect of ultrasound is widely used in physiotherapy in order to enhance the regeneration of healing tissues, ultrasound helps to dissolve adhesions and scars, increases the permeability of the skin for medicinal substances (phonophoresis), is used for effective and safe exfoliation of dead skin cells of the epidermis - ultrasonic face peeling.

The impact of ultrasound is used in medicine and cosmetology
The impact of ultrasound is used in medicine and cosmetology

And of course, the well-known ultrasound diagnostics is a method that has become truly revolutionary in medicine, since it has a high information content and, at the same time, is quite cheap. And although rumors about the dangers of ultrasound periodically appear in the yellow press, they do not correspond to reality and come from people who are far from understanding the effects of ultrasound in therapeutic and diagnostic dosages. In many cases, ultrasound made it possible to abandon radiography, and if we compare the harmful effects of these two methods on the body, then no doubt the comparison will be in favor of ultrasound.

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