Exercises For Hemorrhoids For Women And Men

Exercises For Hemorrhoids For Women And Men
Exercises For Hemorrhoids For Women And Men

Exercises for hemorrhoids: gymnastics and prohibited types of load

The content of the article:

  1. A set of exercises for hemorrhoids
  2. Physical activity recommended for hemorrhoids
  3. Kegel exercises
  4. What not to do with hemorrhoids

Exercises for hemorrhoids are aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the pelvic organs, preventing relapses, and relieving symptoms. In addition, playing sports strengthens the immune system, improves the course of metabolic processes and affects the cause of the disease.

At the heart of hemorrhoids is a pathological weakening and an increase in the choroid plexuses of the rectum. Vascular tone weakens, veins overflow with blood and dilate. This leads to depletion and necrosis of the connective and muscle tissue, a decrease in the speed and volume of blood flow, stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. This is how hemorrhoids are formed, which then increase in volume and periodically inflame, causing the main symptoms of the disease and its complications.

The characteristic signs of hemorrhoids are pain, burning and itching in the anus. Over time, the pain increases, blood appears during bowel movements, perianal edema, inflammation and prolapse of hemorrhoids, thrombosis, anal fissures.

Regular gymnastics is one of the main components of the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids
Regular gymnastics is one of the main components of the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids

Regular gymnastics is one of the main components of the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids

The occurrence of venous insufficiency is facilitated, first of all, by a hereditary predisposition, as well as reduced physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, and unhealthy diet. Hemorrhoids often accompany pregnancy and childbirth, but in men it develops at least as often.

Hemorrhoid therapy includes not only drug treatment, but also compliance with the regime and rules of a balanced diet, as well as regular exercise to increase the tone of the veins and relieve congestion in the venous plexus.

Gymnastics for hemorrhoids is performed to prevent early manifestations of the disease and in a complex of therapeutic measures in the early stages. Exercises are effective only if performed regularly. In advanced cases and with an exacerbation of the disease, physical education is not recommended.

A set of exercises for hemorrhoids

The complex takes 15-20 minutes to complete, it includes exercises to combat constipation, to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and to improve blood circulation in the small pelvis. The loads should be gentle, not causing muscle overstrain and an increase in already existing hemorrhoidal cones. Exercises for hemorrhoids for women and men do not differ.

There are many instructional videos that demonstrate the correct exercise for hemorrhoids. Here are some of the most popular ones. They are performed slowly, with a feasible number of repetitions, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to the recommended.

  1. Scissors. Starting position - lying on your back. Raise your legs so that they are at right angles to the floor, and start slowly spreading them apart and then crossing them. The exercise is repeated 20-30 times.
  2. Voltage. Starting position - lying on your back. Slowly lift the pelvis and hold it in the upper position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 30 times.
  3. Cat. The starting position is on all fours. Slowly bend your back down and then up. Repeat 30-50 times.
  4. Walking on the buttocks. Starting position - sitting on the floor. Stretch your legs forward. Begin to imitate walking by moving your buttocks across the floor. The exercise is performed for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Stilts. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart. Walk with your legs crossed, one in front of the other, while trying to raise your knees high.
  6. Seal. Starting position - lying on your stomach. Resting on your elbows, knees, and palms, lift your pelvis off the floor. Perform torso turns in different directions, alternately touching the floor with your hips. Repeat 10–20 times.
  7. Compression. Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body. Slowly squeeze your buttocks while pulling in your rectum. Then slowly relax your muscles. Repeat 10-15 times.

After finishing the exercise, take a few deep breaths in and out to regain your breathing.

Physical activity recommended for hemorrhoids

Swimming is one of the best exercises for treating hemorrhoids. During swimming, the load is removed from the spinal column and is comprehensively distributed to all skeletal muscles. Microcirculation improves, venous congestion in the pelvic area is eliminated, pressure on the abdominal cavity decreases. Swimming is suitable for people of any gender and age, including pregnant women.

Exercise should be done at a slow pace, avoiding overwork
Exercise should be done at a slow pace, avoiding overwork

Exercise should be done at a slow pace, avoiding overwork

Running strengthens your abdominal muscles and speeds up blood flow to your pelvic veins. This will help eliminate one of the most common causes of hemorrhoids inflammation - prolonged constipation. Thanks to running, there is an intense contraction of the muscles of the legs and buttocks, which helps to increase blood flow and relieve congestion. Enriching the blood with oxygen while running improves the trophism of rectal tissues, helps tissue healing, and improves the condition of the walls of damaged vessels. Regular jogging reduces the risk of worsening hemorrhoids.

You need to run correctly, without overloading. You should start with a ten-minute jogging at an easy pace, then switch to a moderate jogging. The distance depends on the patient's well-being and age.

Yoga - special yoga postures (asanas) activate blood circulation in the deep muscles of the small pelvis, help to normalize the intestines. According to reviews, yoga exercises give quick and long-term results. During yoga, you need to monitor your breathing, exercises are done smoothly and slowly, without jerking. It is better to start with simple exercises, gradually moving on to more complex asanas. So, the essence of a simple exercise called "Mula Bandha" is to alternately squeeze and relax the muscles of the anus. And to perform the exercise called "Sarvangasana", they take a stand on the shoulders and stretch their legs straight up. Exercises for hemorrhoids that increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity or asanas that involve prolonged sitting with bent and crossed legs are not recommended.

Healing and health walking is the most accessible type of physical activity, it allows you to strengthen the abdominal muscles, develops the muscles of the legs, promotes good blood circulation, and eliminates venous congestion. Walking pace matters too. With hemorrhoids, it is recommended to move not in infrequent wide steps, but in small and frequent ones. This mincing walk helps to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

It is better to start classes at a moderate pace. At first, it is recommended to walk only a few kilometers, but do it every day. Over time, the distance can be gradually increased.

Kegel exercises

The muscles of the rectal sphincter are involved in the retention of feces and gas. The weakening of the sphincter of the rectum occurs due to functional changes and muscle damage in the locking apparatus. Kegel exercises help to strengthen the anal sphincter of the rectum and improve the condition of blood vessels, strengthen the muscles of the perineum, and prevent the prolapse of hemorrhoids. When they are performed, the blood flow to the internal organs of the small pelvis increases, the venous outflow is normalized.

The basic rule for their implementation is to feel the work of the pelvic floor muscles in order to contract them as they contract when trying to interrupt urination or trap gases inside the rectum.

Begin training in a supine position with legs bent at the knees, leaning on the feet. Then the muscles of the anus are contracted by pulling it into the rectum. It is recommended to start with a three-second contraction, then relax the muscles for the same time. In the future, the retention time is gradually increased to 10 seconds. Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids should be performed daily, ten exercises four times a day.

What not to do with hemorrhoids

Prohibited physical activity includes exercises with a lot of weight (for example, squats and lunges with a barbell), with a significant load on the press, squats, strong swings of the lower limbs, exercise on a stationary bike, strength sports (weightlifting, bodybuilding), cycling, equestrian sports … Such exercises for hemorrhoids load the muscles of the pelvis and blood vessels of the legs, which is highly undesirable.

Walking is the easiest and most effective form of exercise for hemorrhoids
Walking is the easiest and most effective form of exercise for hemorrhoids

Walking is the easiest and most effective form of exercise for hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids, lifting weights is contraindicated, therefore it is recommended to abandon not only such sports loads, but also to change the type of activity if it is associated with such efforts.

Sedentary work also contributes to the development of hemorrhoids, so office workers and others whose work involves sitting for a long time need to exercise several times a day.

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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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