Prevention of hemorrhoids in men and women
The content of the article:
- Elimination of predisposing factors
- Diet to prevent the development of hemorrhoids
- Exercises for the prevention of hemorrhoids
- Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Prevention of hemorrhoids is a pressing issue. This is due to the widespread prevalence of the disease. Hemorrhoids cause a lot of trouble for patients of all age groups, impair the quality of life, and its treatment can be lengthy and difficult.
The development of hemorrhoids directly depends on the patient's lifestyle, habits, nutrition, physical activity and a number of other factors. Preventive measures are aimed, first of all, at correcting the lifestyle, and their implementation with an existing hemorrhoid contributes to its early cure.

One of the measures for the prevention of hemorrhoids is a diet high in plant fiber
Prevention of hemorrhoids is of particular importance for persons at risk. It includes people with hereditary connective tissue weakness, lack of physical activity (especially when sedentary work) or those whose activities are associated with weight lifting, pregnant women, patients with intestinal dysfunction.
Elimination of predisposing factors
Excessive stress with constipation has about the same effect as excessive exercise. Chronic constipation contributes to the onset and inflammation of hemorrhoids. The pathological process can develop against the background of frequent diarrhea, in which the sphincter and rectum are irritated. Normalization of bowel movements is one of the main methods of preventing hemorrhoids.
People with a predisposition to hemorrhoids should pay particular attention to hygiene. It is recommended to use multi-layered soft toilet paper after bowel movement. The use of toilet paper can be replaced by washing the anal area with cool water and soap after each bowel movement. Outside the home, for example, when traveling, you can use baby wipes (they do not contain potentially irritating substances). It is recommended to take a shower every day, and from time to time - a bath, which has a general strengthening effect on the body, improves blood circulation and prevents blood stagnation. Baths with sea salt are especially useful.
In sedentary work, you should equip the workplace with an ergonomic chair, or use special orthopedic pillows to prevent the development of hemorrhoids. Drivers are advised not to drive for more than three hours without a break.
You should give up the habit of prolonged sitting on the toilet (no more than 3-5 minutes), if any.
It is necessary to give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol abuse negatively affects the state of blood vessels, reduces their elasticity, which may result in the appearance of hemorrhoids. It is recommended to avoid hypothermia of the body, if necessary, to correct excess weight.
Long-term use of certain drugs that affect blood vessels can also cause the development of hemorrhoids, therefore, rational use of drugs is necessary.
With a tendency to hemorrhoids, for the purpose of prevention, you can carry out sessile baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile, sage), honey. Also for these purposes, you can use ointments based on oil from peach pits, propolis, etc. These folk remedies can be used for the prevention of hemorrhoids and for treating it at home in the early stages of development.

At the first suspicious signs indicating possible hemorrhoids, you should consult a doctor
In case of suspicious symptoms (itching, discomfort or soreness in the anus, traces of scarlet blood on underwear or in feces, etc.), you should immediately consult a doctor. As a rule, with the timely detection of hemorrhoids and adequate therapy, the prognosis is favorable. In the absence of treatment or with improper treatment, the pathological process will deepen, and neglected hemorrhoids are much more difficult to cure, in most cases it requires surgical intervention in the ear.
Diet to prevent the development of hemorrhoids
The basis for the prevention of hemorrhoids in women and men is a balanced diet, since it is the use of unhealthy food that often causes intestinal dysfunction. Hemorrhoids often develop in people who eat predominantly processed foods and other instant foods, which is why there is not enough fiber in the diet. Such nutrition impairs peristalsis, leads to constipation, which creates favorable conditions for the disease.
It is necessary to exclude from the diet excessively salty, spicy, smoked and pickled dishes, fast food, confectionery and baked goods. It is desirable to limit meat and meat products; preference should be given to low-fat, easily digestible varieties.
The diet should be based on vegetables, fruits, cereals (foods high in fiber), fermented milk products, which have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the process of defecation.
Overweight people are recommended to slightly (by 200-300 kcal) reduce the daily calorie intake until the weight is normalized.
Of no small importance for the prevention of hemorrhoids is the use of a sufficient amount of liquid. So, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
Exercises for the prevention of hemorrhoids
A sedentary lifestyle significantly increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids. Particularly at risk are persons whose work is associated with prolonged sitting or staying on their feet. For sedentary work, it is recommended that you take regular breaks at half hour intervals, during which you should do short exercises. It is advisable to walk as much as possible, visit the gym, pool.

A set of exercises for the prevention of hemorrhoids takes no more than 15 minutes a day
It is not recommended to engage in sports associated with excessive loads (athletes who are involved in weightlifting and strength sports have an increased risk of developing hemorrhoids). Equestrian sports and cycling are not recommended for patients at risk.
For a complex of gymnastics aimed at preventing hemorrhoids, 10-15 minutes is enough, but it should be performed daily. Exercises of physiotherapy exercises train the anal sphincter, gluteal and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, stimulate peristalsis, and improve local blood circulation.
The simplest and most effective exercise is rhythmic compression and relaxation of the anal sphincter, which can also be performed in any setting.
It is also recommended:
- do exercises with legs "scissors" and "bicycle";
- alternately raise straightened legs while lying on your back;
- lying on your back, raise your legs, bent at the knees, and press them to your stomach;
- lying on your back with legs bent at the knees, raise and lower the pelvis, resting on the feet and shoulders.
Each exercise should be repeated 10-15 times, if it is difficult to do it right away, you need to start with a feasible load, gradually increasing it. Excessive overvoltage is unacceptable. For gymnastics, it is better to choose a hard surface.
Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Pregnant women are at risk. This is due to a change in hormonal levels, increasing fetal pressure on the pelvic organs and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Pregnant women should pay special attention to the prevention of hemorrhoids, as they are at risk
During pregnancy, it is important to establish regular bowel movements, if necessary, make changes in nutrition, as well as perform a set of physiotherapy exercises, which should be selected by a qualified specialist.
Regular outdoor walks are recommended.
Wearing tight clothing should be avoided.
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Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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