Apple Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Apple Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Apple Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Apple diet

Apples are actively used in dietary nutrition due to their availability and low calorie content. In addition, they contain many vitamins and minerals, but the main thing is pectin, a substance that, in combination with liquid, increases in volume. As a result, intestinal motility is enhanced, the activity of the digestive tract is normalized, and congestion in the intestine is eliminated.

Apples are high in glucose and fructose, both of which maintain blood sugar levels and keep you from craving sweets.

With the apple diet, you can not only significantly reduce weight, but also adjust your metabolism. Unloading apple days are recommended for the prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis, and in general are useful as a way to cleanse the body and maintain health.

The correct way out of the diet is important. If you return to your usual diet immediately after it, the lost kilograms will quickly recover. Therefore, for two to three days after the apple diet, it is recommended to eat only vegetables, fresh or stewed, and fresh fruits, and then little by little (one or two a day) add new dishes to the menu.

There are many varieties of the apple diet, but the three, five and seven days are the most popular.

Apple diet: nutritional rules
Apple diet: nutritional rules

Advantages of the apple diet

On an apple diet, weight decreases quickly - in three days you can get rid of 2-3 kg, and in seven days - from 5-6 kg of excess weight.

This is a good way to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, after the diet, a feeling of lightness, vigor appears, efficiency increases, the condition of the skin improves, sleep is normalized.

The apple diet is extremely simple and affordable.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the apple diet

Being a mono diet, the apple diet is unbalanced, it is not recommended to stick to it for more than seven days.

The diet is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine disorders. If you have any chronic medical conditions, you should consult your doctor before starting a diet.

What foods are allowed?

During the apple diet, the diet consists of fresh apples, sometimes you can eat a few slices of rye bread, five or six rye croutons. With a seven-day diet, baked apples are also included in the menu.

Green tea without sugar, mineral and plain water without gas are allowed as drinks.

What foods are prohibited?

All products are prohibited except apples.

Apple diet menu

Apple diet menu for three days: 2 kg of apples should be divided into six servings.

Apple diet menu for five days:

First day 1 kg of apples. Second day 1.5 kg of apples. The third day 2 kg of apples. Fourth day 1.5 kg of apples. The fifth day 1 kg of apples.

Apple diet menu for seven days:

First day 1 kg of fresh apples. Second day 1.5 kg of baked apples. The third day 2 kg of fresh apples. Fourth day 2 kg of baked apples. The fifth day 1.5 kg of fresh apples. Sixth day 1.5 kg of baked apples. Seventh day 1 kg of fresh apples.

Useful Tips

Tip 1. The optimal time for an apple diet is from late summer to November, when apples are abundant, when the concentration of nutrients in them is highest.

Tip 2. For some people, fresh apples increase their appetite, which makes it difficult to follow the diet. In this case, fresh apples can be replaced with baked ones and for short-term diet options.

Advice 3. To enhance the cleansing effect of the diet, it is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Diet characteristic final grade
Duration: 3, 5, 7 days

3 out of 5

The apple diet is extremely simple - it consists of eating only apples. The diet is certainly good for your health, but you can stick to it for a short time. The apple mono diet is optimal for fasting days.

Recommended frequency: every 2-3 months
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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