How To Go On A Diet, What To Eat During A Diet

How To Go On A Diet, What To Eat During A Diet
How To Go On A Diet, What To Eat During A Diet

How to go on a diet

Many overweight people are interested in the question of how to go on a diet. After all, as you know, it is the process of beginning that is the most difficult. What diet to go on is also an urgent problem for many who want to lose weight. Especially when you consider how many diets exist today. The main thing in the process of losing weight is not to make spontaneous decisions. It is important here to think carefully and weigh everything.

How to go on a diet: prepare mentally

Before starting a diet, start preparing your body
Before starting a diet, start preparing your body

It is necessary to prepare thoroughly for the process of losing weight, and, first of all, it is worthwhile to mentally tune in to it. Here, the important points are: what diet to go on, what to eat during the diet, what set of physical exercises to perform, etc.

If you make a decision in a moment of anger and despair, then it is possible that you will break loose and all your efforts will go down the drain. You don't want that, right?

How to go on a diet: getting ready physically

It's no secret that any diet, and even a change in lifestyle, is stressful for the body. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to enter and exit the diet gradually. So, if you are obese, then for you, naturally, the best option would be to follow the diet menu for obesity. However, for an unprepared organism, this is not just difficult, but practically unrealistic. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to start gradually limiting the number of calories a couple of weeks before starting the diet, reducing them to the required amount. The same must be done with the limitation of harmful products - gradually.

What diet to go on

This is a rather difficult question, since it all depends on what goal you are pursuing. For example, if you want to lose 2-5 kg, then, undoubtedly, some kind of light short-term diet is more suitable for you, which, in combination with active physical activity, will quickly give the desired result.

If your goal is 20 kg or more, then you should not decide on what diet to go on, but you should think about a life-long diet menu for obesity, that is, about proper nutrition.

Nutrition rules: what to eat during the diet

So, let's decide what to eat during the diet can and should be, and which foods are better to bypass.

Separate meals are welcome. Separate food means the separate consumption of carbohydrates and proteins, vegetables and fruits. So, for example, protein foods (poultry, meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese) must be combined only with vegetable dishes. Carbohydrate foods (bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes) can also be combined only with vegetables. But fruit is recommended to be eaten on an empty stomach or a couple of hours after the last meal.

Thus, an approximate diet menu for obesity will look like this:

  • Breakfast: porridge and vegetable stew (or vegetable salad);
  • Lunch: vegetable soup (exclusively from vegetables, no potatoes and pasta) and a small piece of rye bread;
  • Dinner: vegetables and some meat dish or vegetable salad and cheese;
  • In between, you can use herbal teas with honey, water, fruits.

Before starting your diet, start preparing your body. To do this, use fresh vegetable salads. So you not only activate the process of losing weight, but also heal the body. Adding as much greens as possible to salads is encouraged: dill, onion, parsley, celery, basil, salad. Season vegetables with vegetable oil (preferably unrefined).

If you decide to cook a vegetable dish, do not fry, give preference to vegetables that are steamed or in the microwave. Eat a serving of vegetable salad before each main meal. This will fill your stomach and keep you from overeating.

How to go on a diet: which foods to avoid

What to eat during the diet, we have decided. Now let's talk about what foods you should exclude from your diet.

Forget forever about various convenience foods, sausages, sweet, smoked and fried foods. All of these foods are the worst enemies of not only a beautiful figure, but also overall health. Sausage is not meat, but fats, flavors, soy and spices. There can be nothing useful in it. Did you know that one glass of Coca-Cola contains 8 tsp. sugar, and fast food is incredibly high in calories. In addition, when consumed together, these foods can trigger a new wave of hunger.

Say no to salty foods. It makes it difficult for the kidneys to function and delays the elimination of fluid from the body. Yes, at first, lightly salted dishes will seem tasteless to you, but over time you will get used to it. After all, taste is a matter of habit.

Caffeine on the diet for obesity should be minimized. The caffeine found in green and black teas and coffee promotes insulin release, which significantly affects glucose uptake. All of this leads to high blood sugar levels (which subsequently causes diabetes) and constant hunger, leading to gluttony. Thus, preference should be given to herbal teas, mate, chicory. Coffee is allowed, but only on holidays.

You should not get carried away with alcoholic drinks either. They not only induce appetite, but also strain the liver and pancreas.

So how do you go on a diet? Yes Easy! Replace sausage with meat (just remember that you need to eat it separately from pasta, bread and potatoes, but only with vegetables), replace sweets and sugar with honey, nuts, dried fruits and fruits, baby fruit purees. In no case should you starve. Eat small meals often. And most importantly, remember that your goal is not only to lose weight and acquire a beautiful figure, but also to live for many years in excellent health!

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