Diet Larisa Dolina - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Diet Larisa Dolina - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice
Diet Larisa Dolina - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Larisa Dolina's diet

With any variant of Larisa Dolina's diet, kefir becomes the basis of the diet. The singer knows how difficult it is to deal with excess weight. For 30 years, she has tried various diets, but it was kefir that brought impressive and long-term results.

Before starting the diet, it is recommended to spend one fasting day on vegetables, fruits or low-fat fermented milk products.

There are three options for Larisa Dolina's diet.

Option number 1 is designed for 7 days, during which you can lose up to 7 kg. The daily ration is divided into 4-6 servings, which you can eat at any time before 18:00.

Option number 2 involves following the diet for 7 or 14 days (optional). In the first week, it takes about 5 kg, in the second - up to 3 kg. You need to eat by the hour - at 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 16:00, 18:00.

Option number 3 is also designed for 7 days. A prerequisite is the daily use of 1 liter of still mineral water.

During the diet, the following rules must be observed:

  • do not eat after 18:00;
  • before each meal, drink 50 ml of herbal infusion (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula);
  • if necessary, cleanse the intestines with enemas or laxatives (it is recommended to consult a doctor);
  • hike in the fresh air every day. You can exercise if you want, but you don't need to force yourself.

The diet of Larisa Dolina is low-calorie, which is characterized by rapid weight gain after returning to the usual diet, so the correct way out of it is important. You can use the following options:

  • gradually replace kefir in one of the meals with another product. Better to start with fruits and vegetables, then add eggs and only then meat and fish;
  • for a month after the diet, limit the use of high-calorie foods, alcoholic beverages. The usual (before the diet) portions are reduced by 30-40%. The daily menu should include fruits, vegetables, meat and fish.

Also, during the period of leaving the diet, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • include low-fat kefir in the daily diet;
  • increase the amount of liquid consumed to 2 liters. Water, juices, black and green tea are allowed;
  • do not eat fried potatoes, pork, spicy, fatty and sweet foods;
  • Before each meal, drink a few sips of green tea or clean water;
  • provide yourself with moderate physical activity.
Larisa Dolina's diet is a low-calorie diet based on kefir
Larisa Dolina's diet is a low-calorie diet based on kefir


Advantages of Larisa Dolina's diet

The main advantage of low-calorie diets is rapid weight loss.

There is no feeling of hunger due to frequent meals. Thanks to the use of kefir and regular enemas (taking laxatives), the intestines are cleansed.

The products used in Larisa Dolina's diet are familiar, accessible and easy to prepare.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the diet of Larisa Dolina

The diet is dangerous to health, especially if you stick to it for longer than the specified time. The nutritional system is not balanced: the body does not receive an amount of protein, vitamins and minerals sufficient for normal life. Because of this, metabolic disorders, decreased immunity, deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair and nails are possible. Some people who lose weight notice the appearance of stretch marks and sagging skin.

Regular use of a laxative or enema can disrupt bowel movements and be addictive.

With a lack of fluid entering the body, there is a high risk of dehydration.

Larisa Dolina's diet is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the intestines, stomach, kidneys and cardiovascular system, as well as for adolescents, pregnant and lactating women. People with other chronic medical conditions should consult a doctor before starting a diet.

What foods are allowed?

Allowed low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, kefir, chicken fillet, vegetables (potatoes and carrots), green apples and other fruits, except for grapes and bananas, dried fruits, from drinks - still mineral water.

What foods are prohibited?

Any products other than those listed above are prohibited.

Larisa Dolina diet menu

Below are examples of the daily menu for Larisa Dolina's diet, depending on the option.

Option number 1:

First day

5 medium-sized potatoes, cooked in their jacket, kefir (500 ml).

Second day 5-6 st. l. sour cream (200 g), kefir (500 ml). The third day Low-fat cottage cheese (7 tbsp. L.), Kefir (500 ml). Fourth day Chicken fillet (500 g), cooked without salt and filled with kefir (500 ml). The fifth day Carrots (500 g), green apples (1 kg), kefir (500 ml). Sixth day Kefir (1 l). Seventh day Still mineral water (1 l).

Option number 2:

First day Jacket-baked potatoes, kefir (500 ml). Second day Low-fat cottage cheese (400 g), kefir (500 ml). The third day Fruit (400 g), kefir (500 ml). Fourth day Chicken fillet (400 g), cooked without salt, kefir (500 ml). The fifth day Fruit (400 g), kefir (500 ml). Sixth day Still mineral water (1.5 l). Seventh day Fruit of the same type (400 g), kefir (500 ml).

Option number 3:

First day Dried fruits (300 g), kefir (500 ml), still mineral water (1 l). Second day Medium-sized boiled potatoes (10 pcs.), Kefir (500 ml), still mineral water (1 l). The third day Green apples (10 pcs.), Kefir (500 ml), still mineral water (1 l). Fourth day Chicken fillet (up to 1 kg), cooked without salt, kefir (500 ml), still mineral water (1 l). The fifth day Low-fat cottage cheese (up to 1 kg), kefir (500 ml), still mineral water (1 l). Sixth day Sour cream (up to 1 l), kefir (500 ml), still mineral water (1 l). Seventh day Kefir (500 ml), still mineral water (1 l).

Useful Tips

Tip 1. The herbal infusion, which is drunk before each meal, is recommended to be brewed in the evening.

Advice 2. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks during a diet, you can use a special cream for their prevention.

Diet characteristic final grade Duration: 7-14 days

3.5 out of 5

The famous kefir diet of Larisa Dolina promises an excellent result, but due to the low calorie content of the diet, the risk of returning excess weight after the diet is high, so the right way out of it is important.

Recommended frequency: once a month Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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