Cuttlefish ink
What is cuttlefish ink
Cuttlefish ink is a special liquid produced by the mollusk, which is contained in the cavity of its body (ink sac) and is used for protection.

The ink sac is a special organ of the mollusk, a pear-shaped outgrowth of the rectum, which is a dense capsule divided into two parts by a membrane. In the upper reservoir of the capsule, ready-made ink is stored, while in its lower section is the tissue of a special gland, the cells of which are saturated with grains of paint. After maturation, the cells are destroyed, followed by the dissolution of dyes in the enzymes of the gland, as a result of which cuttlefish ink is formed. The finished ink liquid is stored in the upper section of the capsule until the required moment. The emptied reservoir is completely restored within a short period (in the common cuttlefish, the ink reservoir is restored within half an hour).
Applications of cuttlefish ink
The liquid of the ink sac has traditionally been used to make the brown dye, which is named after the Latin name for the Sepiida clam, sepia. Later, the healing properties of this substance were discovered.
Cuttlefish ink in small doses is also included in many medicines, including homeopathic ones, which are mainly used to treat neurotic conditions, increased nervousness, and excitability. This substance has an excellent sedative effect, in combination with other drugs, it can be used to treat insomnia. Ink can help treat the following symptoms and conditions:
- Hemorrhoidal changes;
- Violation of menstrual cycles (also used in the complex treatment of gynecological diseases, climacteric changes);
- Headache with characteristic throbbing;
- Bronchitis;
- Herpetic eruptions;
- Mental disorders: anxiety, irritability, hysteria, tearfulness, loss of strength.
Nowadays, the ink of this mollusk has become widely used in cooking as a natural food coloring and seasoning, which gives dishes an amazing black color and a unique "sea", salty taste.
Cuttlefish ink can be purchased from the store as a stand alone product ready to use. Please note that frozen cuttlefish carcasses may also contain an ink sac. Ink tends to curl when frozen. The frozen ink is diluted with a little hot water.
Cuttlefish ink: benefits, energy value, nutritional value
Cuttlefish ink, like the shellfish meat itself, contains a number of macro- and microelements, vitamins, a set of amino acids that improve metabolism, lower cholesterol levels, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Energy value of 100g "ink" product - 79 kcal
Nutritional value of cuttlefish ink:
Proteins - 16.78
Fats - 0.79
Carbohydrates - 0.93
Cuttlefish ink, the benefits of which for the human body are undeniable, can be found in many semi-finished products available on store shelves (various types of pasta - spaghetti, tagliatelli, etc.).
When buying ink, you need to pay attention to the composition indicated on the package. The product must not contain any additives (except for salt), otherwise it is highly likely that the package contains ordinary black dye with the addition of flavoring, which has nothing to do with the natural product.

Clam ink is a popular ingredient in Mediterranean and Adriatic cuisine. The product is used for making risotto, paella, spaghetti with cuttlefish ink. One of the restaurants in Riga offers its guests to taste amazing black bread made with the addition of ink. Also, on the basis of cuttlefish ink, unique sauces are created, distinguished by a bright, specific taste. Culinary experts practice adding ink at different stages of cooking. Cuttlefish ink is never combined with meat. The exception is chicken fillet in complex Spanish paella. Also, "ink" dishes are not served with beer. The ideal combination is white dry and semi-dry wines.
Cuttlefish ink is easy to use and requires little preparation. So, for cooking spaghetti with cuttlefish ink, you can purchase either a finished product (ink has already been added to the spaghetti dough), or add clam ink during the cooking process. To preserve the bright, unique "sea" taste, chefs recommend adding ink when the main ingredient is almost ready.
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