Tamarillo - Composition, Useful Properties, Preparation

Tamarillo - Composition, Useful Properties, Preparation
Tamarillo - Composition, Useful Properties, Preparation


Several years ago, many of us did not even imagine what kind of fruit it was - tamarillo, and even more so, how tamarillo is eaten. Today, on the shelves of supermarkets, exotic fruits are sold in a wide range. Tamarillo is also no exception.


Tamarillo is an exotic fruit, which until 1967 was called the tomato tree. Actually, the fruit got its name only after they decided to export it to other countries. The word "tamarillo" itself consists of two parts: "tama" and "rillo". Translated from the language of the Maori tribe, "tama" means "leadership", and "rillo" is just an ending that gives the word a certain Spanish flavor.

There is another version regarding the origin of the name, according to which the fruit got its name thanks to the Spanish word “amarillo”, translated “yellow”. It is believed that the first fruits that Europeans saw were yellow in color. In any case, the fruit is deservedly popular in many parts of the world.

Outwardly, tamarillo looks like tomatoes, which is why it was called the tomato tree for a long time. In length, the fruit reaches 5-10 centimeters, and in width - 5 centimeters. The fruit has a smooth surface and is shaped like an egg. The plant itself looks more like a shrub than a tree, and can reach a height of 3-3.5 meters. Tamarillo fruits grow in clusters, with up to 12 fruits in each cluster. Ripe fruits have different colors - yellow, orange, red. Sometimes the fruits can even be dark lilac or purple, with longitudinal dull stripes of a darker shade. The color of the pulp can also vary. There are fruits with orange, creamy yellow, reddish pulp. In the heart of tamarillo are seeds, which in red fruits are usually black-brown or black,and in fruits with light pulp, the seeds are yellowish. In shape, tamarillo seeds can be compared to tomato seeds, only slightly larger in size.

By our standards, tamarillo is more of a vegetable, but at home it belongs to the category of fruits. The closest related plants of tamarillo are tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and potatoes. Tamarillo has a sweet and sour taste. Gourmets claim that it tastes like tomato and passionfruit.

How to choose the right tamarillo?

Before buying such an exotic fruit, pay attention to the following features:

  • The tamarillo should have a uniform color, and the stem should fit snugly against the fruit. There should be no stains or defects.
  • Try pressing the fruit lightly with your finger. Ideally, the flesh should bend slightly, but immediately regain its shape.
  • Pay attention to the manufacturer. The finest and highest quality varieties grow in New Zealand, and in addition, this country always cares about the quality of its products and consumer safety.

The composition of tamarillo and its calorie content

Tamarillo contains vitamin A, PP, vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6, B9), E and C. There are such minerals as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron. The undoubted advantage of this fruit is the complete absence of sodium and cholesterol. In addition, the calorie content of tamarillo is low and amounts to 50 kcal per 100 g of product.

Useful properties of tamarillo

For a long time, tamarillo was not very popular. Everything changed during the Second World War, when in many countries there was a shortage of vegetables and fruits, and people, therefore, lacked vitamins and other nutrients. Then, in New Zealand, they began to massively grow the tomato tree, which, due to its rich composition, can replace many healthy products.

The main benefit of tamarillo is to relieve headaches when used systemically. This fruit is also useful for restoring the body after illness.

How is tamarillo eaten?

Tamarillo has become widespread in cooking, mainly due to its taste, which is similar to both a vegetable and a fruit. It is eaten fresh, but it can also be fried with onions or boiled and served with meat. The slices are fried and made into sandwiches. Tamarillo is used as a filling for pizza, lasagna, pies, stews and many other dishes. It is added to all kinds of salads, cold appetizers, marinades, soups, sauces, mayonnaise and mashed potatoes. As a fruit, it is used to prepare various desserts. Ice cream, yogurt, mousse, jam, marmalade, juice are prepared with it.

Tamarillo fruit
Tamarillo fruit

How is fresh tamarillo eaten? Everything is very simple: before enjoying its unusual taste, you must first peel the fruit. The rind has a rather unpleasant taste, so when cooking tamarillo it is better to remove it so as not to spoil the dish. To make the peel easily peel off, the fruit is dipped in boiling water for a few minutes, and then the peel is removed with a sharp knife. There is another way how tamarillo is eaten. You can simply cut it in two and scoop out the flesh with a dessert spoon.

It is also important to know that the taste of the fruit depends on the color of the pulp. For example, fruits with purple and red flesh are best for salads, side dishes and vegetable stews. They taste like tomato and slightly sour. Orange and yellow tamarillos are sweeter, so they are suitable for making desserts, fruit salads, jams and juices.

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