Soil - Calories, Benefits, Cooking

Soil - Calories, Benefits, Cooking
Soil - Calories, Benefits, Cooking


Sole is a fish from the Soleev family, outwardly similar to a flounder: the sole has the same flattened body, and the eyes are also located on one side. But the sole differs in size - it rarely grows more than 30 cm in length. The scales of the sole are hard, small, gray-brown.

Fish sole
Fish sole

Other names for the fish are European salt or fish-salt; it lives in subtropical and tropical seas. European salt is imported to Russia more often from Vietnam - fresh, salted, dried, frozen or smoked.

Fillet of sole is very popular; dishes from it are prepared in many countries of the world.

The sole is appreciated for the juiciness and tenderness of its meat and, of course, for its nutritional value.

We often, deliberately or by mistake, confuse sole with pangasius. But they belong to different families, and pangasius is considered a cheaper river fish, which, unlike the sole, can hardly be called a delicacy. Pangasius in Russia is often sold in a thick ice shell; its fillet differs from the sole fillet in pink color, although there is also a white pangasius. In this case, pangasius fish can be identified by the fact that its fillet plates are narrower.

The benefits of the sea language

The sole is rich in iodine, fluorine, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B, D, E, proteins, fatty acids.

The amino acids and the acid taurine, which were also found in the fillets of the sole, are of great importance for humans.

Eating fish-salt dishes allows you to avoid hypertension, stroke, heart attack, psoriasis, improve metabolism, vascular health, and remove toxins.

Housewives, who know the secrets of preparing the sole, provide themselves and their families with the prevention of cancer, problems with the thyroid gland, and bones.

Regular inclusion of the sole into your diet guarantees a good appetite - the fish promotes the secretion of gastric juice.

Calorie content of sole (fresh) is 88 calories. And this despite the fact that its fillet is quite fatty and nutritious.

The subtleties of cooking sole

Today, sole on the table is no longer a rarity. It is noteworthy that fish are cooked in different countries in different ways, but the general rule is to choose the method of preparing the sole, depending on the size of the fish. Soups are made from large fish, it is divided into portions, which are fried or baked. Medium-sized fish and salt are excellent steamed. It is better to bake small fish whole.

Most often, our hostesses receive frozen sole fillets in the kitchen. And you need to know how to handle it - they defrost fish in cold water and preferably in the refrigerator. It is believed that when thawed at room temperature, the benefits of the sole are partially lost, in addition, its fillets may deform.

The fillet is not completely thawed, only until it can already be cut with a knife. Small pieces of fillet are salted, pepper to taste, rolled in flour and fried. Another secret - you need to fry the sole fillet quickly, in a preheated pan, no more than 14 minutes (in total, on both sides).

Since the meat of the sole is quite fat, after frying it must be dried on a paper towel.

It turns out well if you fry the sole fillet in batter - beat the eggs with flour, add salt and spices, roll the pieces of fish in this mixture and fry in hot vegetable oil.

You can also use breadcrumbs to fry fillets.

It is better to serve fish and salt with sauce. Butter, mixed with tangerine or lemon juice, goes well with sea tongue.

There are no special requirements for the side dish.

Those who periodically master various diets for weight loss have already noted that the calorie content of the sole fits perfectly into the diet menu. Of course, it is better to steam the fish in this case, but judging by the reviews, you don't even need to salt it, just fill it with lemon juice.

Fried sole
Fried sole


A lot of good things have been said about the sea language, but its origin can spoil its reputation a little. As it was said, fish is most often imported from Vietnam, where the attitude towards ecology leaves much to be desired. Heavy metals, poisons, pathogenic bacteria were often found in the meat of the sole, so it was even banned from selling in some regions of Europe.

In order to benefit from the sole, you need to be interested in where it was imported from, pay attention to the appearance of the fish, if it is bought whole and fresh. She should have dense scales, an elastic body, red gills.

Those who are allergic to fish and fish products should be careful when trying sole. Fish is unhelpful for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, accompanied by increased acidity of gastric juice.

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