Calorie content of broccoli
It is a well-known fact that broccoli protects against cancer. However, not everyone knows that this amazing cabbage has many other equally valuable properties.
How many calories are in broccoli

The calorie content of broccoli is 34 kcal per 100 g of product. Moreover, it contains 2.8 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat and 7 g of carbohydrates. The amount of vegetable protein in broccoli is on par with rice and corn, while the calorie content of broccoli is half that of these products. Also, broccoli protein contains as many essential amino acids as chicken egg protein. The most valuable of these are methionine and choline.
Broccoli is rich in indigestible plant fibers - 2.6 g per 100 g, thanks to which it helps to normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and maintain normal body weight. In addition, it contains a unique complex of vitamins:
- Vitamin A, necessary for the processes of epithelial regeneration;
- Vitamin C, which is required for the elasticity of all body tissues;
- Folic acid, which is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis.
Sulforaphane and diindolylmethane have anti-carcinogenic activity and destroy cancer cells. In addition, sulforaphane is essential for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as it prevents vascular damage.
The low calorie content of broccoli is not the main advantage of the product. It is indicated in the diet of people with a predisposition to allergies, since it contains a large amount of isothiocyanates and kaempferol - special antiallergic and detoxifying substances that promote the elimination of metabolic products. In addition, it contains omega-3 fatty acids that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Broccoli contains a large amount of vitamin C. In addition to the low calorie content of broccoli, the product is rich in flavonoids, which are involved in the transformation of vitamin C in the body. Broccoli contains other antioxidants that belong to the carotenoid group.
The inclusion of broccoli in the diet is also necessary for the prevention of bone diseases, in particular, osteoporosis. The effect is achieved due to the large amount of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin K. Broccoli contains iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as substances that protect the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.
In general, this amazing cabbage slows down the aging process of the human body and restores dead cells. It is on its basis that scientific developments are being carried out to create an effective cure for cancer. Complexes of broccoli active substances damage the DNA of cancer cells without damaging healthy cells of the body.
Calorie content of broccoli and the rules for its preparation

The largest amount of nutrients is found in fresh - green, crispy and firm - broccoli. Broccoli can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week, while in the freezer it can be stored for up to six months.
In the process of cooking broccoli, it is important not to lose its valuable properties. It is most useful to divide it into tiny inflorescences and add it fresh to the salad. A mixture of olive oil and lemon juice can be an ideal dressing for this salad, as it hardly increases the number of calories in broccoli.
Heat treatment of broccoli should be minimal - no more than two minutes; it is wonderful boiled and baked, as well as steamed. The low calorie content of broccoli allows it to be included in delicious and healthy vegetable soups, stews and omelets.
The combination of broccoli and salmon in one meal is an example of synergy: the anti-cancer properties of foods are multiplied. Broccoli dishes help to maintain the normal acid-base balance of the body, preventing the development of many diseases. Broccoli pasta sauce, which includes olive oil and cashew nuts, is very popular in Italian cuisine.
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