Calorie Content Of Pies Depending On The Cooking Method

Calorie Content Of Pies Depending On The Cooking Method
Calorie Content Of Pies Depending On The Cooking Method

Calorie content of pies

Calorie content of a pie with cabbage, meat, cottage cheese and fruits
Calorie content of a pie with cabbage, meat, cottage cheese and fruits

Pie is a traditional Russian dish. In Russia, pies have been baked since ancient times. In his book, the traveler Adam Olearius first described what pies our ancestors baked, how they baked and served them. But antique pies had little in common with modern baked goods. Those who follow the figure need to know how many calories are in the pie.

Composition, types and calorie content of pies

Over the many centuries of the history of baking pies, a huge number of forms and recipes have accumulated, as well as ways of preparing and decorating this dish. The type of cake usually depends on the filling and dough used in the preparation process. There are pies made of puff, yeast or biscuit dough, closed and open, puff pies. The calorie content of the pie primarily depends on the dough and filling from which this dish is prepared. There are pies with meat, vegetable, mushroom, fruit and fruit filling.

Kulebyaki, pies, Siberian pie, sweet pie with jam, berries, cheesecakes are the most famous types of pie. For the inhabitants of America, apple pie has become a real symbol; in France, open pie (quiche) is extremely popular.

The calorie content of the pie and the composition of this dish depends on the composition of the original components. So, for the preparation of sweet pies, cinnamon, sugar and other confectionery products are necessarily used. The number of calories in a pie depends not only on the chemical composition of the flour and other ingredients, but also on how well the ingredients of this dish are selected, how they complement each other.

To find out how many calories are in a pie, you need to carefully study the recipe. The pie dough usually includes flour, butter, eggs. According to rough estimates, pies contain at least 1500 kcal. The calorie content of pies filled with fruit jams, preserves or meat will be very different from the calorie content of vegetable or fish dishes.

Due to their high calorie content, pies perfectly saturate the human body, give energy and strength. Some types of pies, for example, with jam or fruit preserves, with vegetables or fish, have a healthy vitamin and mineral composition. It is very useful to use pies with constant physical activity. However, frequent and uncontrolled eating of pies can lead to weight gain.

Calorie content of cabbage pie

According to nutritionists, cabbage pie is neither useful nor harmful to the figure in full. This delicious dish consists of cabbage filling and flour base. The calorie content of cabbage pie depends on the number of calories in the ingredients from which it is baked. As a rule, it contains white cabbage (28 kcal), milk (47 kcal), chicken eggs (157 kcal), flour (364 kcal) and baking powder (79 kcal). In general, the calorie content of cabbage pie usually does not exceed 340 kcal.

The number of calories in cabbage pie can be significantly reduced if you use low-fat milk, wholemeal durum wheat flour to prepare it. By the way, this dish contains many useful substances. It contains vitamins A, C, B, K, PP, folic and pantothenic acids, as well as sodium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium. There are many amino acids in cabbage. But because of the rather high calorie content, cabbage pie is best consumed in limited quantities.

Diet Pie Recipes

Diet pies - recipes and tastes
Diet pies - recipes and tastes

The recipes for diet pies include only natural products. So, to prepare an apple diet pie according to the recipe, you need to take 500 ml of low-fat kefir, 500 g of apples, four tablespoons of semolina and oatmeal, one egg, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon, a little lemon juice and soda for extinguishing, 200 grams of dried apricots soaked in the evening.

Grease a baking dish with olive oil, peel the apples and place on the bottom. Sprinkle the apple slices with cinnamon. Mix kefir with egg, add cereals and mix. Chop dried apricots finely and add to the dough. Pour the resulting mass over the apples, bake for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees. Due to the natural composition, the calorie content of the apple pie will be low.

Both children and adults will love the apple pie with cottage cheese. With a low calorie content, a pie with cottage cheese is good for the body. To prepare it, you need to take one glass of wholemeal flour or oat flour, two eggs, four whites, half a glass of milk (0%), half a tablespoon of fructose, a little salt, one teaspoon of soda, slaked with lemon juice. For the filling, you need 200 grams of cottage cheese, two tablespoons of yogurt, one tablespoon of raisins, two apples. All ingredients for the dough must be mixed in a deep bowl. Grease a baking sheet with butter, lay out the dough and let it stand for five to ten minutes. At this time, chop the apples into thin slices, mix the curd with yogurt and raisins. Put the cottage cheese on the dough, smooth out gently, put apple slices on top. Bake for 2-30 minutes at 180 degrees.

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