Oats (oatmeal) - Calorie Content, Useful Properties, Nutritional Value, Vitamins

Oats (oatmeal) - Calorie Content, Useful Properties, Nutritional Value, Vitamins
Oats (oatmeal) - Calorie Content, Useful Properties, Nutritional Value, Vitamins

Oats (oatmeal)

Oats are an annual crop belonging to the cereal family. The healing properties of oats are used in folk medicine, in homeopathy, making decoctions and infusions from it. Most often, ordinary oats are used for treatment. The plant is also recognized by official medicine, and alcohol tincture is produced from it, which is prescribed as a sedative.

The nutritional value Portion Oats (oatmeal) 100 g Amount per serving Calories 342 Calories from Fat 54.9 % Daily value * Total Fat 6.1 g 9% Saturate fats 1 g 5% Polyunsaturated. fats 2.49 g Monounsaturated. fat 2.02 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 35 mg 1% Potassium 362 mg 10% Total Carbohydrates 59.5g 20% Sugar 0.9 g Dietary fiber 8 g 32% Proteins 12.3 g 25% Vitamin B6 14% Niacin 6% Thiamine 33% Iron 22% Calcium 6% Magnesium 29% Phosphorus 35% Zinc 18% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product

Oats (oatmeal)
Oats (oatmeal)

Source: depositphotos.com How to burn 342 kcal?

Walking 86 minutes
Jogging 38 minutes
Swimming 29 minutes
A bike 49 minutes
Aerobics 68 minutes
Household chores 114 minutes

Useful properties of oats

Oats are used for treatment because it has a tonic property, helps with mental and physical fatigue, serves as a good prevention of thrombus formation, starts metabolism, stimulates cardiovascular activity and immunity, and improves digestion.

The diaphoretic and diuretic properties of oats are also known; it is used for insomnia and neurasthenia, atherosclerosis, jaundice, cholelithiasis, tuberculosis and other lung diseases, shortness of breath, bronchitis.

Treatment with oats is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - it envelops and does not irritate the intestinal mucosa of the stomach, therefore it is recommended for intestinal atony, ulcers, pancreatitis, flatulence, gastritis, colitis. The decoction made from oat flour helps with diarrhea and other digestive disorders.

Oatmeal, seasoned with oil, has a mild laxative effect, improves peristalsis and is extremely beneficial for the large intestine. A decoction of oats is given to children with diarrhea to strengthen the body.

Outwardly, oats are used to treat the skin of the face, body and head: they take it inside and make masks.

A decoction of unripe oats and of its green stems has an anti-inflammatory effect and therefore it is taken for inflammation of the joints of a rheumatic nature.

For weight loss, oats are effective due to the fact that it restores lipid metabolism, removes toxins. The calorie content of oats is 300 calories.

Oat treatment: recipes

For insomnia, edema caused by kidney disease, bedwetting, mental fatigue, gastrointestinal diseases, prepare such a decoction of oats: wash two glasses of unpeeled grains, pour 1000-1500 ml of boiling water or milk, boil for two minutes over low heat, after half an hour insist, filter, squeeze the oats. Drink the broth three r / day before meals (40 minutes), for two months. You can repeat this treatment with oats in a month, and conduct several such courses.

For those who quit smoking, suffer from diabetes, it is recommended to drink the following broth: 100 g of peeled oat grains are soaked for 4 hours in water with baking soda, boiled for no more than an hour on low heat. Drink a decoction three r / day 30 minutes before meals.

The following decoction helps to cure a dry cough: 100 g of oats and one medium-sized onion are boiled in a liter of water. Drink a spoonful of a tablespoon 4-5 r / day.

With an asthmatic cough, such an infusion helps: oat grains are crushed, poured with boiling water, kept in a warm place and drunk ½ cup 3-4 r / day.

As already noted, ready-made alcoholic tincture on oats is known as a good sedative, but you can prepare it yourself: pour oat grains in a ratio of 1:10 with vodka or wine alcohol.

For weight loss, oats can be used as a mono-diet product. For 7-10 days, you can only eat oat porridge. You can cook it either by boiling in water, or by steaming it with boiling water and insisting for at least 12 hours. If it is difficult to withstand such a regime, you can sometimes cook porridge in milk or add dried fruits to it. The diet allows you to lose up to five kilograms per week. It is noticed that after such a course of weight loss, the skin and intestinal function improve, toxins and cholesterol are removed.


Oats for weight loss can be used not only by diet. This recipe helps to cleanse, and at the same time to lose weight: oats in an amount of about one half-liter jar are washed well (at least two, three times in warm water), poured into an enamel bowl, and poured with 3 liters of water. Put the pan on high heat, close tightly. After the water starts to boil, the heat must be reduced and the oats must be boiled for about 3 hours. After such cooking, all oat grains should open, if this has not happened, you can boil them for another 5-7 minutes. When the grains have opened, the pan is removed, the broth is allowed to cool, poured into a clean container, and the remaining grains are turned through a meat grinder, squeezed, and the resulting liquid is added to the container with the main broth. In addition, you need to add a liter of clean boiled cooled water to the resulting broth and put the container with the broth in the refrigerator.

They drink such a broth from oats throughout the day in small sips in any quantity, but it should be borne in mind that the prepared broth should be enough for two days. It is desirable to drink the broth warm, therefore, it is heated in a water bath before use. The course of such a cleansing treatment with oats lasts about three months. The urine may turn red for 2-3 days, this is a normal reaction that will go away in a few days. On the 8-10th day, judging by the reviews, it is already clear how the detoxifying properties of oats are shown and slags come out.


Those who suffer from cardiovascular, renal failure, high acidity of the stomach, diseases of the gallbladder, liver, hypersensitivity to oats should take medicinal products from oats with caution.

Exceeding the optimal dosage of oat medicinal products can cause severe headaches.

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