Frog Legs - Useful Properties, Cooking, Calories, Vitamins

Frog Legs - Useful Properties, Cooking, Calories, Vitamins
Frog Legs - Useful Properties, Cooking, Calories, Vitamins

Frog legs

Frog legs are a popular delicacy in East Asia and Central Europe. Many dishes are made from them in Portugal, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, USA and the Caribbean islands. The frog legs taste like chicken meat, have a pleasant pulp and juicy taste.

The nutritional value Portion Frog feet 100 g Amount per serving Calories 73 Calories from Fat 2.7 % Daily value * Total Fat 0.3 g 0% Saturate fats 0.08 g 0% Polyunsaturated. fats 0.1 g Monounsaturated. fats 0.05 g Cholesterol 50 mg 17% Sodium 58 mg 2% Potassium 285 mg 8% Total Carbohydrates 0 g 0% Dietary fiber 0 g 0% Proteins 16.4 g 33% Vitamin A 6% Vitamin B6 6% Vitamin B12 7% Vitamin D 1% Niacin 6% Thiamine 9% Iron 8% Calcium 2% Magnesium 5% Phosphorus 15% Zinc 7% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

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Frog paws
Frog paws

Source: How to burn 73 kcal?

Walking 18 minutes
Jogging 8 minutes
Swimming 6 minutes
A bike 10 min.
Aerobics 15 minutes.
Household chores 24 minutes

Beneficial features

Frogs live only in clean water, so their meat is safe and environmentally friendly. Scientific research has shown that substances produced by frogs are effective in preventing malignant brain tumors and various types of cancer.

Frog legs contain a large amount of vitamins C, D and E, as well as nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. The frog skin contains a healing component, which is used in Japan, China and India to treat dental disease, dropsy, as well as to normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system and improve blood circulation.

In South America, the legs of a tree frog are used in cooking, which contain pain relieving and anti-inflammatory substances that are several times more effective than morphine.

In ancient Russia, frogs were placed in a vessel with kvass or milk to keep drinks fresh for a long time. Frog legs have bactericidal, decongestant and disinfectant properties.

Calorie content of frog legs

Frog legs are a low-calorie food and are suitable as an ingredient in diet menus. The calorie content of frog legs is 73 kcal, and they also contain 16 g of proteins and 0.3 g of fat.

Features of cooking frog legs

The taste and benefits of the dish for the human body depend on the correct preparation of frog legs. The upper part of the frog's leg is used for food, which has only one bone, like that of a chicken or other bird. Only edible frogs are used for food. For culinary purposes, frogs are grown on special farms in environmental conditions.

Delicious fricassee is obtained from frog legs, they well complement vegetables in batter and deep-fried. Frog legs can be baked in wheat flour or breadcrumbs with herbs and spices.

The methods for preparing frog legs are similar to making chicken wings or legs. Paws can be served with hot sauces based on spices, garlic and seasonings. They are soaked in a marinade of lemon juice, wine, or apple cider vinegar before cooking.

In China, frog legs are eaten both stewed and fried with spices. Before cooking, remove the bones from the legs and add the fillets to the zhou porridge. The stewing temperature is 200-220 degrees, and the dish is cooked for about 30 minutes.

In Europe, especially in Italy and France, frog legs are baked in a culinary sleeve with vegetables or stewed in a pan with spices. Delicious dishes are made from pasta, cereals and vegetables with the addition of frog legs.

In Thailand and Japan, exotic dishes from frogs and snakes are prepared, as well as hot seasonings and spices, thick sauces and gravies are added to them.

Fried frog legs
Fried frog legs


Frog legs are contraindicated for eating with individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions. Also, the paws are not recommended for people with severe diseases of the digestive system, disorders in the intestines and serious inflammatory processes.

Before consuming frog legs, make sure that the dish is prepared with fresh and organic meat of edible frogs and does not contain toxic poisons.

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