Camel Milk - Treatment, Benefits, Application

Camel Milk - Treatment, Benefits, Application
Camel Milk - Treatment, Benefits, Application

Camel milk

Camel milk is a traditional drink of Central Asia
Camel milk is a traditional drink of Central Asia

Camel milk is traditionally drunk in the countries of Central Asia and the UAE. There it is an everyday product for preparing various dishes, as well as an independent drink. Most often, all kinds of cheeses, delicious ice cream, and traditional fermented milk drinks are produced from such milk. Such drinks as shubat and kumis are especially popular among Kazakh nomads. They prepare them by adding fermented milk sourdough to fresh camel milk. The mixture is in a leather bag in a warm place for 1 to 3 days, after which the healing and tasty drink is ready.

Camel milk contains antibacterial substances that help keep milk fresh, even in hot weather. The bactericidal properties of milk prevent the reproduction of pathogens in it.

In appearance and taste, camel milk practically does not differ from cow's milk, it is white, with a sweetish and slightly salty taste, the intensity of which is determined by the animal's food and the quality of the water. Milk contains a fairly large amount of sodium in its composition, therefore it quenches thirst very well in hot living conditions.

In Switzerland, camel milk is used in the manufacture of rare gourmet chocolates and sweets. This chocolate has an interesting and unusual salty taste.

The benefits of camel milk

Camel milk is an important source of animal protein and fat for the inhabitants of desert regions. It contains a number of important trace elements - calcium, zinc, cobalt, iron, potassium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C and group B. Calcium and phosphorus strengthen bones and teeth, iron prevents anemia, zinc and cobalt are part of vital cellular enzymes of the body. Camel milk strengthens the immune system and overall health.

Camel milk contains more sodium than cow's milk, 10 times more iron and vitamin C. Camel milk also has a lower fat content than cow's milk, and its fats contain a significant proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. A smaller amount of milk sugar - lactase - allows you to include this product in the diet of people with lactase deficiency, which is quite common in the adult population.

Camel milk treatment

Camel milk - a cure for gastrointestinal diseases
Camel milk - a cure for gastrointestinal diseases

The use of camel milk for cancer and leukemia has a scientific basis. So, at the Cancer Institute in Baghdad, experiments were carried out to study the composition of this milk and an active substance was isolated that cleanses the body of compounds that provoke the occurrence of cancer. The fact is that camels have a very developed immune system; it fights not only with external infectious agents and foreign substances, but also with the aggression of the body against itself. The use of camel milk for cancer has already proven its effectiveness in clinical practice.

For a long time, fermented milk products based on camel milk have been used to treat tuberculosis and other diseases that deplete the body, and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment with camel milk is effective for lesions of the pancreas, liver, intestines.

In the case of chronic gastritis, camel milk helps to stop the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane and normalizes the acidity of gastric juice. Especially valuable in this regard is the fresh milk of camels, which is taken in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals in the amount of 200 ml, and also 1 - 2 times during the day. In order for the treatment with camel milk to be more effective, a gentle diet should be followed during the course of its intake.

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