Mediastinotomy - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Mediastinotomy - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Mediastinotomy - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Mediastinotomy (mediastynotomia; Latin mediastinum - mediastinum, from mediastinus - located in the middle + Greek tome - dissection, incision) - a surgical operation to open the mediastinum; it is used as an access for operations on the aorta, heart, esophagus, for cysts, tumors or abscesses of the mediastinum.

Types of mediastinotomy:

  • transdiaphragmatic (transdiaphragmatica) - produced by cutting the diaphragm from the abdominal cavity after laparotomy (incision of the abdominal wall) or extraperitoneally below the xiphoid process through the midline incision of the abdominal wall;
  • transpleural (transpleuralis) - carried out through the pleural cavity after thoracotomy (opening the chest through the chest wall);
  • trans-sternal (transsternalis; Latin trans - through + anatomical sternum - sternum) - produced by partial or complete dissection of the sternum;
  • trans-sternal transverse (transsternalis transversa) - carried out using a transverse dissection of the sternum and opening both pleural cavities;
  • transsternal longitudinal (transsternalis longitudinalis) - produced by longitudinal dissection of the sternum;
  • transcervical (transcervicalis; synonyms: suprasternal mediastinotomy, transseral mediastinotomy) - mediastinotomy of the anterior mediastinum, carried out using an incision in the jugular fossa;
  • extrapleural (extrapleuralis) - carried out without opening the pleural cavity;
  • extrapleural posterior (extrapleuralis posterior; synonym: Nasilova mediastinotomy) - extrapleural opening of the posterior mediastinum, in which the four upper ribs are resected in the posterior sections to the left of the transverse processes of the vertebrae to the costal angles; used primarily as access to the thoracic esophagus.

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