Treatment of diseases of office workers with the help of the Kandadzia apparatus
The number of employees engaged in office work has increased markedly. This trend is especially characteristic of large cities. Office work attracts men and women with comfortable working conditions and a prestigious status in society.

However, a sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to health. In the medical field, a new term has even appeared - "occupational diseases of office workers", from which approximately 35% of people engaged in mental work suffer.
The most common white collar ailments
- Dry eye syndrome;
- Computer varicose veins;
- Scoliosis;
- Osteochondrosis;
- Constant pain in the back and abdominal organs;
- Paruresis, neophobia;
- Thrombosis, hemorrhoids;
- Chronic fatigue;
- Wrist syndrome;
- Sensitivity to electromagnetic fields.
Among all diseases, the overwhelming majority are spinal disorders. Even minor back pain can cause more serious illnesses. Not everyone has the time, energy and money to regularly visit the massage parlor and gym. However, not in all cases sports can help.
Very often, when the first back pain appears, a person begins to play sports with special efforts. However, excessive physical activity after prolonged work at the computer can provoke abrasion of the articular surfaces of the intervertebral discs. This does not mean at all that with the onset of osteochondrosis, sports activities are contraindicated. A specialist should select exercises, and the level of load should be increased gradually.
Prevention and treatment of back pain with the Kandadzia device
The Kandadzia apparatus will help prevent and eliminate degenerative changes in bone and cartilage tissue against a background of low mobility. To test the healing effect on yourself, you can sign up for a free session.

You can get detailed information if you call the phone number listed on the official website. To do this, you need to indicate your data, phone number and e-mail address, to which you will receive a detailed description of the device with all the recommendations for use.
The spine should be kept in good shape. He is the core of the body and the main part of the axial skeleton. In advanced cases, when serious treatment is required, people try a variety of drugs and treatments. Unfortunately, not many of them really help. In the best case, the pain subsides for a while and then comes back again.
Using the Kandadja apparatus to maintain the health of the spine and joints, you may not feel back pain for the rest of your life, remaining a healthy person. For prevention, you should follow the rules of the position of the spine in a sitting position, standing, while sleeping, and especially when lifting and carrying weights.
The relationship between diseases of the spine and pelvic organs
The health of the lumbosacrococcygeal spine affects the functioning of the abdominal organs of the small pelvis. Inflammatory diseases and degeneration of the spine lead to dysfunction of the bladder, rectum, intestines, provoking the development of pathological processes in these organs.
A particular danger for the exacerbation of diseases of the internal organs of the small pelvis with already existing diseases of the spine are heavy loads and work associated with a forced position of the body. Poor outflow of blood and compression of internal organs leads to exacerbations of various kinds. Using the Kandadzia apparatus will help increase the motor load on the muscles of the legs, abdominals and back.
Features and uniqueness of the Kandadja apparatus
- It has no contraindications and is suitable for people of any age, including children.
- The term of uninterrupted operation is over 10 years.
- Has a patented electrostimulation technology.
- The device is widely used in medical centers.
- When used at home, the procedure takes an average of 25 minutes per day.
The Kandadzia apparatus has unique capabilities: the effect of acupuncture and acupressure, stimulation of the reflex zones of the feet and hands.

Interesting Facts
- The unique apparatus was manufactured using a secret technology by the Chinese state corporation at Tsinghua University on the basis of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- All products manufactured by the Kandadzia Corporation, which employs more than 100 leading world scientists and specialists in the field of medicine, electronic engineering, dietetics, bioengineering, undergo mandatory international monitoring of ecology and safety of life.
- The unique massager has a certificate of the international quality system ISO 9000 and is recommended by the Russian Ministry of Health for the prevention and treatment of the musculoskeletal system.
- The Kandadzia apparatus has no analogues in the whole world. Can be used individually or in health care facilities.
The principle of operation of the Kandadzia apparatus
Unlike sports simulators, on which a person must perform specific movements, the Kandadzia apparatus does not require physical exertion. After 10 minutes in a standing position, the human body is saturated with oxygen. At the same time, the blood circulation rate corresponds to an effect comparable to a five-kilometer run.
The device maintains the health of the spine in the following way: by stimulating the reflex zones, biological information is transmitted to the nervous system, which transmits signals to the corresponding organs. This improves the patency of the channels, awakens the potential forces of the body. Certain reactions energize the body, and diseases recede.
Contraindications for use:
- infectious diseases;
- acute poisoning, including alcohol;
- drug intoxication;
- an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees;
- pregnancy, menstruation, various bleeding and hemorrhage;
- chronic myocardial infarction;
- the presence of an artificial heart valve;
- renal and heart failure;
- tuberculosis, cancer.
Do not use the device after a hearty meal with alcoholic beverages. Refrain from the procedure if you are very tired and after prolonged bathing.
After undergoing surgery, you should not use the device for six months. After surgery related to bone fractures using metal pins and plates, the device must not be used for 3 years.
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