Sinusitis: symptoms and timely treatment to avoid dire consequences
The content of the article:
- What is sinusitis?
- Possible reasons
- Disease symptoms
- Complications and consequences
- How to treat sinusitis and avoid dire consequences?
- Sinuforte drug
- Method of administration and dosage
- What can not be done with sinusitis?
- Preventive actions
Most people do not attach much importance to such a symptom as the flow of fluid from the nose. A common runny nose does not cause concern, even if it is accompanied by an increased body temperature. This is in vain. In the absence of timely treatment, this can lead to the development of sinusitis.
Such a disease is fraught with terrible complications if measures are not taken in time. Treatment of sinusitis should be started when the first symptoms appear. Only in this case it is possible to avoid dire consequences and forget about this disease forever. Let's consider in more detail about the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis.

What is sinusitis?
Sinusitis is the development of an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses or the development of an inflammatory process in the sinuses. This disease can be acute or chronic. If you immediately start treatment of primary sinusitis (acute form) and follow preventive measures in the future, you can forget about it forever. If the disease is "started" - it is fraught with the chronicization of the pathological process. In this case, with the slightest hypothermia or a banal cold, the disease will come back again and again.
Possible reasons
The paranasal sinuses are connected to the nasal cavity through minimal openings.
If the holes are clogged with mucus, this leads to a violation of the ventilation of the sinuses, which is fraught with the active accumulation and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. This factor causes inflammation. Most often, the causative agents of the disease are streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, Haemophilus influenzae, fungi or viruses.
Consider a number of provoking factors that increase the risk of disease:
- Ignoring acute respiratory diseases, accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion. As a rule, it is this factor that most often provokes the development of the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses.
- Reduced immunity and body defenses. If, for some reason, a person has a reduced immunity, the risk of the disease increases by 3-4 times. This is due to the fact that the body cannot cope with pathogenic microflora. Consequently, it is much easier for viruses, infections or fungi to localize and multiply in the body.
- The risk of the disease is significantly increased in those who have an abnormal structure of the nose: curvature of the nasal septum, enlargement of the turbinate, congenital narrowness of the nasal passages.
- In some cases, the cause of sinusitis is dental diseases (for example, advanced caries of the upper teeth) or surgical interventions (dental implantation, extraction of a complex tooth, bone augmentation, etc.).
Disease symptoms
Symptoms of sinusitis are quite varied. As a rule, the disease begins very abruptly. In general, alarming signs with sinusitis are observed within 10-14 days.
- Symptoms of sinusitis at the initial stage can proceed in different ways, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the form of the disease, etc. The very first symptom of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is pain in the area of the nose of a bursting nature. They increase significantly in the evening or when lowering the head down.
- The nose is constantly stuffy. The patient may experience congestion of both nasal passages at once or alternately, then left, then right.
- A change in voice is observed, it becomes hoarse, nasal.
- A runny nose is constantly worried, mucus from the nose can have a different shade and consistency. Most often it is yellowish or greenish mucus with an unpleasant odor. With advanced pathology, this symptom may not be present, in which case the nose is heavily stuffy.
- The acute form of the disease is accompanied by a high temperature - from 38 degrees and above. Please note that this symptom is characteristic only for the acute form of the disease. In chronic sinusitis, symptoms in adults proceed without fever, treatment is prescribed on an individual basis.
- There is a recurrent headache in the forehead area, which can increase with physical exertion or even with banal walking.
- There is increased fatigue, loss of strength, drowsiness.
At the initial stage of development, it is difficult to recognize that we are talking about sinus inflammation. This pathology has different forms and manifests itself in different ways. For some, the disease is latent - that is, it proceeds without “snot”. Better not to self-diagnose and see a doctor.
Complications and consequences
If you do not start treating the disease in time, this can lead to irreversible consequences. Some complications are life-threatening and fatal. The danger of the pathological process also lies in the fact that it is not easy to suspect complications against the background of the underlying disease.
- Complication in the eyes. The maxillary sinus is very closely bordered by the eye socket. In the absence of timely treatment of sinusitis, negative consequences for the eyes are possible. The most harmless consequence is inflammation of the eyelids. But there are also more dangerous complications, for example, phlegmon of the orbit. This disease often leads to complete blindness.
- Complication in the ears. Ears, throat and nose are connected, almost everyone knows about this. One of the complications of sinusitis is otitis media. This disease can lead to hearing loss, hearing loss and other troubles.
- Brain damage. The most dangerous consequence is brain damage, because the cavity with purulent contents is not so far from it. In case of complications, there is a possibility of developing meningitis, encephalitis, or abscess.
If you are faced with a diagnosis such as sinusitis, make every effort to effectively cure this disease. In case of improper or untimely treatment, sinus inflammation can become chronic. In this case, with the slightest ARVI or ARI, you will be worried about the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Moreover, gradually the body will stop responding to antibiotics, in which case the treatment of sinusitis at home will be ineffective, it will not be easy to cure the disease in the future.
How to treat sinusitis and avoid dire consequences?
Treatment of sinusitis in adults at home is quite possible, but you must first visit a doctor. The doctor will prescribe the necessary types of diagnostics and select an effective treatment. If you want to know about the methods of treating sinusitis, you need to start taking measures at the first symptoms of the pathological process!
Consider how sinusitis is treated with medication:
- If we are talking about a purulent course of the disease, treatment is carried out with antibiotics, more often cephalosporins of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed.
- Anti-inflammatory therapy is indicated. Sometimes your doctor may prescribe antihistamines to relieve swelling.
- Daily rinsing of the nose with saline solutions or ready-made medications is mandatory.
- Vasoconstrictor nasal drops, which facilitate breathing.
- At elevated body temperature, antipyretic drugs are prescribed.
- In advanced cases, hormone therapy may be required, usually corticosteroids are prescribed.
What medicines to treat sinusitis in adults will be told by the attending physician (ENT), depending on the form of the disease and its severity. Additionally, various physiotherapy procedures, inhalations, etc. can be prescribed. It is also recommended to use nasal sprays or drops, which help to dilute and remove secretions in the sinuses. With sinusitis, the drug Sinuforte copes with this task perfectly.
Sinuforte drug
Sinuforte is a herbal preparation in the form of a spray intended for nasal use. The active ingredient of this drug is a lyophilisate of juice and extract of European cyclamen tubers. The medicine acts in a complex way and solves several problems at once:
- Thins the accumulated mucus in the sinuses.
- Promotes the elimination of mucus naturally.
- It makes breathing easier.
Due to the complex treatment, Sinuforte can be used as monotherapy, but this is permissible only at the initial stage of sinusitis. In any case, you must first consult a doctor. The package contains two small containers, one contains the active substance, the second contains water for injection.

Preparation of the solution is not difficult, in the official instructions for the drug it is detailed in the picture how to do it correctly. Sinuforte spray can be treated not only for adults, but also for children from 5 years old. The drug is unique - it can be used both for mild and prolonged sinusitis.
Method of administration and dosage
Depending on the severity of the illness, Sinuforte can be used every day or every other day. With daily use, 6-8 days of treatment is sufficient. If you apply the spray every other day, the course of therapy is 12-16 days. When using the drug for the first time, make the first 2-3 puffs into the air. Then - one press in each nostril once a day.
What can not be done with sinusitis?
Sinusitis is a complex disease that requires special vigilance. Some moments can only aggravate the course of the disease. Consider several factors that cannot be exercised with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses:
- Modern treatment of sinusitis is a drug therapy with drugs of a new generation. Do not try to self-medicate, traditional medicine methods are ineffective and can only worsen your well-being.
- Do not warm the nose area under any circumstances! This will only aggravate the course of the disease and can provoke complications.
- It is impossible to independently increase the dosage of one or another medication. If there is no positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease for more than two weeks, try visiting another doctor who will explain how to treat persistent sinusitis and prescribe the necessary treatment.
- Do not trust folk recipes without consulting a doctor. It is highly not recommended to drip various oils into the nose. This can only make it difficult for mucus to escape.
- You can not drink alcoholic drinks, it is advisable to quit smoking.
- Avoid strenuous physical activity. you cannot run, jump, go to training, play sports, etc. until complete recovery.
- It is forbidden to bask in the baths or saunas, and it is also not recommended to visit the pool.
- Avoid sudden changes in temperature and drafts.
Preventive actions
To avoid relapse in the future, try to follow a few simple guidelines:
- Improve immunity in any way you can.
- Eat a balanced diet to avoid deficiencies in beneficial vitamins and minerals in your body.
- If a runny nose appears, immediately begin to be treated.
- Avoid hypothermia.
- In winter, drink multivitamin complexes.
- Dress for the weather, wear a hat in the cold season.
- Treat your teeth in a timely manner.
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