Weight Loss Fitness Lessons
One of the points of a healthy lifestyle, which more and more people in different countries adhere to, is taking care of physical fitness. In this regard, fitness workouts for weight loss are gaining immense popularity, and in order to achieve results, it is not necessary to visit gyms.

Many fitness lessons for weight loss do not require special equipment, so it is not difficult to organize classes at home. All you may need is dumbbells and the desire to lose weight.
Weight Loss Fitness Lessons: The Right Schedule
Fitness for quick weight loss is best done 2 times a week. After three months of regular training, you can switch to three sessions a day. It is not worth doing more than four workouts a week, since frequent, and especially daily, exercises will not bring the desired result. This is due to the fact that the body can be overworked, and when there is no regular and timely rest, fats are not burned.
Each lesson of a fitness program at home should begin with a warm-up and end with stretching exercises. The duration of the workout is from 40 minutes to one hour. The number of repetitions of one exercise is at least 15 times.
Slimming Fitness Lessons: Flat Belly
Six effective abdominal exercises will help you get a beautiful and flat stomach in a short time:
- Fitness exercise for the abdomen # 1: lie on your back, fold your arms behind your head, bend your legs slightly at the knees. It is necessary to tighten the abdominal muscles while lifting your head and shoulders. Then, without lifting your lower back from the floor and without bending your back, you need to stretch your chin up. Repeat 20 times;
- Twisting to the right: lie on your back, put your left hand behind your head, and bend your right hand at the elbow and put it on your stomach, while bending your legs slightly at the knees. Then it is necessary to tighten the abdominal muscles, and raise the left shoulder and head from the surface, trying to reach with the left elbow to the right knee. Run 20 times;
- Twisting to the left: lie on your back, put your right hand behind your head, and bend your left hand at the elbow and put it on your stomach, bend your legs slightly at the knees. While straining the abdominal muscles, it is necessary to raise the right shoulder and head, trying to reach with the right elbow to the left knee. Run 20 times;
- Bicycle: This abdominal fitness exercise is also performed while lying on the floor with your arms behind your head. It is necessary to bend your knees and raise them in such a way that a right angle forms between the torso and hips. Then you should perform with your feet actions similar to riding a bicycle, while alternately reaching with your right elbow to the left knee and the left elbow to the right knee. Run 20 times in each direction;
- Reverse twisting: lie on the floor, bend your knees and lift them at right angles to your torso. The position of the hands is behind the head. Then you need to make spring twists, trying to reach your knees to the head. The body must be constantly held in a twisted position. Run 20 times;
- Lifting the body is the sixth exercise fitness workout for losing weight on the abdomen. Lie on the floor, stretch your legs, hold the heels together, and pull the socks towards you. Put your hands in the lock behind your head. Next, you should raise your shoulders, arms and head off the floor, reaching a 45-degree angle with your body. Run 20 times.
Slimming Fitness Lessons: Hips & Buttocks
- Squats are in the first place on the list of fitness exercises for the buttocks, but in order to achieve results, you need to be able to perform them correctly. It is better to squat in front of a mirror, as your own reflection helps to control the process. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart and a straight back. Then, having fixed the body in its original position, it is necessary to perform a squat so that the thighs become parallel to the floor. For more load on the buttocks, you can spread your legs wider. Perform three approaches 20 times;
- Jerking is the second most effective glute fitness exercise. The starting position is on your knees with an emphasis on your hands. Then you need to bend your knees and pull them up to your chest. After that, you should straighten your leg and slightly lift it up behind your back. When performing the exercise, you need to make sure that the back sags as little as possible. To increase the load, it is recommended to use ankle weights. Perform three approaches 20 times;
- Lunges are the third exercise for slimming the hips and buttocks. They should be done backwards to tighten problem areas. Thanks to the lunge, the buttocks acquire the correct rounded shape. Perform three approaches 20 times.
Weight Loss Fitness Lessons: Arm Muscles
The following exercises at home fitness programs are designed for the muscles of the arms, which should not be forgotten in an effort to make other parts of the body beautiful:
- Exercise with dumbbells in a standing position - take the dumbbells in your hands and stand straight, palms facing the body. You need to bend forward, and then unbend and bend your arms. Keep your elbows close to your waist. Run 10 times;
- Exercise with dumbbells in a prone position - lie on your stomach, stretch your arms with dumbbells along the body, then raise your arms up. When performing this exercise, fitness workout for weight loss, you must ensure that your arms do not deviate to the sides. Run 10 times;
- Push-ups from the chair - squat down facing the chair, put your hands on the seat and push up. Repeat 5 times;
- Push-ups from the floor - get on all fours, hands shoulder-width apart, push up, touching the body with your hands at the lowest point. Run 5 times;
- Push-ups from the wall - stand facing the wall a step away from it, rest your hands at chest level and perform a push-up. Make sure that the body remains straight and that the heels do not come off the floor. Repeat 5 times.

Weight Loss Fitness Lessons: Leg Exercises
The final fitness lesson for fast weight loss is devoted to exercises for the muscles of the legs:
- Swing your legs - lie on your back, rest on your elbows. Raise your legs 10 cm from the floor and perform wide leg swings. The pace of the exercise should be fast enough, legs can be crossed. Complete 15 times;
- Scissors - starting position is the same as when swinging legs. It is necessary to stretch your arms forward and fasten your fingers in a lock. With legs raised 10 cm from the floor, perform the "scissors" movement, gradually increasing the speed of the exercise. Repeat 15 times;
- Scissors on your stomach - lie on your stomach, hands behind your head. Smoothly bend the spine - the spinal muscles will tense at the same time. Then you need to raise your head and shoulders, draw in your buttocks and raise your legs to perform the scissor movement. Run 15 times.
To achieve success while exercising at home, a fitness program must be comprehensive and affect all muscle groups, because the human body cannot selectively lose weight only in certain parts of the body - kilograms leave evenly from all problem areas. The results obtained from fitness lessons for weight loss must be consolidated with a proper healthy diet or a balanced diet.
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