Thermotherapy - Reviews, Contraindications, Indications

Thermotherapy - Reviews, Contraindications, Indications
Thermotherapy - Reviews, Contraindications, Indications


Thermotherapy - any thermal treatments
Thermotherapy - any thermal treatments

Thermotherapy is a combination of cosmetic and physiotherapeutic methods that use the heat of artificial and natural sources.

Thermotherapy (thermae - heat or heat; therapia - treatment) is understood as any thermal procedures - therapeutic mud, warming compresses, heated salt, baths and saunas.

In cosmetology, thermotherapy (exposure to "deep heat") is usually called a deep infrared heating procedure. It is most widely used against excessive fat deposition in the "problem areas" of the body, as well as a way to get rid of cellulite.

The basis of thermotherapy is the heating of parts of the body with special sources of infrared radiation. Thermal infrared radiation causes the blood vessels and lymph vessels to dilate, which improves blood circulation in many internal organs, including the liver. This leads to the activation of metabolism and high-quality saturation of the body with oxygen and nutrients.

Heat rays can penetrate to a depth of 4 cm. This allows you to noticeably reduce the volume of the waist and hips after the first sessions. It is this deep penetration of heat that distinguishes thermotherapy from a sauna.

Thermotherapy, according to reviews, can be attributed to relaxing and very pleasant procedures. It gives a surge of vivacity, a feeling of lightness in the legs and improves mood.

Typically, thermotherapy, performed for cosmetic purposes, lasts no more than 45 minutes, including the time to prepare for the procedure. According to reviews, this thermal procedure has a lasting effect with at least 10 courses.

Alternative thermotherapy methods are the combination of pressotherapy with infrared sauna and LPG with liposuction.

The effect of thermotherapy, according to reviews, is stronger when combined with special creams, for example:

  • Lines "Algotherm" (thermoactive gel for body shaping, concentrate for weight loss Pulpe Aktiv, cream gel for weight loss rejuvenating);
  • Lines "Esthederm" (slimming cream Multisible, anti-water drainage serum, lipolytic anti-fat serum).

Indications for thermotherapy

Thermotherapy is indicated for:

  • Body shaping;
  • Postpartum recovery;
  • Improvement and restoration of the lymphatic drainage function of the body;
  • Fight cellulite and excess weight;
  • Improving blood circulation;
  • Conducting preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation;
  • Normalization of muscle tone and reduction of muscle tension;
  • Restoration of the body's immunity, relaxation and reduction of emotional stress.

How thermotherapy is carried out

Thermotherapy is one of the most effective ways of body shaping
Thermotherapy is one of the most effective ways of body shaping

For thermotherapy, a special disposable polyethylene suit is used, equipped with the sensors for infrared heating necessary for monitoring, which is worn on the lower body (feet, buttocks, legs, abdomen). On top of it, a pressotherapy suit is put on, which is necessary for injecting air, which creates a wave-like pressure from the bottom up.

Thus, there is a combination of a thermal effect that provides vasodilation, which leads to increased blood flow and acceleration of metabolic processes in the skin with a mechanical effect that has a lymphatic drainage effect, which improves tissue tone and promotes the elimination of cellulite.

The effect of thermotherapy

According to reviews, thermotherapy is effective and in a short time:

  • Reduces adipose tissue in problem areas, which leads to a decrease in volume;
  • Eliminates edema and cellulite;
  • Improves digestion and reduces appetite;
  • Activates metabolism, removal of toxins and toxins;
  • Increases muscle tone;
  • Eliminates stretch marks after pregnancy or weight loss;
  • Restores skin elasticity and firmness;
  • Improves sleep and general well-being;
  • Reduces pain in sciatica, arthrosis, overwork;
  • Strengthens muscles;
  • Forms a harmonious body contour.

Benefits of thermotherapy

Compared to other thermal procedures, thermotherapy has a number of advantages, among which are:

  • Harmlessness of use (in the absence of clinical contraindications);
  • Purposefulness of impact on problem areas of the body;
  • Possibility of combined use with creams and body masks;
  • The comfort of the procedure.

Contraindications to thermotherapy

Contraindications to thermotherapy are:

  • Hemophilia, blood diseases;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Narrowing of the urethra;
  • Presence of stones in the prostate;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Acute prostatitis or chronic exacerbation;
  • Purulent processes in the uterine cavity, ovaries or fallopian tubes;
  • Hyperthermia and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Active prostate tuberculosis;
  • Skin diseases, open skin lesions, inflammation;
  • Metabolic diseases;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Inflammation of the rectum;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • Tumors of the mammary glands, uterine fibroids;
  • Severe cases of venous or lymphatic disorders;
  • Rectal surgery in the past.

Also, a contraindication to thermotherapy is the presence of pacemakers, prostheses, metal rods, artificial joints and other surgical implants (except for those made of silicone).

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