Calorie content of currant

Currant is the most valuable berry shrub and can bear fruit for a very long time - up to 20 years. People in ancient times appreciated all its useful qualities and properties, and therefore, since the 16th century, currant bushes began to be planted directly next to residential buildings. But until that time, it could be found in places of high humidity: on the banks of rivers and streams, swamps and flooded meadows. It is still found in the wild, but has very small fruits, while in garden currants the berries reach a size of 1 cm.
The refreshing taste, exquisite aroma and low calorie content of currants have made this berry one of the most beloved for many people.
Currant composition
100 g of black currant contains four times more vitamin C than an orange. It is an excellent source of fructose, glucose and various organic acids. But at the same time, the calorie content of currants is not high. Another main advantage of currants is the presence of a rare fatty acid Omega-6.
Ripe currant fruits contain B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), E and D. The composition also includes calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium.
There are various varieties of currants, differing from each other in color and taste of berries. The most popular is black currant.
Calorie content of currant
Black, red and white currants do not differ much in terms of energy value. The calorie content of currants is 46 kcal for every hundred grams of ripe berries. The calorie content of currants in a large glass (250 ml) is 68 kcal. The calorie content of red currants in a glass containing 200 ml is 55 kcal.
Fresh currants have especially useful properties. It is enough to eat 20-30 berries a day and the daily requirement for ascorbic acid will be fully replenished. At the same time, the calorie content of black currant is small, which will not allow you to gain excess weight.
Currants can be frozen to prepare compotes in winter, or to be consumed thawed. It is also used to prepare juices, jams, fruit drinks, compotes and jellies. Moreover, the calorie content of black currant may increase due to the use of sugar. So, for example, the calorie content of currant jam is more than 240 kcal for every 100 grams of product.
Red and black currants calorie content and useful properties
Not only fruits, but also leaves, as well as currant branches have unique beneficial properties:
- Currant fruits have diuretic, vasodilating and blood-purifying properties;
- Carotene activates cell metabolism and protects mucous membranes well;
- The low calorie content of currants makes it possible to widely use this berry in medical nutrition for obesity;
- Rutin, which is part of the composition, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, they become strong and elastic;
- Vitamins B3 and B5 make hair shiny and silky;
- Iron and calcium are actively involved in blood formation;
- Manganese and potassium are beneficial for good heart function.
Thus, the rich content of vitamins and low calorie content of currants make this berry a truly unique food product.
Calorie content of currants: using berries as a means of weight loss
With regular consumption of currant fruits, the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines are eliminated, the liver is unloaded, the separation of bile is stimulated, and the metabolism is normalized.
The calorie content of currants is small, and therefore it is used to solve the problem of excess weight.
Approximate menu for a day for weight loss, taking into account the calorie content of currants
- Breakfast: oatmeal and 250-300 g of currants;
- 2 breakfast: a glass of currant juice or fruit drink;
- Lunch: boiled meat (200 g) and stewed vegetables;
- Dinner: vegetable salad and a glass of currant juice.
The use of currants in medicine
Due to the large amount of ascorbic acid, currant is a leader in the treatment of colds. However, if you have a tendency to be overweight, then remember about the high calorie content of currant jam. Instead, eat fresh or frozen berries without sugar.

Currant copes well with vitamin deficiencies, constipation, suppresses nausea, and normalizes good bowel function. Also, currants are an excellent diuretic.
Sticking to various low-calorie diets, people usually experience hunger, which can be eliminated so easily with a handful of these wonderful berries. And the low calorie content of currants will not allow extra pounds to appear.
With high blood pressure, a decoction from the leaves of the plant helps. Tea from currant sprigs relieves headaches. It is included in the composition of medical fees for the prevention and treatment of oncology and allergies.
Currant juice is an excellent tool for the prevention of such formidable diseases as heart attack and thrombosis. Also, red currant juice lowers the temperature well and has a diaphoretic property, helps with food poisoning. And given the low calorie content of red currant, juice from it can be safely recommended even to those people who have problems with excess weight.
The use of currants is categorically contraindicated for people with high acidity of the stomach, ulcers, gastritis and hepatitis.
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